Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cell Phone Recycling - What Can You Do With Your Old Cell? | All ...

Posted by admin on August 27th, 2011

Recycling your old cell phone can be done through donating it to charity. It is practically a win-win situation wherein you are able to help both the environment and the charity itself. It is also a call for a more positive approach to helping in your own little way, and is beneficial for your social interaction. There is an estimated 150 million mobile phones out in public use to date, and cell phone recycling has been a godsend to some local charities. different organizations annually hold certain events like these in partnership with some telecommunication companies. It is by far a good example for those who want to preserve the environment and at the same time help others in need. one thing is certain: charity is one way of being more down to earth, which is likely to be approved since it is an act of a good Christian, whether individually or in a community.

The modern day is the dawn of new technology and the future seem to be much brighter for us. Technology for one is not bad. It offers us the conveniences that we need communication to be smooth flowing and a lot more. one downside of technology is that they are all disposable. some coin it as expendable materials. Just like any other creations, there will surely come a time that our televisions, mobile phones and even cars would just not work just like it did when we first bought it. Mobile phones are a concrete example. People who upgrade their cell phones every two to three years, and just like any one of us, tend to find the most efficient and modern way of communication. old cell phones find their way into drawers and landfills which are not really a good idea since majority of its materials are hazardous to both humans and the environment.

Cell phone recycling is one way of getting rid of your old mobile phones without the threat of ruining the environment. if you desperately want to dispose of your old mobile phone, sell it via the internet. Surely there are a lot of persons who would still want to use your old mobile phone. Another good alternative is to give it personally to a family member or a friend who doesn?t have a mobile phone. Cell phone recycling can be a good exercise for the modern day since it involves good interaction among your peers.

Organized charities are also a firm foundation if you want to share. They will gladly receive your old mobile phone, whether working or not for future use. It is one of the best ways that groups and individuals nowadays institute for a more conservative way of disposing products that has a potential of degrading nature. It is practically a rotation: donate your used mobile phone to charity; you gain the sense of giving. The charity will sell their accumulated donations and use the amount to aid them in complying with their needs.

Technology has blessed us with modernity and convenience. Long gone are the days when people dream of having a television set that offers true to life images and cellular phones that bridges the gap with just a push of a button. let us just remember that technology is like us: there will come a time that it will be depleted, out of order and unusable. After all the blessings, it is time to give back. Recycle old things. Cell phone recycling is one way to make better the line of communication among loved ones and friends. give charity a shot: as the saying goes: one man?s trash is another man?s treasure.

Cell Phone Recycling ? What Can You Do With Your Old Cell?

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Tags: technology and the future, charities, down to earth
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