Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Developing public speaking skills in children | Public Speaking for ...

Posted on by nafees ?

The older we get and the further we go out into the world the more likely it is we will have to make use of impromptu public speaking. This could be part of a job, a public campaign, a court case or any other occurrence or curve ball that life can throw our way. The best way to deal with this is to foster the skill of impromptu speaking in your child from a young age. After all, at any of the above it is essential?they communicate with persuasive speaking to engage their audience and convince them of?their reasoning/arguments. Like everything in life, the older we get the more difficult it becomes to learn. You can give your child a crucial head start by developing this skill now.

Defining impromptu public speaking.

Impromptu public speaking is when we have to make speeches or give presentations at short notice to an audience, without any preparation or speech writing.


There are many skills required for impromptu?public speaking and it all starts with? cultivating the right thought process. In all facets of life your child will benefit if they are taught how to think one step ahead. Here?are three simple ways?how it can be done:


  • Play the Alphabet Game: This is an excellent starting point and if played regularly can sharpen your child?s mind. Have an improvised dialogue with your child in which there are 26 sentences, one line said by each participant at a time. Start from A and each following sentence must begin with a word starting with the following letter of the alphabet, until you reach Z. All sentences must be realistic and follow on logically from the previous one. For example:


Parent: ?Alright, what shall we do today?

Child: Basketball

Parent: Can?t we do something else?

Child: Definitely not

?If the parent or child hestitates for more than three seconds?when thinking??of a sentence you have to?start again until you reach?Z. It will be tricky at first but can provide bags of fun.

  • Enrol them in their school?s debating society. If there is not one, help them set it up. Through trial and error (unless they have a natural gift) your child will pick up vital skills, allowing them to think one step ahead and be prepared for impromptu public speeches.


  • Pick a news item everyday and start asking them questions about it, the answers to which are not in the article. Ask them to think why such a thing may have happened, what the motivating factors are/were and what may happen as a consequence. This will develop their critical thinking and reasoning skills which must be in the finest possible shape if they are to succeed when life inevitably throws them into impromptu public speaking scenarios.

?Try these out?and share your experiences with other parents in our comment section below.







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