Sunday, October 9, 2011

#IswabbedforAmit Offers Up 20K To Find A Bone Marrow Donor For Startup Founder Amit Gupta

tumblr_lsngaj77wZ1qz72ywo1_500 (1)I've never met Photojojo and Jelly co-founder Amit Gupta, but for the past two days or so my Twitter stream has been swamped with commentary on his story. Diagnosed with acute Leukemia two weeks ago, Gupta has had trouble finding a bone marrow match, primarily because of the lack of donors from the South East Asian community. The national bone marrow registry contains 9.5 million records, yet the possibly of someone from South Asian descent like Amit will find match is only 1 in 20,000. So Amit did whatever any startup founder or techie would do when faced with such impossible odds, he drew upon our community. Low and behold, two weeks later, his colleague Seth Godin and his friend Michael Glapert have offered a combined $20K and respective blog coverage for the person who turns out to be a match for Matthew.


memory ducati demi moore asu cerebral palsy hitch alice cooper

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