Monday, September 24, 2012

Automotive News, Auto News and Trends from Automotive Digest ...

JD Power Projects September Automotive Forecast


J.D. Power - September 20, 2012

The increase in new-vehicle retail sales in Sep?tem?ber is con?sis?tent with the expected 12 per?cent retail sales annual increase in 2012 from 2011, accord?ing to J.D. Power and Asso?ciates? Power Infor?ma?tion Net?work and LMC Auto?mo?tive.

See com?par?i?son of? sales from August and Sep?tem?ber?2011.

J.D. Power and LMC Auto?mo?tive U.S. Sales and SAAR Comparisons

Sep?tem?ber 20121 August 2012 Sep?tem?ber?2011
New-Vehicle Retail Sales 952,200 units
(12% higher than Sep?tem?ber?2011)
1,093,675 units 853,538 units
Total Vehi?cle?Sales 1,152,700 units
(11% higher than Sep?tem?ber?2011)
1,283,046 units 1,050,985 units
Retail SAAR 11.8 mil?lion?units 12.6 mil?lion?units 10.5 mil?lion?units
Total SAAR 14.5 mil?lion?units 14.5 mil?lion?units 13.1 mil?lion?units


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