Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 Powerful Benefits of Asian Green Tea | God Pss

It looks like the popular issue this month is green tea weight loss, and for good reason too so it would seem. As well as being a nourishing drink, it?s very healthy and may very well help you reduce weight as well. Researchers are fascinated with green tea because it seems everytime they study it, something new is discovered. Millions of people all over the world love drinking tea, and green tea is even more special because of all the healing properties it contains. However if you have the desire to take advantage of all green tea has to offer, then you should drink it every day. There are so many benefits found in green tea, and we?ll only talk about a few because we don?t have space to talk about all of them ? so enjoy! It?s overwhelming. With so much conflicting advice on how to lose weight, something very simple you could almost instantly encompass into your everyday schedule is drinking green tea. Believe it or not, but green tea has stimulant properties that are not as harsh as found in coffee and the popular high energy quick fixes being sold, today. If you would like a stimulant drink that won?t make you nervous or jittery, then green tea is an excellent choice. This substance is known to increase the metabolism, and it is very good with those who want to lose weight. Coffee has roughly twice as much caffeine as green tea. Some high energy supplements and drinks are so strong that they can cause some problems for certain people. Green tea gives you the benefits of a stimulant without making you nervous or keeping you awake all night. We all know about the value of consuming antioxidants, well just as you may have expected; there are powerul antioxidants within green tea. You?ll be spreading a net of protection around you due to the antioxidants contained in green tea. There is one particular kind of antioxidant that is just terrific, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), and it is responsible for quite a few benefits within the body. You?ll receive some of the exact same benefits from green tea that fruits and vegetables give you. For even better healthy, eat your veggies and fruit plus drink green tea throughout your day. You can improve the health of your liver with green tea because it has detoxification abilities. What is more, there are other antioxidants within green tea called, catechins, and those babies support your immune system. The overall benefit is your liver is supported in its function of keeping the house clean, so to speak, and there?s nothing but good about that. For the greatest effect, try to drink about 3-4 cups of green tea per day, or the equivalent amount in capsule form. Overall, scientists and nutritionists are just beginning to understand all the advantages of green tea. What is great about this food is you can consume it in different ways. If you want, then you can easily take green tea in capsule form which may be attractive to some people. Ok, so how much do you need to extract the healthy benefits? A lot of people drink several cups of green tea a day, but it?s best for you to experiment and see what you like. There are more beneficial properties to green tea, and we urge you to learn more but begin using it in your diet each day. The benefits of green tea are enormous and powerful, and who knows what else will become known about it. This food is flexible because you can take it as capsule, other food alternatives, and of course drink the tea. Of course you need to take it regularly so you can experience all the benefits.

Source: http://www.godpss.com/god-pss/275

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