Monday, October 31, 2011

Taiwan smartphone maker HTC reports profit jump

(AP) ? Taiwan smartphone maker HTC Corp. says its third quarter earnings grew 68 percent from the same period last year, with shipments reaching 13 million handsets.

The company said Monday net profit for the July-September quarter amounted to New Taiwan dollars 18.7 billion ($620 million) on revenue of NT$136 billion, with Asia, particularly China, a key to growth.

HTC has grown on the strength of the design of its handsets, based on Google Inc.'s Android operating system. It says its profile has been raised with the launch of two "Sensation" models equipped with high-end Beats headphones by U.S. maker Dr. Dre.

HTC expects fourth quarter shipments to be between 12 and 13 million. That would represent a 30 percent revenue increase on the same period in 2010.

Associated Press


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How Emerging Economies are Altering the World's Flow of Goods (

For decades, the Chinese town of Manzhouli, perched on the desolate border with Russia, was frozen in a remote corner of the Cold War. As an ideological schism between the two Communist giants escalated into a full-blown conflict ? bloody clashes erupted along their 4,300-km border in 1969 ? the poor residents of Manzhouli had little contact with their Russian neighbors huddled in the Siberian cold only a few steps away. A mere trickle of state-sponsored trade passed through the heavily fortified border, leaving Manzhouli's citizens dependent on a local coal mine for jobs.

Today, however, Manzhouli is a testament to the wealth that can be created by connecting the world's great emerging economies. As relations thawed between Moscow and Beijing after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, the border opened, private businessmen jumped into importing and exporting, and the fortunes of the two communities merged. Trade between Russia and China reached $55 billion in 2010, seven times more than in 2000. Timber and oil flow into resource-hungry China, while China's roaring factories ship machinery, textiles and other manufactured goods back in return. About $9.8 billion of goods passed through tiny Manzhouli in 2010, more than twice the amount just five years earlier. In downtown Manzhouli, Russian tourists troll for cheap Chinese-made boots and winter coats in shopping arcades, where the signs are in Cyrillic and the official haggling language is Russian. With money to be made, Manzhouli became a magnet for northern China's eager and entrepreneurial. The town's population has surged by a factor of 15 since the end of the Cold War, to 300,000. "Before, trade was zero, but now it is booming, and people's quality of life has benefited," says Li Yongsheng, a manager at the Manzhouli Border Economic Cooperation Zone, an industrial park founded by the government to foster business with Russia. "The old hostilities are basically gone." (See "Global Economy: Was the Past Decade So Bad?")

Manzhouli's success story is being re-created again and again across the emerging world. Flows of goods, people and capital among major developing economies are becoming a larger and larger source of exports, jobs, financing and economic growth for these up-and-coming nations. The trend ? a move away from trade and investment flows dominated by Western consumer demand ? could reshape the world economy. Tightening economic ties within the emerging world can provide a badly needed boost for a global economy still searching for a route out of the Great Recession ? the primary concern of November's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Hawaii. The growing linkages are redirecting patterns of investment, trade and migration, altering the role of the U.S. in the global economy, redrawing political alliances and sparking new geopolitical rivalries. And we're just at the very beginning of this history-altering process. Stephen King, chief economist at banking giant HSBC, figures that trade and capital flows between emerging regions of the world ? Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America ? could increase tenfold over the next 40 years. He calls these new connections "a 21st century version of the original Asian Silk Road" that is "set to revolutionize the global economy."

The signs are apparent everywhere. China, not the U.S., has become India's largest trading partner, with the exchange between the two countries surging 28-fold over the past decade to almost $62 billion in 2010. When Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited New Delhi last December, the two sides inked $16 billion in trade and financing deals; when U.S. President Barack Obama journeyed to India a month earlier, he managed only $10 billion. India and Brazil already export more to fellow emerging markets than to the developed world. China is the largest foreign investor in Brazil, challenging the historical dominance of the U.S. in Latin America, while a $3.1 billion investment by Chinese oil company CNOOC in Argentine energy firm Bridas was the biggest acquisition in Argentina in 2010. Last year, Russia's Rusal, the world's largest aluminum producer, chose to launch its initial public offering not in London or New York City but on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, becoming the first Russian firm to do so. (See photos of Chinese investment in Africa.)

The New World Trading Order
The burgeoning trade and investment among emerging countries is a dramatic shift in how the world economy has worked for several centuries. Traditionally, trade has flowed between "North" and "South" ? the developed and developing worlds. Natural resources, from spices to cotton, were shipped into the industrialized West, which in return exported textiles and other factory-made goods. After World War II, this system became more complex, thanks to improved transport and communications. Asian upstarts like South Korea and Singapore grew rich off of outsourcing. Their plentiful, cheap labor assembled clothes, shoes and electronics, often with design and technology from the West, then shipped the goods to Walmarts for U.S. consumers. With shoppers in places like India and Indonesia still poor, there was little incentive to reach out to them. Tense relations between developing nations ? such as the border conflict between Russia and China that paralyzed Manzhouli ? often created more hurdles. The U.S. and Europe dominated the world's trade and capital, and everyone depended on them for growth and jobs.

See TIME special report "World Economic Forum: Davos 2010."

That pattern began to change after China jumped into the globalization game in the 1980s. Factories in Shenzhen and Shanghai became the centerpieces of "borderless-manufacturing" networks in which parts for TVs, mobile phones and other goods were produced across Asia, then shipped to China for final assembly, spurring greater trade within the region. As rapid growth in China, India and other emerging markets turbocharged local incomes, they became export destinations in their own right, with fellow emerging-nation companies selling to one another's consumers. The connections continue to draw in more and more parts of the emerging world. Trade between the developing economies of Asia and Latin America, for example, grew sevenfold over the 10 years ending in 2010, to $268 billion. China and India, seeking access to raw materials and new customers, have become patrons of Africa. Trade between India and Africa has exploded from a mere $1 billion in 2001 to $50 billion in 2010. Last year, Indian telecom-service provider Bharti Airtel acquired operations in 15 nations in sub-Saharan Africa for $10.7 billion in one of the biggest cross-border deals in Indian history. Ganeshan Wignaraja, a specialist in economic integration at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila, says these emerging-market ties are creating a "third pillar" of growth within the world economy, alongside the U.S. and the E.U. "We're heading toward a multipolar world," he says.

The consequences of that go well beyond the mere movement of goods. The more important trade and investment within the emerging world become, the less important the West becomes to the global economy, a trend accelerated by the Great Recession. While the economies of the West sag under high debt and joblessness, China, India and much of the rest of the emerging world have powered through the downturn and are looking more and more to one another. And as the major emerging economies grow closer economically, they are discovering shared political interests. The BRICs ? Brazil, Russia, India and China ? have already started to hold regular summits to coordinate their efforts on major issues like reforming the global financial system. (South Africa joined the latest conference as well.) They are also challenging the established economic order. China and Russia, for example, have led a charge to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's No. 1 reserve currency. If the supersonic trade and investment among emerging economies continues, "the importance of the U.S. and Europe economically and politically would diminish," says HSBC's King. (Read about corruption and abuse of Power threatening Russia's economic gains.)

Corporate executives are discovering new opportunities in their emerging compatriots as well. Companies that might not have broken into developed markets with little-known brand names have found success in emerging markets, where loyalties aren't as fixed. Chinese mobile-phone maker G'Five saw its sales in India surge more than 75% in the past fiscal year; its trendy phones appeal to Indian consumers with thin wallets. Chery, a major Chinese carmaker, would likely struggle in the competitive U.S. market, where Chinese-made goods suffer from a reputation for shoddy quality. Instead, Chery has invested in emerging economies and has 16 factories either operating or under construction in countries such as Russia, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia and Brazil. Chinese PC maker Lenovo decided in 2009 to focus more on emerging economies, believing its experience at home could give it an advantage in other developing nations. In India, for instance, the firm replicated sales techniques that worked in poor areas of China, like showing free movies to villagers as part of PC-marketing road shows. The strategy has paid off. Revenue in emerging markets (excluding Lenovo's Chinese base) ballooned 46.5% in the quarter ending in June, compared with only an 8.5% increase in developed countries, helping the company gain PC market share globally.

Building Bridges (Literally)
The continued integration of the emerging world is far from assured. Developing countries have higher tariffs and stiffer restrictions on capital flow than developed ones. Roads and transport networks have been designed to deliver goods to the U.S. and Europe, not from one developing country to another, often making the shipping of products slow and expensive. As a result, the flow of trade and money is still small compared with that between North and South. Despite its eye-popping growth, trade between India and China amounts to a mere sixth of that between China and the U.S. Persistent political tensions could also flare up and impede economic relations in the future. China and India, for example, still spar over unresolved border disputes, while New Delhi's support for the Dalai Lama irks leaders in Beijing who consider him a dangerous separatist.

See "India vs. China: Whose Economy Is Better?"

In Manzhouli, there is a gap between the potential of the Russian trade and the reality. The markets at a tourist zone outside town, where Russians can shop without visas for Chinese-made wares, are almost completely shut by 1 p.m. A giant hotel not far from the airport, topped by Russian-style maroon domes, appears abandoned. Chinese officials complain that their Russian counterparts hamper progress by erratically changing regulations and trade policies. "The Russian bureaucrats are not eager to move forward with economic development," says Li of the Manzhouli economic zone. "Chinese officials are willing to sacrifice their holidays for development. Russian officials never work overtime." There are physical impediments as well. The gauges of the Russian and Chinese railways are different, forcing trade goods to be transferred between trains at the Manzhouli border ? a productivity-killing process.

Active efforts are under way to dismantle these barriers. Developing Asian and Latin American countries have completed 13 free-trade agreements since 2004. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently raised the idea of forging a free-trade "Eurasian Union" among former Soviet states, and during an October visit by Putin to Beijing, Russia and China formed a joint $4 billion fund to encourage investment between them. New roads, railways and ports are connecting emerging nations more than ever before. Burma is rebuilding an old road across the country that will link China and India, potentially cutting the cost of transporting goods between them by some 30%. Beijing, wary of relying on the Panama Canal for the shipping of Brazil's vital natural resources, is proposing a new route through Colombia, with a $7.6 billion railway connecting its Pacific and Caribbean coasts. And China is liberalizing (albeit slowly) its currency regime, encouraging its major partners to use the renminbi instead of the dollar in their trade. HSBC figures that the renminbi could be the currency of choice in at least half of China's trade with other emerging nations in three to five years. (See photos of China's high-speed rail.)

But even as some roadblocks come down, others go up. Competition among major emerging markets for exports, investment, jobs and global influence fuels tensions. Officials in Brazil and India have complained that China's control of the renminbi's value hampers their exports by keeping competing Chinese goods artificially cheap. Resentment toward China spans from Brazil to Zambia over Chinese investors' buying up large swaths of their economies while providing few benefits in return. Resolving such differences could be crucial for the future of the emerging world. As HSBC's King points out, giant emerging economies can no longer count on the overextended U.S. consumer to raise their living standards up to the level of the West; only exports and growth created within the emerging world can achieve that. Consulting firm Accenture estimates that India's expanding business with other emerging markets could create 28.2 million jobs in the country by 2020. And as the emerging world becomes more integrated, pressure mounts on the U.S. and Europe to join in ? by, for example, signing more free-trade agreements like the ones Washington approved in October with South Korea, Colombia and Panama. "The story for the developed countries is that you have to get on your bike and be part of the rush to key emerging markets," says ADB's Wignaraja. Otherwise, "you run the risk of being left out."

Huang Jincai has no intention of letting that happen to him. The Manzhouli-based timber processor has pinned all his hopes ? and money ? on China-Russia trade. In 2003, Huang was a migrant worker, spending long hours in the Russian Far East cutting timber. Today, his desk overlooks a buzzing Manzhouli from the 20th floor of an office tower two blocks away from the new, swank Shangri-La Hotel. Over the past seven years, Huang, his brother and a Russian partner have invested almost $5 million in a timber-processing factory in Russia that employs 100 people, and this year he started a Manzhouli company to import and sell the timber. Though he regularly confronts difficulties, from bewildering local tax codes to occasional Russian hostility to Chinese workers, those problems can't squelch his enthusiasm. "My life has changed a lot" because of the Russia trade, Huang, 31, says. "I'm pretty optimistic. After all, the trade just can't stop." No, it can't.

? with reporting by Nilanjana Bhowmick / New Delhi, Jessie Jiang / Manzhouli, Simon Shuster / Moscow And Sheena Rossiter / S?o Paulo

See photos of American colleges in India.

Read "School Is a Right, but Will Indian Girls Be Able to Go?"

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Higgins to win Irish presidency as rival concedes (AP)

DUBLIN ? Human rights activist and poet Michael D. Higgins headed for victory Friday in Ireland's presidential election as the Irish picked a left-wing idealist to be the new face of a debt-struck nation.

Higgins' main challenger, business guru and reality TV celebrity Sean Gallagher, conceded defeat in a telephone call to Higgins. Gallagher said he expected Higgins would be, as his own campaign slogan promised, "a president to be proud of."

Higgins, 70, was mobbed by well-wishers and journalists as he arrived at the Dublin Castle count center. Minutes later, electoral officials announced he had received 39.6 percent of all first-preference votes to take an unassailable lead atop the field of seven candidates.

"I'm very glad that it was so decisive. It will enable me to be a president for all of the people," Higgins said of his commanding share of votes from Thursday's election.

Final results are expected Saturday because of Ireland's complex voting system, which permits voters to rank candidates in order of preference. Several rounds of counting are required to transfer the votes of the least popular candidates to those still in contention. Analysts say this process will inevitably put Higgins above the 50 percent threshold needed to succeed Mary McAleese as Ireland's ceremonial head of state.

Gallagher received 28.5 percent of first-preference votes. Former Irish Republican Army commander Martin McGuinness came third with 13.7 percent. Gay Mitchell of the main government party, Fine Gael, came fourth with 6.4 percent, while gay rights activist David Norris finished with 6.2 percent.

"I'm very happy to be an Irishman under the presidency of Michael D. Higgins," said Norris, who was the campaign's initial leader but saw his chances ruined by revelations that he had written letters to Israel seeking clemency for a former partner who had been convicted of raping a 15-year-old Palestinian boy.

Norris lauded Higgins as a political maverick and social liberal who would "speak out on behalf of the marginalized."

Higgins is widely known in Ireland simply as "Michael D," befitting his status as one of the country's most liked and instantly recognized politicians. He stands just 5 foot 4, his elfin features complimented with a much-parodied high voice infused with his rural County Clare roots.

Higgins, a former University College Galway lecturer in sociology and politics, is credited as an intellectual heavyweight of Irish politics with three published collections of poetry to his credit and a four-decade record of promoting homegrown arts, literature, film and the native Gaelic language. Unlike other English-only candidates and most of the nation, Higgins spoke the native Irish tongue fluently on the campaign trail.

He also has traveled the world defending left-wing human rights cases. He is one of Ireland's most ardent critics of U.S. foreign policy, particularly in Central America, Iraq and Afghanistan, and of Israel's policies versus the Palestinians.

His socialism came to the fore on the campaign trail as he condemned the get-rich-quick excesses of Ireland's lost Celtic Tiger boom economy, arguing its narcissism and greed left the country mired in debt and unemployment.

Gallagher, an entrepreneur and the star judge on a business-talent TV competition called "Dragon's Den," last week seemed on course to an unlikely victory as he pledged to lead Ireland back to prosperity.

He had a 15-point lead in opinion polls versus Higgins until Monday ? when his image imploded during the campaign's last live TV debate.

McGuinness presented evidence that Gallagher had served as a "bagman," a collector of undocumented cash donations, from businessmen to Fianna Fail. Voters in February expelled Fianna Fail from office after the long-dominant party was blamed for leading Ireland to the brink of bankruptcy and an international bailout.

Gallagher, who ran as an independent and downplayed his Fianna Fail background, stumbled as he tried to explain the circumstances of one donation he allegedly collected from a border fuel smuggler. Analysts said that admission linked Gallagher fatally in voters' minds to Fianna Fail's poor ethical record.

Higgins' campaign team seized on their candidate's own reputation for honesty and integrity as a point of contrast. Full-page newspaper ads on election day claimed that the "D" in Higgins' name stood for democracy and decency. It actually stands for Daniel.

A survey published Friday by Irish pollsters RedC said it telephoned 1,100 citizens Thursday after they had cast their ballots and detected a massive flight from Gallagher in the campaign's dying days.

About 38 percent said they had decided whom to support only following that TV debate. Some 28 percent said they had switched support in the past week ? and 58 percent of those said they had dumped Gallagher in favor of Higgins.


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Barack Obama Working To Boost Businesses Without The Help Of Congress

WASHINGTON -- Pushing a campaign to act without Congress, President Barack Obama moved unilaterally Friday to boost private business.

He signed executive orders aimed at spurring economic growth, capping a week in which Obama sought to employ the power of his office as he struggles to make headway on his jobs bill on Capitol Hill.

Obama's orders direct government agencies to shorten the time it takes for federal research to turn into commercial products in the marketplace. The goal is to help startup companies and small businesses create jobs and expand their operations more quickly.

On the other front, Obama called for creation of a centralized online site, to be known as BusinessUSA, for companies to easily find information on federal services. The site, a recommendation of the president's jobs council, is to be up and running within 90 days and will be designed with input from U.S. businesses.

Obama announced both steps in presidential memos released Friday morning.

"Today, I am directing my administration to take two important steps to help American businesses create new products, compete in a global economy, and create jobs here at home," Obama said. The White House had no estimate for how many jobs would be created.

On a larger scale, the president himself announced two other executive actions this week, one offering help for homeowners seeking to refinance at lower mortgage rates and the other allowing college students to simplify and lower their student loan payments. The White House also issued a challenge to community health centers in a bid to help get veterans jobs.

White House aides expect more such actions in coming days. Obama, up for re-election, is waging a public campaign to show voters he is acting on jobs more than Republicans are.

The Republicans who control the House counter that their economic bills have not been considered in the Senate. And they question Obama's latest tactic.

"This idea that you're just going to go around the Congress is just, it's almost laughable," House Speaker John Boehner told radio talk show host Laura Ingraham on Thursday.

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Samsung's Q3 2011 overall profit falls despite incredible phone sales

Ready for more dollars and cents earnings news? It's Samsung's turn, and when it comes to phones the news couldn't be better, where it notched an operating profit of $2.3 billion on record sales. Unfortunately, other parts of its massive business selling displays, memory chips, appliances, and more weren't as profitable, leading a quarterly profit of $3.8 billion, down 13% from the same period last year. We'll wait for a press release in English for more details, for now you can paw through bar graphs and figures in the accompanying slides.

Update: Now with English language press included after the break.

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Haitian lawmaker released from jail amid protests (AP)

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti ? A Haitian lawmaker who was jailed on charges that he escaped prison on the day of last year's massive earthquake was let go Friday.

Following his release, Dep. Arnel Belizaire went to parliament as several dozen supporters gathered outside the building to greet him with hugs and cheers.

The overnight detention of Belizaire was a rare instance in which police have locked up a government official. Investigators must formally request that immunity be lifted before they can question an official.

Police jailed Belizaire Friday shortly after he had returned from a trip to France. Police say Belizaire was an escaped prisoner who fled the national penitentiary in the chaotic aftermath of the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake. He had been locked up since 2004 on an illegal weapons charge.

Despite his criminal record, Belizaire somehow proved eligible to run for office in a drawn-out election that began last year and ended early this year; candidates are required to show they have a clean record. Belizaire was elected to parliament in a March 20 runoff.

Since he took office, Belizaire has been an open critic of Haitian President Michel Martelly, who was sworn in in May, and the two have been heard lashing out at each other at the National Palace.

Belizaire is a member of Veye Yo, a political party headquartered in Miami, Florida, that has strong ties to former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

The detention of Belizaire threatens to aggravate already uneasy relations between Martelly and parliament, whose members rejected the leader's first two picks for prime minister before approving the third.

The head of the United Nations mission in Haiti and the French Embassy on Friday responded to Belizaire's detention by issuing statements. France urged the government and legislature to bear in mind "procedures" involving the separation of powers and parliamentary immunity.


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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Union approves new contract with Chrysler

October 29, 2011

DETROIT (AP) ? Members of the United Auto Workers union approved a new four?year labor contract with Chrysler on Wednesday, though many voted against the pact.

The approval means that all three Detroit automakers have signed deals with the union and labor peace is likely at least through September of 2015.

The contracts, reached without strikes or arbitration, should help the union in its efforts to organize workers at U.S. factories owned by foreign automakers, UAW President Bob King said. The UAW has made progress with the companies in confidential discussions, he said, but he would not identify which company the UAW will focus on first.

Overall, about 55 percent of workers casting ballots voted for the contract with Chrysler and 45 percent opposed it.

Salaried and production workers across the U.S. voted in favor of the deal, but skilled trades workers such as electricians and pipe fitters voted it down. So under the union's Constitution, the executive board made the final decision to ratify the pact.

Under the deals, most workers at Chrysler, Ford and General Motors?(News - Alert) won't get pay raises. But they'll get signing bonuses, profit sharing and other payments. The deals also promise at least 13,000 new jobs at all three companies and give raises to a small number of entry?level workers who make about half the pay of a longtime UAW member.

About 56 percent of skilled trades workers voted against the contract, forcing the executive board to meet by teleconference. The board declared the contract ratified after determining that skilled trades workers voted the deal down mainly for economic reasons that weren't unique to their jobs.

The union and Chrysler reached a tentative agreement on the new contract Oct. 12, and Chrysler Group LLC's 26,000 workers finished voting on the deal Tuesday night.

The Chrysler deal includes a $3,500 signing bonus, and its profit?sharing checks are far lower than workers will get at Ford Motor Co. and General Motors Co. Ford's signing bonus is $6,000, while GM's is $5,000. Chrysler Group LLC has yet to make a full?year profit since it emerged from bankruptcy protection in 2009, while GM and Ford have each made billions.

Chrysler workers were barred from striking over wages under the terms of the company's 2009 government bailout.

Chrysler hasn't made an annual profit since 2005. The company earned $116 million in the first quarter, its first quarterly net profit in five years. But it lost $370 million in the second quarter, mostly because of charges for refinancing government debt. The company is likely to announce a third?quarter profit when it reports earnings on Friday.

Chrysler expects to earn $200 million to $500 million this year, excluding the debt charges. But the profit is tiny compared with its Detroit rivals. Ford reported a profit of $6.6 billion last year, while GM earned $4.7 billion.

The Chrysler deal promises up to 2,100 new jobs and investment of $4.5 billion in U.S. factories.


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Israeli airstrike kill 5 Gaza militants (AP)

JERUSALEM ? Israeli aircraft killed 5 Palestinian militants from the Islamic Jihad group whom it says were responsible for recent rocket attacks on Israel, the military said Saturday.

The military said it targeted the same group of militants that fired rockets that exploded near the Israeli city of Ashdod Wednesday night. No Israelis were injured in that attack.

A military spokesman said the militants were hit as they were preparing to launch more rockets at Israel. The military "will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians," he said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity in accordance with military protocols.

Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Adham Abu Salmia said 5 men were killed and another 11 injured in an explosion inside a militant training site in southern Gaza.

Islamic Jihad is one of the militant groups in Gaza that frequently fires rockets into southern Israel, prompting Israeli reprisal strikes.

The vowed revenge in a text message sent to reporters. "Our response shall be in the depths of the Zionist entity," it said in reference to the Israeli heartland.

Islamic Jihad spokesman Abu Ahmed said one of its local field commanders, Ahmed Sheikh Khalil, was killed. He said Khalil was one of the group's chief bomb makers. "Today it was a great loss for us in the Islamic Jihad," he said. "The size of our retaliation will equal our loss."

The Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad took responsibility for multiple suicide bombings and shooting attacks against civilians in Israel during the second Palestinian intifadah, or uprising, in the first half of the last decade.


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Buy a civilization starter kit, prepare for the apocalypse now (Yahoo! News)

If you're worried that the?zombie apocalypse is nigh, never fear! On?Kickstarter, a site well known for getting?wild ideas off the ground with crowdsourced funding, you can actually invest in your end of the world plan now ? before things go south. A collective called?Open Source Ecology is drumming up funds on the site for what they call Global Village Construction Sets, and while they might not be zombie-proof per se, they do aim to provide the tools you'd need to start a modern civilization from scratch.

So what comes in the kit? You'll get all the info you'll need to build a number of handy tools through?what the organization calls "microscale fabrication." That includes blueprints for making a?tractor, a brick press, a pulverizer, a power unit and more ? and the instructions for?operating the 50 some odd industrial machines you'll make.

The project's somewhat radical goal is to provide "access to powerful tools that anyone can use to transform their built environment." The idea is that with all of the documentation in the included "resource library", you could theoretically get your own society off the ground. That is if the Kickstarter campaign reaches its $40,000 goal by November 19 ? and you know, assuming the human race hangs on for long enough. The more you pledge, the more advance training you'll get, so keep that in mind if you're opening your wallet.

Of course, you could just use the kits to make your own sustainable non-post-apocalyptic miniature DIY community, if you don't feel like waiting for the world to end.

Kickstarter via?Dvice

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Jackson dependent on painkiller, trial expert says (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? Michael Jackson was dependent on a painkiller that he received in large, regular shots, along with Botox treatments, in the months before his death, a Los Angeles court heard on Thursday.

But in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, stemming from Jackson's 2009 overdose death, addiction specialist Dr. Robert Waldman could not say unequivocally whether he believed the singer was addicted to the painkiller.

Waldman was testifying as an expert witness for the defense as it neared wrapping up its case. The claim by Murray's attorneys that the "Thriller" singer was addicted to the painkiller Demerol and that he engaged in "doctor shopping" is a central part of the defense strategy.

Murray has admitted to giving Jackson nearly daily doses of the powerful anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid at the singer's Los Angeles mansion, and medical examiners found that was the chief cause of his June 25, 2009, death.

But Murray's attorneys argue that the physician was unaware the singer was getting shots of Demerol from a Beverly Hills dermatologist, and that it hampered Murray's efforts to get him to sleep.

Waldman said side-effects of Demerol withdrawal included anxiety and insomnia.

According to medical records presented on Thursday, Jackson received 900 milligrams of Demerol over three days in May 2009, from dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein.

Klein's records show he also gave Jackson Botox and Restylane for wrinkles and excess perspiration for several months in 2009. Waldman described the Demerol shots as "stiff doses" that were not needed with skin treatment injections.

"I believe there is evidence that he was dependent on Demerol," Waldman said of Jackson, adding the pop star was "possibly" addicted to the painkiller.


But during an aggressive cross-examination by prosecutors, Waldman could not say for certain that Jackson was addicted to the drug. He also acknowledged that he was not officially certified as an addiction specialist.

Dependence is characterized by a physical need for a drug, while addiction is more serious because it also involves a person continuing with destructive behavior and use of a substance, despite bad consequences, Waldman said.

Dr. Paul White, a leading expert on propofol who is expected to be the defense's last witness, undercut prosecutors' attempts on Thursday to show Murray acted dangerously by combining sedatives with propofol in his treatment of Jackson.

"In anesthesiology, it's what we do every day," White told the jury. "We're polypharmacists. We combine drugs to achieve better effect, with less medication."

White also said it seemed unusual that Jackson would have died from the relatively small dose of 25 milligrams of propofol that Murray told police he injected into the pop star hours before he stopped breathing.

Attorneys for Murray, whose specialty is cardiology, claimed in opening arguments last month that Jackson caused his own death by giving himself an extra dose of propofol without Murray's knowledge. But the defense has yet to address that point as it lays out its case in detail.

The doctor, who has pleaded not guilty, faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

(Editing by Jill Serjeant and Peter Cooney)


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Cigna's 3Q profit falls 35 pct on charge

FILE - This Aug 4, 2011 file photo shows the Cigna logo at the headquarters of the health insurer Cigna Corp., in Philadelphia. Cigna said Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, its third-quarter profit tumbled 35 percent due to a big hit from some businesses the managed care company discontinued years ago. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

FILE - This Aug 4, 2011 file photo shows the Cigna logo at the headquarters of the health insurer Cigna Corp., in Philadelphia. Cigna said Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, its third-quarter profit tumbled 35 percent due to a big hit from some businesses the managed care company discontinued years ago. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

(AP) ? Cigna Corp. said Friday its third-quarter profit tumbled 35 percent due to a bigger hit from some businesses the managed care company discontinued years ago.

The Bloomfield, Conn., health insurer reported its net income fell to $200 million, or 74 cents per share, in the three months that ended Sept. 30, down from $307 million, or $1.13 per share, a year ago.

Adjusted income totaled $1.20 per share. Analysts surveyed by FactSet expected, on average, earnings of $1.23 per share.

Revenue climbed nearly 7 percent to $5.61 billion from $5.27 billion a year ago. Analysts expected $5.45 billion in revenue.

Cigna said results included losses totaling $179 million, or 66 cents per share, from its guaranteed minimum income benefits and variable annuity death benefits businesses. The losses were mainly due to low interest rates and "sustained volatile equity market conditions." That compares to losses totaling $44 million, or 16 cents per share, a year earlier.

Cigna discontinued those businesses in 2000 and operates them in run-off mode, meaning it seeks no new business. But they still can hurt the company's performance when the market turns bad because Cigna's liabilities toward them increase.

The insurer said medical membership in its health care segment, its largest business, climbed slightly to about 11.5 million people.

Cigna is the fourth-largest commercial health insurer based on enrollment. It operates health care, group disability and life segments in the U.S. The insurer also has an international segment that sells individual insurance in several countries and operates an expatriate business that covers people living outside their home countries.

Cigna said earlier this week it expects 2011 adjusted earnings of $5.05 to $5.30 per share, which is up from its previous forecast of $4.95 to $5.25. Analysts expect annual earnings of $5.29 per share.

Associated Press


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Lawmakers seek tougher stance on China trade (AP)

WASHINGTON ? House lawmakers are urging the administration to apply more pressure on what they call China's "predatory" trading practices, but show division on whether to pass legislation punishing China for manipulating its currency.

House Ways and Means Committee members presented a long list of grievances they say contribute to China's massive trade advantage, including its undervalued currency.

But committee chairman Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, said currency should not be considered a "silver bullet" when there are so many other problems. The top Democrat on the panel, Sander Levin of Michigan, says the House should take up legislation, passed by the Senate two weeks ago, that would threaten China with higher tariffs if it continues to undervalue its currency as a way of keeping its exports cheaper.


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AP sources: Supercommittee Dems outline offer (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Congressional officials say Democrats on the so-called supercommittee are offering to slow the growth in future Social Security benefits as part of a multitrillion-dollar deficit-reduction package of increased tax revenue and cuts in spending.

The plan also envisions using a part of the savings to fund measures to create jobs, as President Barack Obama has called for.

The proposal was outlined on Tuesday in a closed-door meeting of the special congressional committee that has until late next month to recommend at least $1.2 trillion in deficit savings. Republicans presented a counter-plan Wednesday. Details are unknown.

In all, officials say Democrats proposed to raise revenue by about $1.3 trillion over a decade and cut spending by the same amount.

They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing committee confidentiality rules.


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

AP: Man to surrender in NY insider trading case (AP)

NEW YORK ? A prominent former Goldman Sachs board member was expected to surrender to federal authorities on Wednesday to face criminal charges stemming from a massive hedge fund insider trading case, according to two people familiar with the case.

Rajat Gupta was expected to appear in federal court in Manhattan.

The two people, who have inside knowledge of the case, confirmed Tuesday night that Gupta intended to surrender but declined to say what the charges are. They spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the charges hadn't been formally announced.

The Securities and Exchange Commissioner originally brought civil fraud charges against Gupta in March. The SEC alleged that, at the height of the financial crisis, he passed along privileged financial information that helped enrich Raj Rajaratnam, a former billionaire hedge fund manager who was the prime target of the criminal probe.

Gupta's lawyer responded by accusing the SEC of launching a "flawed case premised in large part on unreliable evidence being used in an attempt to bring down a man of sterling reputation and remarkable achievements without the procedural safeguards historically accorded to all persons similarly charged."

The Indian-born, Harvard-educated Gupta also has served on the boards of Procter & Gamble and the parent company for American Airlines. He was a guest at President Barack Obama's first state dinner.

Gupta's name played prominently at the criminal trial earlier this year of Rajaratnam, who was convicted after prosecutors used a trove of wiretaps on which he could be heard coaxing a crew of corporate tipsters into giving him an illegal edge on blockbuster trades.

Jurors heard testimony that at an Oct. 23, 2008, Goldman board meeting, members were told that the investment bank was facing a quarterly loss for the first time since it had gone public in 1999.

Prosecutors produced phone records showing Gupta called Rajaratnam 23 seconds after the meeting ended, causing Rajaratnam to sell his entire position in Goldman the next morning and save millions of dollars.

Rajaratnam also earned close to $1 million when Gupta told him that Goldman had received an offer from Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway to invest $5 billion in the banking giant, prosecutors said.

In one tape played at trial, Rajaratnam could be heard grilling Gupta about whether the Goldman Sachs board had discussed acquiring a commercial bank or an insurance company.

"Have you heard anything along that line?" Rajaratnam asked Gupta.

"Yeah," Gupta responded. "This was a big discussion at the board meeting."

Prosecutors sought to maximize the impact of the Gupta tape by calling Goldman Sachs chairman Lloyd Blankfein to testify that the phone call violated the investment bank's confidentiality policies.

Gupta's lawyer Gary P. Naftalis said Tuesday night that his client and Rajaratnam communicated for "legitimate reasons." He said his client didn't trade in any securities, didn't tip Rajaratnam so he could trade and didn't share in any profits.

"The facts demonstrate that Mr. Gupta is an innocent man and that he has always acted with honesty and integrity," Naftalis said in an emailed statement.

Rajaratnam, who's in his mid-50s, was sentenced earlier this year to 11 years in prison. His lawyers had argued for 6 1/2 to nine years. Defense attorney Terence Lynam asked the judge to show compassion because of Rajaratnam's illnesses, saying: "He does not deserve to die in prison."

The FBI's New York office and the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan declined to comment about Gupta on Tuesday.


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Why Economic Models Are Always Wrong

Many, many, many people saw the economic collapse.

I was reading plenty of blogs on the housing bubble,, et etc, describing the preposterousness of "liar loans", subprime this, and idiocy that, and the crazy valuations.

The New York Times even had a plot of the inflation-adjusted Case-Schiller price index which was enormously above any prior peak. During 2006 and 2007 and 2008.

The notion that "nobody" saw it is simply propagandistic truthiness baloney. I personally didn't profit, because I was much too early shorting the mortgage companies & home builders and got stopped out---the bubble was too powerful.

The real crime is that a small number of very powerful people had an exceptionally lucrative interest in NOT stopping it, because they were getting ginormous paychecks from the continuation of the bubble. And now the notion that nobody could see it is used as excuses for the powerful to excuse themselves from responsibility from fraud and crime.

Down in the guts of banks, there were both risk modeling quants in the fancy banks, and the traditional "ladies with a bun" in the retail banks who processed the paperwork who saw how much outright fraud and insanity there was. Their jobs were threatened when they attempted to speak up and stop the madness, because the business side executives were making shitloads of shekels on volume.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama to Announce New Program to Help Struggling Homeowners (ABC News)

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Sprint posts smallest quarterly loss in 4 years

(AP) ? Sprint Nextel Corp. on Wednesday reported its smallest quarterly loss in four years, as it continued a turnaround and kept getting better at keeping and attracting customers.

The country's No. 3 wireless carrier added a net 1.3 million subscribers in the July to September period, the best result since 2006. Sprint continued to lose subscribers from its lucrative contract-based plans, but at a relatively low rate: 44,000 in the quarter.

Sprint's total customer count, 53.4 million, is now back at where it was in 2007, before the exodus of Nextel customers turned into a torrent.

The Overland Park, Kan.-based company has made steady gains in the last year and a half. Unfortunately for the company, most of the new customers are low-paying ones. They buy service from Sprint's low-cost Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile or Assurance Wireless brands, or from non-Sprint brands that use the company's network.

The latest subscriber results don't include the effect of the iPhone, which Sprint started selling Oct. 14. The phone is expected to further improve the carrier's ability to keep customers, but at a high price. Apple charges about $600 for a phone that Sprint sells for $200.

Sprint on Wednesday said it had raised the limit on its credit line by $150 million and amended the terms so that an increase in the total amount of phone discounts doesn't affect its creditworthiness. It said it had $1 billion undrawn on the line.

Sprint net loss was $301 million, or 10 cents per share, for the third quarter. That's down from $911 million, or 28 cents per share, a year ago. It was the best performance by Sprint since it reported a profit of $64 million in the third quarter of 2007.

Revenue rose 2.2 percent to $8.3 billion.

Analysts polled by FactSet expected a loss of 22 cents per share on $8.4 billion in revenue.

Its shares rose 7 cents, or 2.6 percent, to $2.77 in premarket trading.

Associated Press


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Court: Convicted Okla. judge to forfeit retirement (AP)

OKLAHOMA CITY ? A former Oklahoma judge convicted of exposing himself by using a sexual device while presiding over trials is not eligible to receive the retirement benefits from his 23-year career on the bench, the state's highest court ruled Tuesday.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court's unanimous ruling in the case involving former Creek County District Judge Donald Thompson means he won't receive the gross monthly retirement payment of $7,789.51 to which he would have been entitled.

Thompson served about 20 months in prison after being found guilty in 2006 of four felony counts of indecent exposure for using a device called a penis pump while presiding over trials. Thompson denied the accusations and claimed the device was a gag gift.

"Those felonies violated Mr. Thompson's oath of office," Justice James Winchester wrote in the court's opinion. "This uncontested evidence presented by (the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System) is sufficient to support forfeiture."

Thompson's attorney, Clark Brewster, argued the convictions should have resulted only in the forfeiture of the retirement benefits accrued during his final term in office, which began in 2002.

"Each time you run for office, it's a new office," Brewster told The Associated Press. "It was our position that you couldn't go back to previous terms of office and take away those benefits."

The high court determined that interpretation of the statute would unfairly benefit state officials who were elected to multiple terms in office.

"We see no reason to believe the Legislature intended such a disproportionate penalty between state employees and state officers for violation of their oaths of office," Winchester wrote.

The retirement system's Board of Trustees ruled in 2009 that Thompson's felony convictions required the forfeiture of his retirement benefits. That ruling was appealed to the Oklahoma County District Court, which upheld the board's ruling. Thompson appealed the district court's ruling to the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

The court's ruling did not affect Thompson's own contributions to his pension or the retirement benefits that he received during his six years as a state legislator from 1974 to 1980. The forfeiture statute was passed by the Legislature in 1981 and was not retroactive.


Sean Murphy can be reached at


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Engadget Hooks Up With gdgt To Power Its Product Modules

engadget-gdgt-reviewsAccording to a tipster, social product review site gdgt?will be expanding its embeddable widget offerings, which have previously included Time's Techland blog, to a more massive scale on our sister AOL site, Engadget. A screencap of how the integration will work, above. Like TechCrunch's Crunchbase, gdgt will be syndicating its crowdsourced product data, user review data, Q&A and discussions across related Engadget content. In return gdgt will benefit from the exposure to Engadget?s formidable readership.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Special Report: Singed by Solyndra (reuters)

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World stocks jump as Asian data shows resilience

(AP) ? World stock markets jumped Monday, buoyed by resilient economic indicators from Asia's two biggest economies and hopes of progress in resolving Europe's debt crisis.

Oil prices rose above $88 a barrel. The dollar fell against the euro but rose against the yen.

European shares advanced in early trading. Britain's FTSE 100 gained 0.4 percent to 5,512.34 and Germany's DAX added 0.9 percent to 6,021.92. France's CAC-40 rose 0.5 percent to 3,188.44. Wall Street was headed for another day of gains, with the Dow Jones industrial average 0.3 percent higher at 11,795 and S&P 500 futures gaining 0.3 percent to 1,238.30

Asian shares posted solid gains earlier in the day as economic data from Japan and China showed a measure of strength.

Japan's Nikkei 225 index added 1.9 percent to close at 8,843.98 after the government said exports grew for a second straight month in September. The country's trade suffered a five-month decline in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeast Japan.

Mainland Chinese shares rose after HSBC said its preliminary China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index, which measures industrial production, rose to 51.1 in October from 49.9 in September. A result above 50 indicates expansion but the preliminary indicator is often subject to substantial revision.

The Shanghai Composite Index was 2.3 percent higher at 2,370.33 and the smaller Shenzhen Composite Index climbed 1.9 percent to 977.03.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng soared 4.1 percent to 18,771.82 and South Korea's Kospi shot up 3.3 percent to 1,898.32. Benchmarks in Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines were also higher.

In Europe, leaders are to meet Wednesday to hammer out a concrete resolution to the region's debt problems, including ways to fortify the euro 440 billion ($600 billion) bailout fund to help prevent larger economies that use the euro common currency, such as Italy, from being dragged into the crisis.

Weeks of intensive discussions by European leaders have so far failed to produce a decisive outcome.

"Markets will remain nervous ahead of Wednesday's EU summit, hoping that officials can settle their differences and emerge with a concrete solution. In this respect, the risk of disappointment is high," Credit Agricole CIB said in a research note.

South Korean constructions shares rose on expectations that the death of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi would lead to the resumption of construction projects in the North African country, Yonhap News Agency reported. Daewoo surged 5.5 percent. Hyundai Heavy Industries jumped 7.3 percent.

Chinese banking shares soared ahead of earnings reports to be released this week, analysts said. Hong Kong-listed Agricultural Bank of China jumped 8.5 percent, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the world's largest bank by market value, gained 5.5 percent.

Linus Yip, strategist at First Shanghai Securities in Hong Kong, said speculative investors appeared to be scooping up what were thought to be bargain-priced Hong Kong stocks.

"Today, there is some bargain-hunting for sectors like the Chinese insurance sector and Hong Kong property," he said. Hong Kong-listed Ping An Insurance gained 6.9 percent. China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. was up 9.3 percent.

In the U.S. on Friday, enthusiasm for stocks was on the upswing amid some positive third-quarter earnings reports from U.S. companies, which come despite a weak economy. Among S&P 500 companies reporting so far, seven out of ten have posted higher profits than expected.

The Dow Jones industrial average jumped 267.01 points, or 2.3 percent, to 11,808.79. The Dow is now up 2 percent from where it started 2011. Before Friday's surge, it was down for the year. The Dow has risen for four weeks straight, the first time that has happened since January.

In currencies, the euro rose to $1.3889 from $1.3864 Friday in New York. The dollar rose to 76.22 yen from 76.12 yen.

Benchmark crude for December delivery was up 96 cents at $88.35 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose $1.33 to settle at $87.40 in New York on Friday.

Brent crude was up 74 cents at $110.30 a barrel on the ICE Futures Exchange in London.

Associated Press


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Part of wall collapses at Pompeii (AP)

MILAN ? Officials at Pompeii's archaeological site say part of a wall has collapsed due to heavy rains in recent days.

Spokeswoman Daniela Leone said Saturday an external layer of a roughly two-meter (six-foot) section of wall collapsed at the northern end of the ancient ruins. Leone said it was of no artistic value and stressed that the wall itself remained standing. The area was closed to the public.

There were two collapses at the 2,000-year-old archaeological site last year, emphasizing concerns about the state of Italy's cultural treasures.

Some 3 million people a year visit the ancient ruins of Pompeii, a teeming Roman city destroyed in A.D. 79 by a volcanic eruption;



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Monday, October 24, 2011

Fed could target housing to help economy: Dudley (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? The weak housing sector continues to pose a strong headwind to the economic recovery, and the Federal Reserve could potentially do more to drive down mortgage rates to support the sector, an influential Federal Reserve official said on Monday.

William Dudley, president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, said another round of quantitative easing, or QE3, is one possible option the U.S. central bank has to boost the slow recovery. "I don't think the Fed has run out of bullets," he said.

In back-to-back speeches, Dudley also warned about "spillover" effects from Europe's debt crisis, which he predicted would be solved. But his comments on housing in particular could raise the stakes in the debate over what, if anything, the U.S. central bank should do next.

It was the third time in a week that a Fed policymaker highlighted the possibility that the central bank could do more to support the housing market, a persistent drag on the recovery. A glut of foreclosed homes on the market and tight credit have contributed to a sector virtually stuck in the mud and unable to gain traction.

"Breaking this vicious cycle is one of the most pressing issues facing policymakers," Dudley said in a speech at Fordham University's Gabelli School of Business.

"Clearly we've indicated our interest in supporting the housing market in keeping mortgage rate spreads, and spreads between mortgage rates and Treasury yields, from getting too elevated," he said. "Depending on how the world evolves, we potentially could move to do more in that direction."

In a move to help homeowners whose homes are worth less than they owe, a government regulator expanded a refinancing program. The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, on Monday eased the terms of a refinancing program that helps so-called underwater borrowers who have been on time with payments but are unable to refinance.

But the overhaul would help only a fraction of the 11 million underwater borrowers.

Dudley, who as head of the New York Fed has a permanent voting seat on the Fed's policy-setting committee, said the central bank will continue to do everything in its power to help the economic recovery.

Dudley's comments come on the heels of remarks by Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo last week that there was "ample room" for policymakers to do more to spur economic growth and that more mortgage-related securities purchases should be on the table.


Faced with the worst recession in decades, the Fed in late 2008 cut rates to near zero. It then bought $2.3 trillion in debt in two consecutive rounds known as quantitative easing, or QE1 and QE2, to spur a recovery.

The purchase of mortgage securities was a controversial part of QE1 in 2009, with some officials criticizing it for propping up a specific sector of the economy.

Speaking in the New York City borough of the Bronx, Dudley called the housing market "a serious impediment" to a stronger recovery, which this year has been plagued by "quite disappointing" growth in gross domestic product.

Yet the rebound has been weak and is now threatened by Europe's debt crisis, casting doubt on the central bank's strategy and effectiveness but also raising some expectations for more asset purchases.

"The Fed is doing -- and will continue to do -- everything within its power to promote jobs and price stability," said Dudley. Later, addressing the Bronx Chamber of Commerce, he said "quantitative easing round three" was a possible option.

"Without robust growth, the economy is more vulnerable to negative shocks, which unfortunately seem to keep coming," Dudley said. "It is like riding a bicycle -- at a slow speed, the bicycle wobbles and the risk of falling rises."

Another Fed regional president, Richard Fisher of the Dallas Fed, said he would be reluctant to endorse more aid to the housing sector.

"There are other initiatives that the fiscal and other authorities can take that would possibly pick housing up off the floor, but I think it is going to be a very long-term process," said Fisher, who spoke in Toronto. "I think we have to be careful not to get into fiscal initiatives at the central bank."


Europe, meanwhile, threatens to drag the world into another recession as policymakers there wrangle over a possible Greek default and its impact on the European banking system.

Dudley, citing the effect on stock markets and on bank lending, noted: "To date, these effects have been much more acute in Europe than in the United States, but there are spillovers to our nation, and we need to monitor them carefully."

However, Dudley said he sees the inflation rate, which has been higher than the Fed's preferred level of 2 percent, falling, barring more energy price jumps. "I believe that underlying fundamentals will help to subdue inflation over the next few quarters," he said.

Fisher, whose dissenting votes on recent Fed easing put him on the opposite end of the policy spectrum from Dudley, agreed. "Inflation is not the problem in the United States right now," he said, adding that high unemployment is the biggest problem facing the U.S. economy.

But Fisher did not advocate more action by the Fed. Repeating his long-held view, Fisher said the Fed has filled the economy's "gas tank," and said adding any more heft to the Fed's $2.8 trillion balance sheet would be of "questionable efficacy."

Last month, the Fed announced a plan, known as Operation Twist, to replace $400 billion of short-term securities in its portfolio with longer-term debt in order to lower longer-term rates and stimulate the economy.

(Additional reporting by Andrea Hopkins in Toronto and Ann Saphir in Chicago; Editing by Leslie Adler and Dan Grebler)


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