Friday, August 31, 2012

NASA's GRAIL moon twins begin extended mission science

ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2012) ? NASA's twin, lunar-orbiting Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft began data collection for the start of the mission's extended operations.

At 9:28 a.m. PDT (12:28 p.m. EDT) yesterday, while the two spacecraft were 19 miles (30 kilometers) above the moon's Ocean of Storms, the Lunar Gravity Ranging System -- the mission's sole science instrument aboard both GRAIL twins -- was energized.

"The data collected during GRAIL's primary mission team are currently being analyzed and hold the promise of producing a gravity field map of extraordinary quality and resolution," said Maria Zuber, principal investigator for GRAIL from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. "Mapping at a substantially lower altitude during the extended mission, and getting an even more intimate glimpse of our nearest celestial neighbor, provides the unique opportunity to globally map the shallow crust of a planetary body beyond Earth."

The science phase of GRAIL's extended mission runs from Aug. 30 to Dec. 3. Its goals are to take an even closer look at the moon's gravity field, deriving the gravitational influence of surface and subsurface features as small as simple craters, mountains and rilles. To achieve this unprecedented resolution, GRAIL mission planners are halving the operating altitude -- flying at the lowest altitude that can be safely maintained.

During the prime mission, which stretched from March 1 to May 29, the two GRAIL spacecraft, named Ebb and Flow, orbited at an average altitude of 34 miles (55 kilometers). The average orbital altitude during extended mission will be 14 miles (23 kilometers), which places the GRAIL twins within five miles (eight kilometers) of some of the moon's higher surface features.

"Ebb and Flow, and our mission operations team, are both doing great, which is certainly notable considering all the milestones and challenges they have experienced," said David Lehman, GRAIL project manager from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "The twins have endured the lunar eclipse of June 4, 2012, and 26 rocket burns since arriving in lunar orbit at the beginning of the year. Down here in our control room, with all the planning and mission operations we have been doing, it feels as though we've been riding right along with them. Of course, they have the better view."

Science data are collected when the Lunar Gravity Ranging System transmit radio signals between the two spacecraft, precisely defining the rate of change of distance between Ebb and Flow. The distance between the twins change slightly as they fly over areas of greater and lesser gravity caused by visible features, such as mountains and craters, and by masses hidden beneath the lunar surface.

Mission scientists calculated that even as the last data were downlinked, four of the mission's six principal science measurement goals had already been achieved. The objective of the GRAIL mission is to generate the most accurate gravity map of the moon and from that derive the internal structure and evolution of Earth's natural satellite.

JPL manages the GRAIL mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The GRAIL mission is part of the Discovery Program managed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver built the spacecraft.

For more information about GRAIL, visit:

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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An Overview Of The Real Estate Market For Buyers

by author on Friday, August 31st, 2012 | Comments Off

Purchasing property can be both frightening and thrilling. If you do not know what you are doing, there are many pitfalls that can end up causing you long-term problems. Following the advice from this article will prevent you from making these mistakes.

It is essential to hire a trustworthy real estate agent. The Internet and the Better Business Bureau are great places to search for reliable agents. Good references often come from people you know: friends, co-workers, and family.

Include people who won?t be living in the house in your search for a new home. This person can be very helpful in noticing issues in the house that you missed. Ask them to become involved in the process also by asking questions of the realtor.

Stay in touch and communicate regularly with other investors in the real estate field. They may know of other properties available that could be suitable for you. This is a great way for you to be able to find a diamond in the rough that may have been overlooked by other investors.

TIP! If you are interested in a rental property, make inquiries regarding who is responsible for the gardening before you sign the lease. You should know that in some cases, a renter is expected to take care of a yard or garden or to pay someone to do the job.

Do not let the price of a house you are interested in be influenced by the fact it has a view. Not all potential buyers perceive a nice view as highly, so if you pay too much, it might be hard to resell at that price. Subsequently it is best to only pay for the view because you want to.

Go for the home of your dreams. Some investors say that it isn?t a good time for buying or selling larger houses, but some disagree. This may be the best time to buy your dream property because housing prices are expected to rise.

If you are going to interview your own real estate agent, you should ensure your questions are planned out properly. Ask them about their techniques and the kind of results they usually get, and how familiar they are with the area you are looking at. A good agent will be able to answer all your questions.

Before you search for your new house, review your credit reports. Once you?ve gotten a copy of the report, examine each entry to find out if there are any mistakes. Your credit report should be in good standing when you are going to buy a home.

TIP! You need to have your goals arranged by their importance when you are attempting to negotiate a deal for any piece of real estate. Identify the issues at hand, and lay out your expectations.

Before purchasing a home, have a professional inspector look at it. Do not try to save money by asking someone you know do this job because you will have no recourse if something goes wrong.

If you have kids, you need to make sure there is enough room for the family. Your new home should be equipped for safety; consider this wisely if your home has a swimming pool or steep stairs. A house that was previously owned by a family with children might feature a lot of built-in safety devices.

If you have your eye on expensive piece of commercial property, get a reputable partner in on the investment. This will help you qualify for the commercial mortgage loan easier as you proceed in buying the property. Having a partner gives you an extra person to help pay the necessary down payment and any needed credit in order to be qualified for a loan.

Do your homework and research rental properties. If you want to buy some rental property, do not buy it until you have looked at the rental records for two years. This will give you an accurate accounting of the property?s income stream. Most lenders also need you to prove you can pay for the loans before they will consider issuing them to you.

TIP! Be sure to find a partner you can trust to work together with, when buying expensive and large commercial property. This can make it easier for you to get qualified for the loan needed when buying the property.

Make sure you do your homework before investing in any new property. Lots of people dive into the real estate market too fast, and they end up losing much money and time because they made unwise purchases. Before purchasing any type of property, make certain you research the whole area, the property?s age, the area?s crime rate, etc.

Prior to signing a lease, speak with the future landlord about the gardening, if you?ve got a garden. Certain rentals make it a requirement for you to clean the garden or yard on your own or hire someone else to do this. Other landlords treat the agreement more like a condo and include outdoor maintenance in the rent.

Sellers will warm to you when you carry around a letter of mortgage approval with you. It is best to get this approval letter immediately to avoid delays that will cost time and money.

When you are ready to make an offer on a home, ask the sellers to consider financial incentives such as help with any closing costs. Many buyers try to get the other party to ?buy down? their rate of interest for a short period of time. If adding financial incentives to an offer, the seller may not negotiate your selling price, though.

TIP! If you are trying to buy a building in which you plan to establish a business, choose a good neighborhood. By placing yourself in an unattractive location, you dissuade potential customers.

When looking at details about potential home purchases, remember to check for adequate parking if you own an automobile. This will be very important if the house doesn?t have a driveway. If parking is not readily available, you might just find yourself walking miles to your parked car. This is especially difficult when adverse weather is a consideration.

Keep these tips in mind and you?ll have a big advantage as you look for properties. Use this advice to ensure that you are getting the property that is right for you. Buy with confidence now, because you know what to


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3 Practical Home Improvement Projects You Will Enjoy ? Scope ...

It is very special when your thoughts can be brought to real life in some type of home design. Taking a thought and making it real is very gratifying. Simple jobs around the home can often be blown out of proportion. As long as the job is something you can handle yourself, you will save a fair amount of money. Working with electrical wiring is something that needs to be handled by an experienced electrician. The extra money you spend on an electrician can prevent deadly disasters later on, perhaps.

The first thing you should consider is your state of mind, specifically, thinking outside of the box in regard to home improvement projects. Electrical outlet housing covers is something that you should do at some point. This is actually inexpensive to accomplish. When choosing the covers, make sure that you get different designs that fit the motif of each room. If you are on a tight budget, doing this home-improvement project can actually be worthwhile in the long run. These outlet covers can be very noticeable, something you need to consider. Installing outlet covers is a nonessential, but beneficial way to improve your home?s interior. If your room has the head room, you may want to consider a ceiling fan. Remote control ceiling fans are currently on the market. By buying the type with the remote, you will bypass the wiring issues you would have had otherwise. Ceiling fans are great for the circulation of air. The fan can regulate and keep a room at a lower temperature when the weather is on the warm side. We all know heat rises; therefore the fan will keep the warm air towards the lower part of the room.

If you live in a colder climate, then here is a home improvement project that is easy and will keep you warm. This project involves the installation of a control switch and heat lamp for the ceiling of your bathroom. You can use this to stay warm, once you get out of the shower or bath.

This kind of comfort-related improvement is not as costly as you probably think it is. It is not difficult to install this lamp, along with wiring to expanded electrical switch housing. You won?t ever want to be without one, after you feel the warmth of it upon stepping out of the shower on a cold winter night.

The world today is not a safe place, and doing home improvement projects that improve your overall security is a must. There is no need to spend too much money on a security system that will do the job. Determine what you need to have and have this installed. Prior to purchasing, do your online research to find out exactly what is available for you.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Reading List for Courses in Science and Environmental - Climate Shift

With the start of the Fall semester, I posted below the reading list from the seminar I have taught the past few years at American University on ?Science, the Environment, and the Media.? ?I will be teaching the course again in the Spring, but this week as faculty colleagues put together syllabi and students search for resources, I thought this post might be useful. ?See also the blog posts at Big Think?s Age of Engagement by students from previous courses.

The course opens by covering major theories and questions in the field of science and environmental communication before moving to apply these basic principles to contemporary debates over climate change, energy, the food system, and child vaccination.


Wynne, B. (2009).? Interview: Rationality and Ritual.? In Cayley, D. Ed,?Ideas:? On the Nature of Science.? Frederickton, CA: Goose Lane. [Also listen to episode.]

Brossard, D., & Lewenstein, B. V. (2009). A Critical Appraisal of Models of Public Understanding of Science: Using Practice to Inform Theory. In L. Kahlor & P. Stout (Eds.),?Communicating Science: New Agendas in Communication?(pp. 11-39). New York: Routledge.

Hartings, MR and Fahy, D. (2011). Communicating Chemistry for Public Engagement.?Nature Chemistry. Vol 3.September, pp 674-677. [PDF]

Kitcher, P. (2010). The Climate Change Debates.?Science. 328.?4 June. 1230-1234.

Sarewitz, Daniel. 2009. The Rightful Place of Science.?Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 2009: 89-94. [PDF].

Brumfiel, J. (2009). Supplanting the Old Media??Nature, 458, 274-277. [PDF]

Olson, R. (2011). Dude, Where?s My Climate Change Movement? Presentation to 50th Anniversary of the World Wildlife Fund. [Watch the Video].


National Science Foundation (2012). Public Attitudes Towards Science and Technology.?Science and Engineering Indicators 2012.?Washington, DC: National Science Foundation. [PDF]

Nisbet, M.C. (2011).? Public Opinion and Political Participation.? In D. Schlosberg, J. Dryzek, & R. Norgaard (Eds.),?Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society.? London, UK: Oxford University Press. [HTML].

Nisbet, M.C. & Kotcher, J. (2009). A Two Step Flow of Influence? Opinion-Leader Campaigns on Climate Change.?Science Communication. [PDF]

Collins, M. & Pinch, T. (1998).?The Golem at Large: What You Should Know About Technology. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 113-56.


Besley J. & Nisbet, M.C. (2011). How Scientists View the Public, the Media, and the Political Process.?Public Understanding of Science?[HTML].

Nisbet, M.C. & Scheufele, D.A. (2012, July 23). Opinion: Scientists? Intuitive Failures.?The Scientist.

Osmond et al (2010). The Role of Interface Organizations in Science Communication and Understanding.?Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.?[HTML]

Blackman, S. (2009). Promises, Promises.??The Scientist.?[HTML]

Fahy, D. (2011).?Richard Dawkins: A Critical Case Study of the Celebrity Scientist. Working Paper. Washington, D.C.: American University.

Nisbet, M.C. (2010). Do Scientists Have a Special Responsibility to Engage in Advocacy? Interview with Michael Nelson.?Age of Engagement blog, Big [HTML].


Guber, D. & Bosso, C. (2009).? Past the Tipping Point? Public Discourse and the Role of the Environmental Movement in a Post-Bush Era.? In?Environmental Policy: New Directions for the 21st Century, 7th ed., Norman Vig and Michael Kraft, eds. CQ Press, 2009: 51-74.

Schellenberger, M. & Nordhaus, T. (2004).??The Death of Environmentalism:? Global Warming Politics in a Post-Environmental World.?The Breakthrough Institute.?[PDF]

Dunlap, R. & McCright, A. (2011). Organized Climate Change Denial. In?Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, ed. David Schlosberg, John Dryzek, and Richard Norgaard. Cambridge: Oxford University Press. [HTML]

Crompton, T. (2008).?Weathercocks and Signposts: The Environmental Movement at a Crossroads.? UK World Wildlife Fund. [PDF]

Hart, P., & Nisbet, E. (2011). Boomerang Effects in Science Communication: How Motivated Reasoning and Identity Cues Amplify Opinion Polarization About Climate Mitigation Policies?Communication Research. [HTML].

Nisbet, M.C. (2011). Designs to Win: Engineering Social Change.? Chapter 3 in?Climate Shift: Clear Vision for the Next Decade of Public Debate.?Washington, DC: American University. [HTML]


Fahy, J. & Nisbet, M.C. (2011). The Science Journalist Online: Shifting Roles and Emerging Practices.??Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism. [HTML]

Revkin, A. (2011).??Conveying the Climate Story. Presentation to the Google Science Communication Fellows Program. [Watch the Online Video]

Nisbet, M.C. (2011). Death of a Norm? Evaluating False Balance in Media Coverage. Chapter 3 in?Climate Shift: Clear Vision for the Next Decade of Public Debate. Washington, DC: American University (HTML).

Feldman, L. et al. (2011). Climate on Cable: The Nature and Impact of Global Warming Coverage on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC.?International Journal of Press/Politics. [HTML].

Scheufele, D.A & Nisbet, M.C. (in press). Online News and the Demise of Political Disagreement.?Communication Yearbook. [HTML]

Nisbet, M.C. (2012, May). ?The News Media and Science Policy Debates. ?Sackler Colloquium on the Science of Science Communication. National Academies. Washington, D.C. [VIDEO]


Kwok, R. (2011, May 26). The Real Issues in Vaccine Safety.??Nature.?(PDF).

Watch?Frontline special ?The Vaccine Wars.? [Online Video].

Watch interview segments with Seth Mnookin, author of the?Panic Virus (Online Video).

Greenfield, K.T. (2010, Feb. 25). The Autism Debate? Who?s Afraid of Jenny McCarthy??Time magazine. [HTML]

Sonnies, S. (2011, Feb. 8). Frontline?s The Vaccine Debate: The Politics of Parents and Medicine.?Age of Engagement blog at Big [HTML]

Mikulak, A. (2011). Mismatches between ?Scientific? and ?Non-Scientific? Ways of Knowing and Their Contributions to Public Understanding of Science.??Integrative

Psychological and Behavioral Science, 45, 2, 201-205. [Abstract]

Holton, A., Weberling, B., Clarke, C. E., & Smith, M. J. (2012). The Blame Frame: Media Attribution of Culpability About the MMR?Autism Vaccination Scare.??Health Communication. [Abstract]

Fowler, E. F., Gollust, S. E., Dempsey, A. F., Lantz, P. M., & Ubel, P. A. (2012). Issue Emergence, Evolution of Controversy, and Implications for Competitive Framing The Case of the HPV Vaccine.?The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(2), 169-189.?[Abstract]


The Food Movement and Diet Debates

Taubes, G. (2011, April 13). Is Sugar Toxic??New York Times magazine. [HTML]

Saguy, A. C., & Almeling, R. (2008). Fat in the Fire? Science, the News Media, and the ?Obesity Epidemic.?Sociological Forum, 23, 1, 53?83. [Abstract]

Hughner, R. S., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Shultz, I., Clifford, J., & Stanton, J. (2007). Who are Organic Food Consumers? A Compilation and Review of Why People

Purchase Organic Food.?Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6(2 3), 94-110. [Abstract]

Pollan, M. (2009, July 2009). Out of the Kitchen, On to the Couch.??New York Times magazine (HTML]

PBS NOW special on?Food Inc. [Watch Online Video].

Food Inc. Communication Engagement Guides [Planning Toolkit] [Community Action Guide]

Navigating Health Claims and Marketing

Caulfield, T. (2012). ?The Cure for Everything: Untangling Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness, and Happiness.? Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Watch video interviews with Caulfied.

Palmer, E. L., & Carpenter, C. F. (2006). Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Youth: Trends and Issues.?Media Psychology, 8(2), 165-190. ?[Abstract]


Energy policy in the context of the climate debate

Nisbet, M.C. (2009). Communicating Climate Change: Why Frames Matter to Public Engagement. ?Environment, 51 (2), 12-23. [HTML]

Nisbet, M.C. (2009). Green Groups Rebrand Global Warming Around Public Health. Age of Engagement. [HTML]

Understanding the energy beat

Russell, C. (2009, Sept/Oct). The New Energy Beat. Columbia Journalism Review. [HTML]

Russell, C. (2011, April 8). The Importance of Energy Reporters. Columbia Review of Journalism. [HTML]

Clean energy technology

Eilperin, J. (2012, Jan. 20). Why the Clean Tech Boom Went Bust. Wired. [HTML]

Pew Center for People and the Press (2011, November). Partisan Divided Over Clean Energy Grows. [HTML]

Gulf oil spill and gas prices

Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism (2010, AUG. 25). How the Media Covered the Gulf Oil Spill?Disaster. [HTML]

Pew Center for People and the Press (2012, March 19).? As Gas Prices Pinch, Support for Oil and Gas Production Grows.?[HTML]

Nuclear energy

The Economist (2012, March 10). The Dream that Failed. The Economist. [HTML]

Friedman, S. (2011, Sept./Oct). Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima: An analysis of traditional and new media coverage of nuclear accidents and radiation.?Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. [PDF]

Russell, C. (2012, March 12). Pessimism Reigns a Year after Fukushima. Columbia Journalism Review. [HTML]

Russell, C. (2011, March 14). What the Media Doesn?t Get about Meltdowns. The Atlantic. [HTML]

Pew Center for the People and the Press (2011, March 21). Opposition to Nuclear Power Rises amid Japanese Crisis. [HTML]

See also student posts from last year?s course:

D?Angel, E. (2011, April 25). Analyzing the Frame Battle Over Coal as a Dirty Energy Source.?Age of Engagement blog at Big[HTML]

Nagle, M. (2011, May 9). Gasland and Dirty Business: Documentaries Shape Debate on Energy Policy.??Age of Engagement blog at Big [HTML]


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Want to track U.S. drone strikes? There will apparently never be an app for that

Apple's App Store is filled with a seemingly endless number of apps that can track, report, or otherwise alert you to everything that goes on in the world, but apparently the California-based company has finally drawn the line... at U.S. military drone strikes. An app titled simply "Drones+" has been banned from the virtual marketplace for what Apple consideres to be "objectionable and crude" content.

The app, which was created by a programmer in New York, shows?GPS data and alerts when and where the United States utilized unmanned aerial drones to attack a target. The simple program even keeps a historical tally of recent strikes, showing exactly where the hottest hotspots are in Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. Each strike notification includes details on the time of the attack, as well as casualties.

The strangest thing about this seemingly random rejection is that the data the app uses isn't gleaned from secret military intelligence ? it's all widely available thanks to embedded media coverage of each strike that is carried out. Having dabbled in the world of iPhone app development myself, the app doesn't appear to be breaking any of the cardinal rules set forth by Apple, and it's unclear why the very plain GPS data could be seen as "crude." Unfortunately, Apple doesn't appear to be budging on this front, and we'll likely not see Drones+ ? at least in its current state ? on our iPhones any time soon.

This article was written by Mike Wehner and originally appeared on Tecca

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Xbox 360 YouTube app update rolls out with 5x speed improvement, access to 'official' music videos

Xbox 360 YouTube app update rolls out with 5x speed improvement, access to 'official' music videos

The PlayStation 3 snagged a new native YouTube app recently and now the Xbox 360 version has been updated, although with a different set of features. The team behind it says the new version rolling out on Xbox Live is as much as five times faster than the old one, and also has access to channels with official music videos. It should update automatically the next time (Xbox Live Gold) users log in and want to watch Gangnam Style on the big screen, or they can find the new version in the Xbox Live Marketplace -- check below for a couple of more screenshots from the new app.

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Setting up a business online is not easy. In the web world, you can see a lot more contentions that last up until this time. You will have many search results with the same services and products when you do searches online. It is tremendously suggested that in establishing a personal web-based business, one should take advantage of the best features that seo content writing service can offer.

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Prosecutors reject burglary case against Lohan

FILE - This May 9, 2012 photo shows actress Lindsay Lohan at the A&E Networks 2012 Upfront at Lincoln Center in New York. Prosecutors on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 rejected a potential burglary case that police presented against Lohan, who was at a home earlier this month where a burglary was reported. Prosecutors cited insufficient evidence. (AP Photo/Starpix, Kristina Bumphrey, file)

FILE - This May 9, 2012 photo shows actress Lindsay Lohan at the A&E Networks 2012 Upfront at Lincoln Center in New York. Prosecutors on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 rejected a potential burglary case that police presented against Lohan, who was at a home earlier this month where a burglary was reported. Prosecutors cited insufficient evidence. (AP Photo/Starpix, Kristina Bumphrey, file)

(AP) ? Lindsay Lohan will not be prosecuted for a burglary at a home where she had been a houseguest, prosecutors determined Tuesday.

The decision came after Los Angeles police detectives presented a potential felony burglary case against the actress and two men who were reportedly at the Hollywood Hills home of a longtime acquaintance after several items went missing earlier this month.

Prosecutors cited lack of evidence to prove Lohan was involved in the thefts at the home. The items taken were described as keys, cash, sunglasses and a credit card holder. The homeowner, businessman Sam Magid, is an acquaintance of Lohan and later told authorities that he did not want to pursue a case.

"Lindsay is glad this matter has been cleared up so she can focus on her upcoming projects," her spokesman Steve Honig said in a statement Tuesday afternoon.

One of the men police interviewed was Lohan's assistant, who told authorities that he, the actress and another man went into the home early Aug. 18. Some items were taken, but the assistant refused to say who stole them, according to a memo rejecting the charges.

"We do not have sufficient evidence to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt," the prosecution memo states. The document also noted that none of the missing items were found in the possession of Lohan or the two men who were believed to be at the house on the day of the burglary.

Los Angeles police say their investigation into the thefts will continue.

Lohan remains on probation for a 2011 case in which she pleaded no contest to taking a $2,500 necklace without permission. After completing a strict counseling and morgue cleanup duty program implemented by a judge, Lohan no longer has to report to a judge, but she faces jail time if she is charged with another crime.

In recent months she has resumed acting, portraying Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie about the actress' love affair with Richard Burton.

She also recently filmed "The Canyons," a film by "Less Than Zero" author Bret Easton Ellis. That film has Lohan playing opposite James Deen, who is best known as an adult film star with thousands of movies to his credit.

Police in Santa Monica, Calif., continue to investigate a crash involving Lohan and her assistant on the Pacific Coast Highway earlier this year. Lohan was on her way to the set of the Lifetime film "Liz and Dick" when she slammed into the back of a dump truck and had to be briefly hospitalized.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at

Associated Press


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - - Westport ...

10 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Westport Public Library - Maker in Residence
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Westport Arts Center - ?Landscape: Scene/Re-seen?
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Westport Historical Society - ?The Sound & the Saugatuck? & ?Watershed Moments?
7:30 p.m. ? Town Hall Room 309 ? Citizens Transit Committee
7:30 p.m. ? Town Hall Room 307 ? Staples Lighting Review Committee
8 p.m. - Westport Country Playhouse - ?Harbor?


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Racist tweet to soccer player lands U.K. man in jail

or whatever the crisis may be ? has a life of its own. Men and women keep dying, and U.S. policies keep accelerating the centrifugal forces that are driving the country toward civil conflict, which may have profound implications for future regional and international security." ? Sarah Chaynes, a senior associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in commentary published Sunday as analysts say that the a public worn down by a war that began just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, no longer cares about Afghanistan, and that the war has slipped off the radar screens and is now considered by many to be over.


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5 Things You Need to Know About Directory Submissions | Website ...

In a world where we can access information almost instantly, some online business owners have a hard time understanding that search engine optimization (SEO) tasks can often be time-consuming and tedious. One of the most productive SEO tactics is directory submission. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most time-consuming. If you?re considering using directory submission as part of your overall online marketing strategy, here are five things you need to know.

1. How Directory Submissions Work:

Web directories, at their most basic level, are nothing more than lists of websites broken down by category. As a business owner interested in submitting your site to a directory, you should be aware that most directories offer both paid and free listings. There are two great reasons to use directories. The first is that most directories boast a fairly high PageRank, causing search engines to place great value on links from directories. The second is that links from directories are considered one-way links, and search engines place higher value on one-way links than on reciprocal links. Directory links remain available for a long time, so the traffic that directories drive to your site is self-sustaining.

2. How to Submit Your Site

As a business owner, you can choose to submit your site either manually or automatically. While it?s possible to submit your site to a staggering number of directories in a short amount of time using submission software, you can also submit to a respectable number of sites manually. If you set aside time each day to add your URL to ten directories, then it will only take a month for you to achieve listings in 300 directories. Not bad!

3. Manual Submission

The drawback to manual submission is that it is extremely time-consuming. Each directory has its own submission guidelines, so each time you submit your site, you have to familiarize yourself with a new set of regulations and fill out a new form.

4. Automatic Submissions

But while manual submission is tedious and cumbersome, automatic submission software presents a whole new set of problems. Each directory is managed by a human, and that human reviews every submission that comes through. If your automatic submission software doesn?t take into account the unique submission guidelines of each directory, which is almost always the case, then your submission will most likely be rejected. Not only that, if your flaunting of the guidelines is too egregious, some search engines will actually ban your site.

5. How to Be Successful

Directory submission is a volume game. The more sites to which you submit your site, the more likely you are to get your submissions accepted by directory managers. So the decision is yours. If you find reputable software that can keep up with the submission guidelines of each directory, then you may want to consider doing that. You can also maintain control of your submissions by doing them yourself manually.

If you?re just starting out in the world of SEO and directory submissions, you may find it helpful to consult with an SEO expert or internet marketing professional. These individuals can help you create your overall internet marketing strategy, and can help you determine how directory submissions can play a role in driving traffic to your site and increasing your search engine ranking. An internet marketing expert can help you choose which directories are worth your time and which are not. This includes helping you identify niche directories that can create a large amount of targeted traffic to your site.

Finally, an internet marketing professional can help you decide whether manual or automatic submissions are right for you. Either way, directory submissions are a great way to increase traffic to your site and build your business!

About the Author

Seomul Evans is a senior search engine optimization services consultant with ?SEO 1 Services?. Submit Url at add url cafe. Read more online marketing articles here.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Gulf oil platforms evacuating workers

The Florida Keys know what to expect from a big storm, and they're getting ready. Tourists have been warned to get out of town. Officials are taking no chances with just hours left to prepare before the storm makes landfall.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

Major oil producers,?including BP, Shell and Chevron,?said Sunday they would be?evacuating workers from Gulf of Mexico platforms in the face of an imminent?threat of high surf and winds from Tropical Storm Isaac.

The storm could affect an area that produces 23 percent of total daily U.S. oil production and 7 percent of its natural gas output.

BP Plc said it will shut production at all of its Gulf of Mexico oil and gas platforms and evacuate all workers on Sunday in light of?Isaac's westerly shift and forecasts that it could strengthen into a hurricane. BP has already shut and evacuated four platforms, including Thunder Horse, the world's largest. The company said Sunday it will shut its other three platforms.?

Chevron, second?to BP in Gulf oil production,?said it would be evacuating some workers directly involved in oil and gas production?from some of its platforms. "Chevron continues to closely monitor the projected path of Tropical Storm Isaac and has begun to evacuate some essential personnel from some offshore facilities in the Gulf of Mexico. Production has not been affected," the company said.

Anadarko Petroleum followed suit. "To ensure the safety of our workers and the protection of the environment, we are shutting in production and removing all personnel from our operated facilities in the eastern and central Gulf of Mexico," it said in a statement. Among the platforms it is shutting are: the Independence Hub, Constitution, Marco Polo, Red Hawk, Neptune and Gunnison.

Reuters said Murphy Oil was evacuating its Thunder Hawk platform Sunday and would do the same with two other platforms on Monday. Royal Dutch Shell said it will shut down production and fully evacuate its platforms on Monday, according to the news agency. Others who are evacuating workers include Marathon Oil and BHP Billiton.

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said the storm threat has so far shut down about a quarter of daily oil production in the Gulf and over 8 percent of its natural gas production.

Isaac is heading for the Gulf Coast, say forecasters, who predict the storm?is likely to build into?a Category 2?hurricane?capable of sustained winds between 96 to 100 miles per hour. It could make landfall on the northern Gulf Coast by late Tuesday. The storm picked up strength as it passed over the warm waters of the Florida Straits after it lashed Cuba and left seven dead in Haiti.

Related story: Isaac strengthens, set to hit Gulf Coast as Category 2 storm

Memories are still fresh on the Gulf Coast over the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, which killed 11 platform workers and spewed millions of gallons of crude over three?months?into the environmentally?sensitive Gulf of Mexico. The disaster, which?was the largest marine oil spill ever,?occurred after an explosion on the?platform.?

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

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Surgery Can Cure Sweaty Palms

while most people experience sweaty palms on occasion, some individuals must face constantly wet hands as a chronic condition. But, as Kathryn Brown reports, a new surgery could threat this ailment. Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 2 views | 0 comments

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E! News now ? Rosie O?Donnell Suffers a Heart Attack

E! News now Episode: 820 The 50-year-old celebrity reveals on her blog she had a serious health scare and is now recovering at home. Listen in. Ranked 3.60 / 5 | 4 views | 0 comments

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Suzanne Somers? Stem Cell Breast Reconstruction Surgery ? Episode 1

Watch Suzanne Somers? amazing breast reconstruction surgery on Suzanne Somers Breaking through ? Episode 1. Find out how Suzanne used her own stem cells to regrow her breast after battling breast cancer. see a new episode of Suzanne Somers Breaking through every Thursday on CafeMom Studios. Subscribe now! Ranked 3.75 / 5 | 4566 views | 0 comments

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Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery ? what is it?

In this video we examine Coronary Artery Bypagss Graft (CABG) surgery. LIJ Medical Center was ranked as the best hospital in new York State for CABG, according to the latest three-year report released by the new York State Department of Health. LIJ was one of two hospitals in the state and the only one in the Queens/Long Island market that had statistical success rates significantly better than the statewide average. Two cardiothoracic surgeons, Robert Palazzo, MD and Alan Hartman, MD, were among only 11 open-heart surgeons statewide who had outcomes that were significantly better than the others. Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 36 views | 0 comments

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There are many weight loss surgery benefits says St. Louis bariatric surgeon, Dr. Van Wagner. although weight loss surgery is thought to be a cosmetic procedure, it should be done to improve one?s health. many medical problems are related to obesity including high blood pressure, sleep apnea and diabetes. after weight loss surgery, many of these medical conditions will either improve or diminish completely. to learn more about weight loss surgery, please visit Ranked 2.64 / 5 | 124 views | 0 comments

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Britain and Ecuador take steps to resolving Assange row

On Sunday Britain expressed interest in reopening a dialogue with Ecuador regarding the presence of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

By Tim Castle,?Reuters / August 26, 2012

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks makes a statement from a balcony of the Equador Embassy in London Aug. 19. Assange called on United States President Barack Obama to end a "witch hunt" against the secret-spilling WikiLeaks organization.

Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP


Britain said on Sunday it remained committed to reaching a diplomatic solution to the presence of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Ecuador's London embassy, after both countries took steps to defuse a row over his action in taking refuge there.

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Assange has been living in the embassy's cramped quarters for more than two months since fleeing there to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over rape and sexual assault allegations.

The Latin American state's leader said on Saturday that Britain had withdrawn a threat to enter the embassy to arrest Assange, to whom Ecuador has granted asylum, and that he now considered the "unfortunate incident" was over.

President Rafael Correa was responding to a British assurance that it was not threatening the embassy and that Britain was committed to the Vienna Convention, which protects the inviolability of diplomatic premises.

"We remain committed to the process of dialogue we have entered into and we want that to resume with the government of Ecuador," a British Foreign Office spokeswoman said.

Britain provoked a furious reaction after telling Ecuador that an obscure British law allowed it, under extreme circumstances, to remove the embassy's diplomatic status, exposing Assange to immediate arrest by police.

Ecuador accused Britain of planning to storm the embassy and demanded it withdraw the threat.

Britain said it had not meant to threaten Ecuador, a plea that fell on deaf ears, prompting it to send Ecuador a formal communication on Thursday confirming that the embassy was safe.

The communication was copied to diplomats at a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington on Friday which discussed the spat.

A British diplomat attending the meeting invited Ecuador to resume "constructive discussions" on Assange, the Foreign Office said. "We believe that our two countries should be able to find a diplomatic solution," the unnamed diplomat added, according to a transcript issued by the Foreign Office.

Britain says it is determined to fulfil a legal obligation to send Assange to Sweden.

Correa responded to the British diplomatic approach by saying in a weekly media address on Saturday: "We consider this unfortunate incident over, after a grave diplomatic error by the British in which they said they would enter our embassy."

The OAS had condemned the British threat, and South American foreign ministers backed Correa's position that Britain's warning was unacceptable and could set a dangerous precedent.

Correa says he shares Assange's fears that if handed over to Sweden, he might be extradited to the United States to face charges over WikiLeaks' 2010 publication of secret US cables.

US and European government sources say the United States has issued no criminal charges against the WikiLeaks founder and has made no attempt to extradite him.


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