Monday, October 10, 2011

Male Sexual Health | Health

Male Sexual Health

Article by Ignacio Ceja

Quite often, male sexual health and erectile function come down to two things, testosterone and circulation.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the testicles. It is responsible for producing and maintaining male secondary sexual characteristics, including body hair and sex drive.

Testosterone peaks in production between the ages of 18 and 21. This plateau lasts for a varying number of years before apparently declining.

Recent studies have shown that it is only testosterone blood levels that decline. This is great news for men, but the mystery is, what happens to that testosterone? I?m so glad you asked. The short answer, SHBG happens.

What is SHBG? SHBG stands for Sexual Hormone Binding Globulin. It?s a natural protein that is produced in the liver and testes. When produced by the testes, it is referred to as Androgen-binding protein, and is responsible for growing sperm; however, SHBG binds to testosterone in the bloodstream, inhibiting the bioavailability of this necessary hormone.

Nutritional studies with herb Swissoats, Avena Sativa, have shown that it contains compounds that bind to SHGB, thus preventing this globulin from inhibiting testosterone in the bloodstream.

When more testosterone is biologically available, an increase in vitality, stamina, and endurance is experienced. When combined with Ginseng and other anti-oxidants, such as nettle and vitamin C, the effect is synergistically enhanced, providing a far superior effect.

Circulation is also a very important concern for men regarding sexual health.

When a man is aroused, the brain signals the nervous system to release nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosum, the spongy tissue filling the arteries in the penis. The nitric oxide enters the smooth muscle cells of the arteries, relaxing them, and allowing the penile arteries and corpus cavernosum to become engorged with blood. This arterial engorging compresses the veins that typically drain blood away from the penis, trapping the blood and producing a rock hard erection.

Age, weight, and heredity all play a role in our circulation, so do the chemicals we put in our bodies, such as nicotine and alcohol. When circulation is negatively affected, extremities can feel colder than normal, tingling can sometimes be experienced in the hands and/or feet, fingernails can sometimes take on a blue or purple tint, as can lips and ears. In men experiencing sexual health issues, a reduction in circulation can result in erectile dysfuntion, or impotence.

The amino acids L-Arginine HCl and L-Taurine have shown great results in treating circulation issues. L-Arginine HCl produces nitric oxide in the body, and although we?ve already discussed the role of nitric oxide in male sexual health, it is worth noting that nitric oxide also relaxes the arteries of the rest of the body, keeping them flexible and youthful, and improving their ability of expand and contract with each heartbeat (endothelial relaxation factor).

L-Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid that is used throughout body. In the circulatory system, L-Taurine is used to strengthen the heart and stabilize the heart beat.

Used together, these amino acids strengthen the circulatory system and increase blood flow to the penis, creating stronger erections. And the beauty of more blood to the penis is increased sensitivity and pleasure.

Herbalife carries useful supplements that act to improve both testosterone and circulation.

Male Factor 1000 blends Swissoats, nettle and ginseng, as well as vitamin C and calcium to aid in testosterone efficiency and vitality, not to mention increasing stamina and endurance.

Prelox Blue is endorsed by Dr. Lou Ignarro, the 1998 Nobel Laureate in Medicine. Dr. Ignarro?s research into the use of nitric oxide by the body led to the development of supplemental products to improve nitric oxide support in the body. Prelox Blue combines L-Arginine HCl and L-Taurine with a blend of anti-oxidants to improve men?s sexual intimacy and pleasure. Prelox Blue

Herbalife has been producing patented nutritional supplements since 1980, and is doing business in over 64 countries around the world.

Natural changes in our bodies over time were once looked upon as problematic, but with the scientific research, we are gaining greater control over our own destinies.

About the Author

Ignacio Ceja has spent the better part of his adult life studying health and fitness issues, as well as writing whenever the muse is upon him. He?s often amused.

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