Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Busted Fitness Myths | Biosanes Health & Nutrition

Here are a few fitness facts that you may have thought to be true. ?Lucky for you, we were able to clear the water.

10 Fitness Myths:

1. ?Looking fit? does not mean you ?are fit.??

You know the people. The ones with the fitness-magazine workout bodies that look better than they actually function. You will be far better off with a simple 4 minute workout of Tabata squats. No added weight ? just body. Being ?fit? should give a person relative high performance across a broad spectrum of physical attributes including strength, endurance, balance, flexibility, and coordination.

2.?Women get bulky from lifting weights.?

Women can not get big and bulky for one reason: their bodies don?t produce enough testosterone to build large bulky muscles.? Testosterone is a key ingredient to putting on muscle mass, and the only way women can get this type of big bulky look is by taking steroids and hormone injections. Thus, explaining bulky female body builders.?So don?t be afraid to lift heavy weights ladies! Lifting heavy will make you strong, not manly.

3. To get rid of belly fat, do crunches.?

It seems like they would, but lets just think about it. ?In a broad sense, burning fat is a factor of expending more calories than you take in. ?The problem with crunches is that they take the body through a small range of motion, which doesn?t burn many calories. ?Instead, try boosting your?metabolism?with muscle-building resistance training. ?This will get you the abs you want and without doing one crunch.

4. Long distance running = optimum weight loss

If you are going to run to lose weight, put your efforts in to sprints. ?Sprint for 100 ? 200 meters then walk for 100 meters, and repeat the cycle until you feel like it is impossible to continue. ?Be sure to push yourself! ?Again, its all about boosting your metabolism into a fat burning machine. ?To get your desired results you sometimes have to take your body to an uncomfortable exertion level. ?Just jogging on the street, treadmill, or etiptical is inefficient and?inadequate.

5. Yoga?s main?benefit?is becoming lean.?

If you are going start practicing yoga, be sure to know the true?benefits. ?Yoga drastically improves balance, static strength, breath work, and is by far some of the best flexibility training you can put yourself through. ?As far as becoming more lean goes, yoga is just as effective as any other physical activity that burns calories. ?Just be sure that you are really pushing yourself during the work phase or your workout in order to maximize your metabolism.

6. When you are trying to build muscle, do three sets of ten repetitions.?

Many people think that the best program for muscle building is to go and hit the lifting machines: three sets of ten reps. Maybe you learned it from a friend or an old coach?regardless, try to unlearn it. ?This formula is great for beginners, but the fact is there is no best program because there are too many factors that change from person to person. ?Do some research and find the program that best suits you and pushes you to your maximum potential.

7. Avoid the dangerous ?deadlift? and ?squat.?

By utilizing?proper technique and being aware of the proper load, you can minimize your chance of injury. ?These are natural movements that we go through every day, be it by picking something up off the floor (deadlift) or by standing up from a seated position (squat). The proper technique will give you proper skeletal alignment which reduces injury. ?As always, use a load that is appropriate for your level of?fitness.

8. ?Supplements are all you need to get in shape.

Supplements complete or enhance an already nutritious diet, and should be treated as such. ?Supplements that are worth while include a good multi-vitamin, an omega-3 supplement (if you are unable to include it in your diet), Optinol fiber, Natural Magic, and Lose-It Advantage.

9. The best way to lift is by targeting specific muscle groups.

The world is never going to give you a ?quad-only? kind of day. ?Your body moves as a fluid single entity so treat it that way. ?Focus on resistance training and full body movements such as deadlifts, power cleans, and presses. Whether you are trying get stronger or lose weight,?these will give you the results you want to see.

10. Machines are safer than free weights?

Machines fool you into thinking that you are stronger than you truly are. ?They force you into a range of motion that is unnatural, ?thus depriving you of your chance to develop posture, stabilizing muscles, as well as balance. ?The chance of skeletal and?muscular?injuries are a risk for any physical activity (free weights or machine), so don?t let the machine dupe you!


Source: http://www.biosanes.com/blog/busted-fitness-myths

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