Monday, February 27, 2012

A Taste of Home for Troops

GLENVILLE, MN - A pile of boxes are packed, sealed and ready for delivery.

They'll soon begin the long trip across the ocean to Kuwait. But their journey really began in September, at the Operation Vintage Pride snowmobile swap meet.

"We didn't know what to do with the extra money. And someone mentioned, lets send care packages out to the troops, so that's what we ended up with and this is our third year doing it," said Jake Weaver.

Weaver is the Race Director for Operation Vintage Pride.?Weaver and the other folks from Operation Vintage Pride teamed up with a local girl scout troop and began putting together the care packages, one item at a time.

"Snacks, treats, Little Debbies, beef jerky, toothpaste," said Weaver.

From popcorn to Girl Scout cookies, everything going into the boxes will give the troops a little taste of home.

"Getting a care package or anything from back here, even a letter is like a kid at Christmas," said Sgt. Amber Steele of the Minnesota Army National Guard.

Sgt. Steele?said this simple gesture speaks volumes to soldiers overseas.

"Just knowing that the community is supporting you, things like that. iI's of huge importance to the troops, it means a lot," said?Sgt. Steele.

Weaver hopes these care packages will remind troops that?they have support from half way across the world.

"The reason why we do it is to let the troops know that even though they're away from home, there are still people that care about them. They get a little package from us and hopefully it brightens their day," said Weaver.


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