Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Things You Need to Know About Directory Submissions | Website ...

In a world where we can access information almost instantly, some online business owners have a hard time understanding that search engine optimization (SEO) tasks can often be time-consuming and tedious. One of the most productive SEO tactics is directory submission. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most time-consuming. If you?re considering using directory submission as part of your overall online marketing strategy, here are five things you need to know.

1. How Directory Submissions Work:

Web directories, at their most basic level, are nothing more than lists of websites broken down by category. As a business owner interested in submitting your site to a directory, you should be aware that most directories offer both paid and free listings. There are two great reasons to use directories. The first is that most directories boast a fairly high PageRank, causing search engines to place great value on links from directories. The second is that links from directories are considered one-way links, and search engines place higher value on one-way links than on reciprocal links. Directory links remain available for a long time, so the traffic that directories drive to your site is self-sustaining.

2. How to Submit Your Site

As a business owner, you can choose to submit your site either manually or automatically. While it?s possible to submit your site to a staggering number of directories in a short amount of time using submission software, you can also submit to a respectable number of sites manually. If you set aside time each day to add your URL to ten directories, then it will only take a month for you to achieve listings in 300 directories. Not bad!

3. Manual Submission

The drawback to manual submission is that it is extremely time-consuming. Each directory has its own submission guidelines, so each time you submit your site, you have to familiarize yourself with a new set of regulations and fill out a new form.

4. Automatic Submissions

But while manual submission is tedious and cumbersome, automatic submission software presents a whole new set of problems. Each directory is managed by a human, and that human reviews every submission that comes through. If your automatic submission software doesn?t take into account the unique submission guidelines of each directory, which is almost always the case, then your submission will most likely be rejected. Not only that, if your flaunting of the guidelines is too egregious, some search engines will actually ban your site.

5. How to Be Successful

Directory submission is a volume game. The more sites to which you submit your site, the more likely you are to get your submissions accepted by directory managers. So the decision is yours. If you find reputable software that can keep up with the submission guidelines of each directory, then you may want to consider doing that. You can also maintain control of your submissions by doing them yourself manually.

If you?re just starting out in the world of SEO and directory submissions, you may find it helpful to consult with an SEO expert or internet marketing professional. These individuals can help you create your overall internet marketing strategy, and can help you determine how directory submissions can play a role in driving traffic to your site and increasing your search engine ranking. An internet marketing expert can help you choose which directories are worth your time and which are not. This includes helping you identify niche directories that can create a large amount of targeted traffic to your site.

Finally, an internet marketing professional can help you decide whether manual or automatic submissions are right for you. Either way, directory submissions are a great way to increase traffic to your site and build your business!

About the Author

Seomul Evans is a senior search engine optimization services consultant with ?SEO 1 Services?. Submit Url at add url cafe. Read more online marketing articles here.

Source: http://www.webidmarketing.com/2012/08/5-Things-You-Need-to-Know-About-Directory-Submissions/

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