Saturday, November 3, 2012

Video: Sandy brings tragedy in Long Island

>>> welcome back. we're following developing news out of staten island in new york. police there have confirmed that the bodies of two young boys swept away by floodwaters have been recovered. they are among the now 19 victims killed as a result of this storm on staten island . msnbc's craig melvin is live for us right now. and craig , obviously, this one -- they're all a loss of life matters, but this being children just breaks your heart in so many ways.

>> reporter: tamron, indeed, it does. a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, his brother, they were -- the rushing floodwaters swept them away, we're told. that brought the death toll at 17 here on the island, and then we were told a little bit later that an elderly couple had also been found inside their home. the death toll now on staten island , as you mentioned, 19. i want to show you the street behind me. we are in the midland beach neighborhood. and believe it or not, the water here has receded. we've talked to a number of folks who live on this street who have come back. some of them have been able to get into what's left of their homes. many of them have not. three separate families were trapped on the roofs, they told us at one point during the storm. all of them managed to get taken to safety. we're also hearing from a number of people here on staten island who, quite frankly , tamron, have become quite angry. they've become angry with the response. and a number of them have become angry about the fact that not far from there, the new york city marathon still set to take place on sunday. again, a number of folks here angry. we've met one woman. we hear from one woman now. take a listen.

>> people need places to live. they need clothes and food. they need shelter, and you're going to have these children going to school? how are they getting there? how are you getting these kids already in the shelters to the schools that they've got to go to? they have no clothes. how is everything running by monday? what miracle are you going to perform?

>> reporter: and again, that's just one woman there. i spoke to congressman michael grimm who represents this part of staten island . he said that this borough has become the forgotten borough. he was very critical, as others have been, of the red cross . he said that the red cross has not been as responsive as they have been in disasters past. we got a statement a short time ago from the red cross . they say that they've got ten vehicles headed from new york city to staten island . they say that one of the problems has been traffic. traffic, as you know, still bumper to bumper in new york city . but again, folks here becoming very frustrated with the response. the death toll on staten island now at 19. and officials say they expect that number to rise.

>> all right, craig , thank you


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