Sunday, September 30, 2012

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In these upside down days of pre-manufactured "stars and starlets", who inexplicably gain fame for bad behavior, it's difficult for a young person to find quality role models in today's entertainment world.

A quick internet scan of the daily news inevitably brings multiple stories of terrible behavior by reality stars and music personalities. ?A quick scan of the songs currently being marketed as popular music inevitably leaves the listener's ears filled with obscenities and tales of debauchery.

Cimorelli, the marvelous sextet?of singing sisters, is staking their claim to Pop Music Royalty by doing all the right things. ?Raised in a loving two-parent home, this family group solidly stands ready to conquer the world by using their natural God-given talents to achieve success. ?Their wholesome approach to entertaining an audience is a quality that has been sorely lacking in the music business.

There is nothing pre-manufactured here...they are really talented, they are really dedicated, they are really grounded, and they are really sisters.

Cimorelli will win over the world the old fashioned being real.

On my final day of Cimorelli Week, I am thrilled to present:

Christina Cimorelli!

Christina, as you grow more popular by the minute, what's the hardest thing about being a "Cimorelli"?

? - For me, it's probably the lack of a normal routine and schedule in my life. ?I am a very organized person and I love to have a schedule days, weeks, months in advance. ?With our career, though, that's impossible. ?I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. ?It could change this afternoon!

What's the most surprising thing to happen to you since the 'THE CIMFAM EP' was released?

? - Getting nominated for Teen Choice Award! ?That was so insane.

You all make it look so easy to perform in front of the camera. ?Is it as easy for you to perform in front of a live audience?

? - Live audience is very easy for us because we've done years of theatre!

Any advice to overcoming stage fright?

? - My advice to people with stage fright is to do lots of theatre and perform as much as you possibly can even if you're terrified because it gets SO much easier each time! ?I used to be so scared and nervous and shy onstage but through my experience, I've become very comfortable. ?Also, PRACTICE. ?Practice, practice, practice! ?The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel when you perform. ?Prepared = Confident.

On your approach to songwriting, you've said to "trust your instincts." ?Who else do you look to for honest feedback and direction when crafting an original song?

? - Whenever I finish a song, I show as many friends as possible. ?I love to see how they react to it and what really touches them. ?However, I really try to write things I like. ?If I write for others, it never turns out as genuine as I want. ?My best songs are the ones I just write for fun!

Outside of your family, who would you love to collaborate with?

? - Two people I would love to write with are Dr. Luke and also Max Martin. ?I think a Cimorelli collaboration with Diggy would be cool! ?Also, one with someone like Drake!

What's the most fun you've ever had with Lauren?

? - Probably every year on our birthday! ?We share a birthday, and it's in August, so it's always super summery and fun, and we always have a BLAST!

THANKS Christina!
It's hard to believe that you were ever shy on a stage, so your advice is wonderful.

Well readers...that concludes Cimorelli Week here on and I want to thank everyone that has stopped by to show your love. ?It has been a blast!
Please follow Christina on Twitter @ChristinaCim

THANKS CIM FAM! ?Your dedication to this group is an absolute joy!

THANKS CIMORELLI! ?I wish you wild success and I hope you always enjoy the ride.
Keep going and keep smiling...

I leave you all with a cool video of a song written by Christina and Lauren featuring the entire family! ?From 2008, here's the ridiculously catchy 'Delaney'...


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