Friday, July 6, 2012

Combined Apple device sales have come closer than ever to Windows, might outsell it soon

1. alterecho posted on 2 hours ago 7 0

This is a wrong comparison. Windows PCs vs Macs + iPads + iPods + iPhones?
I would clearly draw a line between Macs and iOS devices since their capabilities are different. They should compare only Macs vs Windows PCs.

If thats how they want to compare it, then they should be including all WinMos and windows tablets, though it wouldn't make much of a difference as it stands now. Could change after win 8. But i'm guessing Microsoft will shoot themselves in the foot by making the PC experience similar to tablet experiences with their move to metro UI for PCs.

6. rudlie posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

Yes. It should comparing Windows PC vs Mac+iPad. iPod and iPhone are not comparable to PC but if the data showing OS Windows comparable may be it could be relevant.

11. rf1975 posted on 1 min ago 0 0

Agree. If they compare Macs + iPad vs Windows then it is bit OK to me.
It hard to believe that Mac+iPad will out sell Windows in near future.

2. T3chS4vvy posted on 2 hours ago 3 0

so You are saying that Iphone, ipad and Mac together.. is close to windows? well why dont we stop the bulls**t and compare the number of macs sold to the number of PCs running windows?

3. tiara6918 posted on 2 hours ago 0 1

I hope Microsoft's new Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 will be able to change this

4. AppleConspiracy posted on 2 hours ago 1 0

Paradigm shift. It was the moment when IT industry became an aestheticized sign and religion. Before that, IT pruducts were a tools. Now they are a purpose.

5. Berzerk000 posted on 2 hours ago 2 0

So... Apple has almost as much sales as PCs? What about just Macs? If we're comparing computer sales, we shouldn't include iPods, iPads, iPhones, and Macs vs. PCs. I bet Apple isn't anywhere near close if you compare PCs vs. Macs like you're supposed to do.

7. JongLong206 posted on 1 hour ago 4 0

can we have a feature in this website wherein we can "dislike" the article itself, rather than just a user comment??? coz i think i really REALLY have a use for that with this article. windows [PCs only] vs mac [all products] is just wrong..

8. roscuthiii posted on 46 min ago 1 0

You should write under the name "Armstrong", because that's a stretch...

9. vicky23 posted on 29 min ago 0 0

From a mind-boggling market domination with over 54 times more Windows PCs sold than Mac machines, Windows is now selling less than two times more machines than Apple, and if the trend continues in the next year or so, we could see Apple for the first time ever outsell Windows with its Macs, iPads and iPhones combined.

10. Aeires posted on 24 min ago 0 0

If they are going to include iOS devices, MS should have their gaming devices included as well. No one looks atand iPod and thinks it's a computer replacement, nor iPhone for that matter.

Combined Apple device sales have come closer than ever to Windows, might outsell it soon


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