Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What?s Happenin? Youse East Coast Staaht Ups? We Want To Hear From You!

westcoast-eastcoast_72dpi350x225pxl With all this fuzz and fizzle going down with TC inside politics, departures, and whispered depictions of TC as a sinking ship populated by the shambling walking dead, rats clawing through our brainpans and dropping out onto our laps as our fingers shamble across our filthy, befouled keyboards, low groans of agony and anger gurgling out of our deepest, darkest spaces, I thought it would be a good idea to go over some of the things we're focusing on here on the site and offer a bit of guidance for start-ups looking to make it in Boston, DC, NYC, and Hilton Head, North Carolina. We're a very SF/Valley-centered blog, but what are New York, Washington, Virginia, and/or Florida? Chopped liver? I think not. What about Chicago, Atlanta, and Scranton? They may not have In-And-Out, but by gum they do have hamburgers just as good as those found in Palo Alto.


senate bill 5 joe paterno press conference joe paterno scandal joe paterno scandal election day 2011 mississippi personhood

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