Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Frontier Baseball League at Murphy Candler for kids with Mild Challenges - Registration is Open / Space is Limited.

Several months ago I stepped outside my comfort zone and volunteered to coach my sons baseball team as he and a group of special boys joined together to play in the new Frontier League at Murphey Candler. Many of the boys, like Jackson shown above, had never played organized baseball and though eager to play, they too were far outside their comfort zone. Together the boys and I learned the fundamentals of baseball, had fun and the boys as a team encouraged and cheered for each others successes. This evening I just signed up to coach baseball once again.

The Frontier League at Murphey Candler Baseball is designed for kids between ages 7 and 12 with mild life challenges. Teams are very small with about 10 kids each and the league is divided into younger and older age brackets. Due to field space, there will be a fixed limit of just 80 kids this Spring Season, 40 for Frontier I and 40 for Frontier II. There will be a total of 8 teams, 4 in each league and all practices and games will be at 1:30 on Sunday's.

Spaces are still available for this ground breaking league and I would like to encourage anyone with a child interested in baseball who fits the medical requirements below to join.

For Kids With Mild Life Challenges like ADHD, Appraxia, Auditory Processing Speech delays, Dyslexia, and Other Executive or Sensory Challenges.

Additional Information:
Games Will Be This Spring Starting In Early March For 9 Weeks
1 Day Per Week Commitment on Sunday Afternoons at 1:30
Early registration rate before January 6th is just $115.00
All Counties Are Welcome

There Will Be Two Age Groups:
Frontier I Will Be For 7 To 9 Year Olds
Frontier II Will Be For 10 To 12 Year Olds.

All Experience Levels Are Welcome, Space Is Limited

For More Information Contact: Adam Wickley at 770-722-4837

To Register Please Go To Click on Register Now, Then Frontier


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