Friday, September 7, 2012

Home Business Social Media Training - 3 Tips to Optimize Your ...

Are you generating significant business through social media? Sites like Facebook provide you with a powerful trust building tool. Establish your brand. Build your network. Create massive value. Grow your business.

The prospering is in the details. Trust building requires you to take a few key steps to optimize your Facebook profile. The truth is this: all the details you ignore come back to bite you in the behind. Really. ?Little? things that you put off make the difference between social media success and failure.

On to the tips!

Tip 1 ? Use a Smiling Headshot as Your Avatar

Make sure we see a smiling, happy you. You are the?cash gifting coach. Or network marketing coach. Or mlm sponsor. Or internet marketing consultant. Nope, your fam and friends are not the coach. Do not include them in your pic. You like to work with fun people. Serious types? Not so much. So smile.

Do not post icons/logos. I do not work with logos. Do not post blurry pictures. Do not post pictures where you were 100 feet away from a non-zoom lens. We need to see you clearly to see that yeah, you are a real person who can help us. Headshot. Smiling.

Tip 2 ? Contribute on Facebook Groups

Create detailed, helpful comments on Facebook Groups to make your profile more attractive. Establish authority in your niche. So few people do this, you will stick out like a sore thumb. Create value. Show people how you can help them. FB Group comments are like try-outs for people interested in your cash gifting club.

Do not say ?Nice Post.? Do not post your link in a group without sharing someone else?s post and commenting on it. Do not post links to your squeeze page in groups. These tactics scare off success conscious people: i.e., the perfect people to join your network marketing team.

Tip 3 ? Be a Person Not a Profile

You better post non-business stuff sometimes or people will write you off as a business bore. Folks hate people who are all business all the time. Get a life! Go on a vacation, take pictures and post ?em. Or talk about the Knicks, or Yanks, or the hummingbird you spotted in your background.

Be a person. Be genuine. Share your interests. Attraction marketing 101, or law of attraction 101. Share your hobbies and interests to become attractive to people with similar interests. The whole birds of a feather bit rings true on FB.

Post a smiling headshot as your FB avatar. Engage. Share non home business related interests to optimize your Facebook profile.

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Ryan Biddulph
The Peoples Program Team
Phone: 908-315-5482
Skype: ryan.biddulph2

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