Monday, September 10, 2012

10 Tips to Protect Yourself from EMF Exposure | Precious Bloom ...

Make a healthy choice - use incandescent bulbs!

Make healthy choices!

We are all exposed to harmful ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMFs) in our homes every day, but there are ways to reduce your exposure. EMF exposure is linked to many acute and chronic illnesses. Indeed electrical sensitivities are a serious emerging public health concern, in which most doctors have no training.

Every day we are exposed to electromagnetic fields from a number of common sources found around the home and in our work environments.

Here are some common-sense tips to help you avoid or reduce your exposures:

The Office and Computing Area

  • If possible avoid working on a laptop computer and never put a laptop on your lap, especially when it is plugged in.Many laptop computers produce a strong EMF, especially when plugged in to an electrical outlet, as they are charging a battery in close proximity to where you rest your hands.
  • When replacing your computer monitor (or TV), buy a new LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) unit. LCDs emit much less radiation than the old cathode ray tube style monitor that uses a cathode ray gun.
  • Clean up the electrical power cords and transformers around your computer and desk and reroute them away from your feet and seating area.Transformers and power bars around your feet while you work on your computer can be a huge EMF exposure point, especially if you spend a lot of time on your computer.

Wireless Technology

  • Don?t install a wireless network (wifi). In October 2007 the German Government advised their citizens to avoid using wifi because of the possible health risks it poses.Wireless routers emit electromagnetic radiation even when not in use.
  • Don?t buy a DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications)cordless portable phone.In 2005 the German Government also nixed these new DECT cordless portable phones. The base station of these phones constantly transmits a strong radio frequency signal, even when the handset is not in use and just sitting idle in the cradle. If you have one, get rid of it.Note that DECT technology is also used in some baby monitors.
  • Limit the time you spend talking on a cordless phone and cell phone and only let children under 14 use wireless phones for short periods of time when absolutely necessary. Lately we?ve been hearing about the possible health risks associated with cell phone radiation.It?s important to understand that cordless phones use electromagnetic radiation to communicate ? just like a cell phone ? and radiation exposure is cumulative no matter what the source.

Electrical Wiring and Devices

  • Unplug all electrical power cords and devices that are not in use and limit the use of electrical devices especially in the bedroom in particular.All devices plugged into live electrical outlets including innocuous lamps and clock radios emit an electric field when plugged into a live electrical outlet. If an electrical device is unplugged it will not produce an electric or a magnetic field.EMFs suppress melatonin; so clean up the electrical cords and devices around your bed ? particularly at?the head of your bed ? and use a battery-operated clock radio.


  • Avoid installing low-voltage (12 volt) halogen, florescent tube, or energy-efficient compact fluorescent lighting (CFL). Virtually all of these so-called energy-efficient technologies create ?dirty electricity? and at the same time can throw a nasty electromagnetic field from the ballast or transformer.Cleaner liquid crystal display (LCD) lighting technology is just around the corner so wait for it to develop and come down in price before you do major lighting upgrades.
  • Replace all the dimmer switches in your house with regular switches. Even when turned completely on to full power a dimmer chops-off part of the electrical current, then it discards it in the form of a strong electromagnetic field.Dimmer switches also create dirty electricity that can contaminate a home?s electrical wiring with dangerous high-frequency energy.

Dirty Electricity

  • If you suspect you are being affected by EMFs or dirty electricity, have your home inspected by a qualified inspector and find a doctor who specializes in environmental health.

So there you have it.? Do you have other tips you would like to share?

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