Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Vita Card Game Uncharted: Fight For Fortune Confirmed

Vita Card Game Uncharted: Fight For Fortune ConfirmedSome fans were dumbfounded when details of a new Uncharted card game were unearthed a few weeks back, and now PlayStation Blog has confirmed it.

The downloadable Vita title is being developed by the studio behind Drake?s only Vita adventure Bend Studio, along with One Loop Games. Its a big departure for Nate and co, to say the least. As the trailer below shows, it?s a card-battling game and you can power-up your deck with the collectibles?in Uncharted: Golden Abyss ? but that isn?t a requirement. The treasures you?ve found in Uncharted: Golden Abyss will retroactively power-up your cards in Fight For Fortune via a planned patch.

There?s multiplayer, plenty of recognisable faces show up (in card form) and DLC will also be released in the future. Honestly, when you?re used to seeing the wise-cracking Nate pop some caps in baddies, this seems weird.?There is no European date or price yet, but those in North America will be able to pick this up for $5 in early December.

Anyone remember Metal Gear: Ac!d? Didn?t think so.

Uncharted: Fight For Fortune will be released on December 4 in North America for PlayStation Vita (via PlayStation Network)

Colm Ahern

As well as writing for GodisaGeek and co-hosting the wonderful Saint & Greensie, Colm co-hosts another video game podcast called?The Game 'Shroom. He spends the majority of his days explaining why The Wire is the greatest TV show ever or clamouring for a Pop-Punk revival(c. 1994) whilst singing in his best Axl Rose voice. Do not say professional wrestling is ?fake? around him or, he?ll bore you with, what he likes to call, ?the risks they take?. A Henrik Larsson fanboy and a true connoisseur of homemade brown bread.

You can follow Colm on twitter;?@Colm_Ahern

You can game with Colm on XBL/PSN/Game Center; rABble24

Oh...and it's pronounced, "Cull-um".

Source: http://www.godisageek.com/2012/11/vita-card-game-uncharted-fight-fortune-confirmed/

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