Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Prostate Cancer Pony Express | Cars for Prostate Cancer

Car Donations Power the Pony Express?At Cars for Prostate Cancer, we are grateful to each of our donors for the part their car donation and other vehicle donations have played in making the 2012 Prostate Cancer Pony Express possible. Today is the first day of the ride and you can follow the progress?live.

Let?s Talk About It

Men, consider how many times you?ve had a conversation with another man about prostate health, BPH, DRE, PSA or prostate cancer. It just doesn?t happen, does it?

Ladies, how many times have you and your female friends discussed the importance of annual PSA blood tests for the men you care about? ?It just doesn?t happen, does it?

Married men and women ? how many times have you discussed any of this? Rarely, right?

Probably 93 men will die of prostate cancer today in the U.S. and nobody talks about it??? The statistics?should be an attention-getter ? 595 ? Five Hundred and Ninety Five men will be told they have prostate cancer TODAY.? But, if we don?t talk about it, nothing will change.

Let?s encourage the Pony Express riders and pray that their efforts result in higher awareness and more conversations.

Say the words ?prostate cancer? to somebody today.


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