Saturday, March 31, 2012

Single-Family ? Billerica, MA 01862 now has a new price! | ERA ...

Charming ranch with many updates, freshly painted, new vinyl siding, hardwood floors,dining room, finished basement with family room including a bar, game room, exercise room and 3/4 bath. Large level lot, fenced in backyard for playground and gardening and pets fenced-in area. Garage, circular driveway. Plus a nice work cabin for a carpenter and other trades. Not a drive by. Easy to see it! Call listing broker for an appointment. Open House this Sunday, 2/12/12, 1-3pm.

This is a Ranch style home and features 9 total rooms, 2 full baths, 3 bedrooms, 0.96 Acres, and is currently available for $314,900.

For complete details click here.

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Future Farmers | Cooper, Adel & Associates


By Lori McBride


Farming has always been a way of life for many of my family.? From my Uncle who owned a expansive turkey operation, to my aunt who still, at the age of 85 along with her sons and grandsons,? run a dairy/livestock operation in central Ohio.? One thing was clear, they worked hard and were and continue to be good agricultural stewards of the land. ?


It wasn't until I was in my early twenties, that I realized the ?eco? friendly measures that were taken to ensure the best possible product to sell to consumers, while maintaining the integrity of the land.? Their families were practicing the organic methods long before it was ?trendy?. ?


A couple of concerns for many Ohio farmers are new government mandates that could possibly be implemented as they were in United Kingdom, thus presenting the problem, of rising cost increases not necessarily supported by the consumers.? Some farmers feel there is common ground that can be achieved to promote a healthy balance between the production process and consumers.


Another question farmers are asking themselves is how sustainable is food production for both large and small farms to the next generation?? Farming is still an important part of our family and to many Central Ohio families.? With the aging agricultural stewards of the land we must prepare for the sometimes unexpected illnesses to occur.? How do we ensure the future of the farms will be protected? The Ohio Estate Recovery law allows the government to place hidden liens on properties and farms should you or your spouse be faced with a required nursing home stay. This could put a financial burden on the younger generations of the operation. ? With changing times it's important to review and update your existing legal documents to reflect the ever-changing times.?


For more information on how to preserve and protect your farm and other assets, please call 800-798-5297.

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Are pesticides responsible for bee deaths? (+video)

Important pollinators, both bumblebees and honeybees have trouble functioning after being exposed to pesticides, two new studies say. Industry experts question several aspects of the work.

A common class of pesticide is causing problems for honeybees and bumblebees, important species already in trouble, two studies suggest.

Skip to next paragraph In this video, Dr. Jan Knodel, NDSU Extension Entomologist, discusses how to protect honeybees and native pollinators from pesticide poisoning. Pollinators are a vital part of our agricultural food production and should be protected from pesticide poisoning.
Special thanks to beekeeper Todd Weinmann.

But the findings don't explain all the reasons behind a long-running?bee?decline, and other experts found one of the studies less than convincing.

The new research suggests the chemicals used in the pesticide ? designed to attack the central nervous system of insects ? also reduces the weight and number of queens in bumblebee hives. These pesticides also cause honeybees to become disoriented and fail to return to their hives, the researchers concluded.

The two studies were published online Thursday in the journal Science.

Just last week activists filed a petition with more than a million signatures asking the government to ban the class of pesticides called neonicotinoids. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said it is re-evaluating the chemicals and is seeking scientific help.

For more than a decade, pollinators of all types have been in decline, mostly because of habitat loss and perhaps some pesticide use. In the past five years, a new mysterious honeybee problem, colony collapse disorder, has further attacked hives. But over the last couple of years, that problem has been observed a bit less, said Jeff Pettis, lead?bee?researcher at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's lab in Beltsville, Md.

Other studies have also found problems with the pesticide class singled out in the new research. These "strengthen the case for more thorough re-assessing," said University of Illinois entomology professor May Berenbaum, who wasn't involved in the new studies. "But this is not a slam-dunk indictment that could compel a ban. It's complicated."

In the honeybee study, French scientists glued tiny radio transmitters to the?bees?managed for orchard pollination. The?bees?were tracked when they came and left the hive. The?bees?that were dosed with neonicotinoids were two to three times more likely not to return.

In the bumblebee study, British researchers dosed?bees?with the pesticide and moved their hives out into the field. After six weeks, they found the pesticide-treated hives were 10 percent lighter than those that weren't treated. And more important, the hives that had pesticides lost about 85 percent of their queens.

Bayer Crop Sciences, which is the leading producer of this type of pesticide, says it is used on 90 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. and is safe. Bayer eco-toxicologist David Fischer said the honeybee study used unrealistically high doses of the chemicals, amounts that would not be used on crops?bees normally pollinate.

Berenbaum, Pettis and a third outside scientist said the bumblebee study was a more convincing study than the honeybee research because it used lower doses and didn't make as many assumptions.

Bees?are needed to pollinate fruit, vegetables and nuts. Without them experts say our diets would be very bland. Honeybees, which aren't native to America, are managed by professional beekeepers, carted from farm to orchard and raised to produce honey. Bumblebees, native to this country, are wild pollinators.


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Friday, March 30, 2012

Fossil raindrop impressions imply greenhouse gases loaded early atmosphere

Thursday, March 29, 2012

In ancient Earth history, the sun burned as much as 30 percent dimmer than it does now. Theoretically that should have encased the planet in ice, but there is geologic evidence for rivers and ocean sediments between 2 billion and 4 billion years ago.

Scientists have speculated that temperatures warm enough to maintain liquid water were the result of a much thicker atmosphere, high concentrations of greenhouse gases or a combination of the two.

Now University of Washington researchers, using evidence from fossilized raindrop impressions from 2.7 billion years ago to deduce atmospheric pressure at the time, have demonstrated that an abundance of greenhouse gases most likely caused the warm temperatures.

Their work, which has implications for the search for life on other planets, is published March 28 in Nature.

"Because the sun was so much fainter back then, if the atmosphere was the same as it is today the Earth should have been frozen," said lead author Sanjoy Som, a postdoctoral researcher at NASA's Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif., who conducted the research as part of his UW doctoral work in Earth and space sciences.

He and his coauthors ? David Catling and Roger Buick of UW Earth and space sciences; Jelte Harnmeijer, a UW graduate now at the Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation in Scotland; and Peter Polivka, a UW graduate student in civil engineering ? set out to determine how the ancient atmosphere differed from that of today.

Knowing the atmospheric pressure of a given period can help scientists understand in better detail the overall nature of the atmosphere at that time. For example, substantially higher pressure would be needed for a phenomenon called "pressure broadening," which allows existing greenhouse gases to absorb more radiation and warm the planet. That has been speculated as a reason for the warmer conditions on ancient Earth.

But precise measurements of atmospheric pressure date only from the invention of the barometer in 1644. The new work allowed the scientists to determine limits of ancient air pressure by comparing raindrop impressions from today with the fossilized impressions from a time when there were no plants or animals on Earth but the planet was teeming with microbes.

The sizes of raindrop impressions depend on raindrop velocity, the atmospheric pressure and the composition of material into which the raindrops fall. Previous research has shown that at Earth's surface raindrops won't exceed a little more than a one-quarter inch in diameter. That also is the largest a raindrop could have been to create the largest fossilized impressions, regardless of the atmospheric pressure.

Those large raindrops in today's atmosphere fall at about 30 feet per second, but if the ancient atmosphere was thicker that speed would have been lower and the maximum size of imprints left behind would be smaller.

Buick and Harnmeijer poured latex over the raindrop impressions in fossilized volcanic ash found in South Africa, then returned the latex peels to Seattle, where high-precision laser scanning produced detailed measurements.

Meanwhile, to get a measure of raindrop impressions under present-day atmospheric pressure, Som and Polivka used a pipette to release varying sizes of water drops down an open stairwell into recent volcanic ash collected from Hawaii and Iceland, held in a tray nearly 90 feet below. The ash was of similar composition to the rock in which the fossilized raindrop imprints were found. The scientists used liquid plastic and hair spray to harden the impressions, which then were scanned with lasers and the scans compared to the impressions from South Africa.

In comparing the raindrop impressions, Som determined that, if the biggest imprints were formed by the largest raindrops, the atmospheric pressure 2.7 billion years ago could have been no more than twice what it is today. But the largest possible raindrops are extremely rare, he said, so it is very likely that the pressure was the same, or even lower, than it is today. That would favor a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to explain a warmer Earth, rather than the effect of pressure broadening.

Som, who earned a master's degree in aeronautics and astronautics before switching his emphasis to Earth and space sciences in the UW's astrobiology program, said the finding could prove important in the search for life on planets orbiting other stars, called exoplanets. That's because the Earth of 2.7 billion years ago was very different from what we know today, and yet it too supported abundant life in the form of microbes.

"Setting limits on atmospheric pressure is the first step towards understanding what the atmospheric composition was then. Knowing this will double the known data points that we have for comparison to exoplanets that might support life," he said.

"Today's Earth and the ancient Earth are like two different planets," he said.


University of Washington:

Thanks to University of Washington for this article.

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Top Tips to Building a Physical Therapy or Fitness Instruction ...

Most individuals who invest in certification or training in the physical training and fitness industries do so because they are passionately invested in helping other achieve increased strength, flexibility, energy and satisfaction. In short they are enthusiastic about giving clients the gift of optimal health. Yet for the thousands who pursue a career of this sort, the question remains: how do I gain sufficient credibility to build a large client base without owning my own expensive gym, books or workout videos like the fitness juggernauts we see out there in the media? Below, we provide the top two fears for fitness entrepreneurs and the facts to supersede them to get your career booming!

FEAR: ?What if I can?t get clients in this economy to invest in big-ticket training packages??

FACT: Taking care of one?s physical health is not just a pampering treat but an indispensable investment. New clients, on the other hand, might need to see some stone cold facts to convince them. So educate clients on the importance of your services and use theses little gem in your next business brochure or newsletter:

? More than 85% of people with Type 2 diabetes are overweight

? Physically inactive people are twice as likely to develop coronary heart disease as routinely active people

? Approximately 20% of cancer in women and 15% in men are attributable to obesity

? Annually, there are 300,000 U.S. deaths due to obesity-related complications; one out of every eight deaths is caused by an illness directly related to being overweight or obese

? Forty-five states allow health insurers to use health status and obesity as a factor to deny coverage or raise premiums

? Severely overweight and obese children often suffer from depression, low self-esteem and isolation from peers

? Overweight people earn 1-6% less than non-overweight in comparable positions

Finally, remind potential clients that the MORE they invest in preventative care such as a fitness regimen, the MORE they will save on medications and in hospitals! Holistic business focuses on supporting individuals to achieve optimal health and well-being. Holistic business is a billion dollar industry, and fitness comprises a massive portion of this booming industry.

FEAR: ?I?m worried that I won?t be able to make a name for myself in the fitness industry without the credibility of a million dollar facility!?

FACT: It is hugely possible to carve out a profitable stake in the industry and go up against the gym giants! Use the following tips and data to motivate you to create the fitness business of your dreams:

With an estimated 84% of Americans not belonging to a gym, there remains a huge opportunity to attract and gain new members to creative fitness clubs. Let BeWell360 teach you how to carve out a turnkey business with low overhead and lots of potential!

Currently the largest sector of growth in the fitness industry is the ?small gym? category, notably ?24-hour key-card? gyms that can be accessed by patrons at any time. These ?express? gyms are usually between 2,500-5,000 square feet, near office spaces, or in smaller communities. Since patrons and trainers can access these gyms personally (similar to a gym in a residence), the low overhead often means lower membership costs and franchise opportunities. Not only do ?turn-key? gyms offer convenience, they also provide a low cost location for professionals to train their clients.

Another important trend in gyms is the increase in ?niche fitness centers? that target very specific populations that aren?t attracted by larger companies (the most notable example being Curves). The plus side to these environments is their intimate and non-threatening nature; and because they attract a demographic that has been generally ignored by the industry at large, there is an enthusiastic, built in audience.

Consider researching the niche gyms in your area. Look at the clients they serve (such as seniors, pregnant women, etc.) and consider creating a package around that profile. What if you offered to bundle your services with a local niche gym, so that every one of their members received a discount off of a personal training package with you (such as ?Augment your fitness! Add a personal training session to your membership at half off!?) These gyms don?t typically have in house trainers, so you are providing a service to them that doesn?t already exist.



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Divergent evolution illuminated: Light shed on reasons behind genome differences between species

ScienceDaily (Mar. 29, 2012) ? A new study explains the divergent evolution of the genomes of different groups of species. The connection between the function of enzymes and the composition of the genomes shed light on the evolution and structure of genes, and explains differences between archaebacteria, bacteria and eukaryotes.

All living organisms on Earth are divided into three large domains: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya, and from the beginning of life -more than 3,000 million years ago -, the genomes of each group have evolved towards distinct structures that have favored their separation. A study led by Llu?s Ribas de Pouplana, ICREA researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and head of the Gene Translation Laboratory, gives an explanation for the divergent evolution of the genomes of different groups of species. The connection between the function of enzymes and the composition of the genomes shed light on the evolution and structure of genes, and explains differences between archaebacteria, bacteria and eukaryotes.

The scientists have analyzed the distribution and abundance of transfer RNA genes -tRNA- (a key RNA for the translation of genes to proteins) in more than 500 species belonging to the three domains of life. They discovered that the structure of genomes was adapted to the activity of some enzymes, which differ for Bacteria and for Eukarya and are absent in Archaea.

The activity of these enzymes modifies tRNAs, allowing them to recognize up to three distinct codons. The activity of the bacterial and eukaryal enzymes is different, which explains why the genomes and the gene composition of bacteria, eukarya, and archaea have diverged. This discovery furthers our understanding of the relation between genome structure and the speed of protein synthesis from its genes. So, for example, as Ribas de Pouplana explains, "genes rich in codons that can be read by modified tRNAs have high expression levels. Or said the other way around, the greater the abundance of a protein in a cell the higher the number of triplets found in its gene sequence that can be read by modified tRNAs. Our findings contribute to the understanding of how the translation machinery works and explains why genomes for each group of species have a distinct codon composition."

This finding paves the way to many applications. One of these is in biotechnology as the discovery of the relevance of these modifications will allow an improvement in the industrial production of proteins: "We now have another parameter with which to optimize the synthesis of proteins from a gene," explains Eva Novoa, the first author of the article, who started her PhD studies in 2008 in Ribas' lab through the "la Caixa"/IRB Barcelona International PhD Programme in Biomedicine. "To give just one example, human insulin is "manufactured" in bacteria and our discovery would allow this production to be increased if we take into account the activity of these enzymes," says Novoa. The finding is also relevant for the study of cancer: "it is possible that these modification enzymes are over-represented in some kinds of cancer. In fact, this would be logical because cancer cells are highly efficient in producing proteins."

Published in Cell, the article demonstrates how organisms have evolved in a different manner to achieve better adaptations and to have optimum protein translation efficiency. "We don't exactly know why these enzymes appear or why they are different in bacteria and in eukaryotes but it's clear that they contribute to the separation of genomes of these two groups. The genetic code is the same but what has changed is the relative importance of different codons of the code. And this made the genome of these groups differentiate," concludes Ribas.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Eva?Maria Novoa, Mariana Pavon-Eternod, Tao Pan, Llu?s Ribas?de?Pouplana. A Role for tRNA Modifications in Genome Structure and Codon Usage. Cell, 2012; 149 (1): 202 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.01.050

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

PFT: Parcells sounds like he'll coach Saints if asked

San Francisco 49ers v San Diego ChargersGetty Images

Free agency has come screeching to a halt, but there are still some interesting names available on the open market.

Here?s a breakdown of the top ten players left unsigned on the PFT Hot 100.

1. Offensive tackle Marcus McNeill ? Released by San Diego on March 13, McNeill visited the Lions a day later but left without a contract. He was rumored to have meetings lined up with the Falcons and Chiefs, but they apparently fell through. While McNeill has two Pro Bowls and 82 starts at a premium NFL position on his resume at age 28, medical concerns have clearly hurt McNeill?s market value.

2. Offensive tackle Demetrius Bell ? Bell has drawn interest from the Redskins and Cardinals, and will visit the Packers later this week. Like McNeill, Bell is a 28-year-old starting-caliber left tackle who?s been plagued by injuries. Bell?s medical concerns aren?t as significant as McNeill?s, however, and it would be surprising if he wasn?t signed soon.

3. Linebacker David Hawthorne ? A beastly run defender, Hawthorne?s market appeared to be established when Stephen Tulloch (Lions) and Curtis Lofton (Saints) were signed. Hawthorne remains available, however, after visits with Detroit and New Orleans proved to be leverage plays by those teams. Adam Caplan did report on Tuesday that the Seahawks and Hawthorne ?continue to be in communication,? so perhaps he?ll re-sign with Seattle.

4. Linebacker London Fletcher ? Fletcher still hasn?t signed, but it?s been widely assumed that he?ll head back to D.C. Perhaps that?s why no other teams have seriously inquired. As Alper noted a couple of days ago, league-imposed cap penalties against the Redskins have affected negotiations with Fletcher.

5. Defensive end Andre Carter ? Carter racked up double-digit sacks in 14 games last year, but he hasn?t been signed because he?s still ?limping heavily? after a late-season quadriceps tear. Carter should find work quickly once he?s healthy.

6. Defensive end Matt Roth ? The Bengals are Roth?s only known free-agent visit, and their interest seems to have cooled after signing twin draft busts Jamaal Anderson and Derrick Harvey. Roth isn?t a bad pass rusher and sets the edge as a run defender. He can also play linebacker in a 3-4. It?s only a matter of time before he catches on somewhere.

7. Defensive tackle Aubrayo Franklin ? Franklin?s career peak was receiving the 49ers? franchise tag in 2010. His 2011 market was surprisingly slow, and he?s now going on age 32. Franklin is coming off a disappointing season in New Orleans, struggling for playing time. The 2011 game tape may be turning off teams.

8. Offensive tackle Kareem McKenzie ? The Giants have already cut ties publicly with McKenzie, their starting right tackle since the 2005 campaign. Going on age 33, he may have to wait for training camp to be signed.

9. Defensive end Luis Castillo ? A productive but injury-prone 3-4 defensive end, Castillo has visited the Patriots and Chiefs in free agency, but likely was offered only the veteran?s minimum after missing all but one game last season. The Chargers also have an offer on the table to keep him. Castillo is only 28 years old with plenty of starts on his resume.

10. Wide receiver Braylon Edwards ? The Jets have expressed some interest in the top wide receiver left on the market, but it?s believed Edwards is still rehabbing from the knee surgery that forced the 49ers to give up on him in December. Edwards is 29 years old. He can separate from defensive backs with the best of ?em when healthy and is an underrated blocker, but untimely drops and off-field concerns have tarnished his image as an NFL player.


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The Court Transcript For the Hasbro vs. Asus Transformer Prime Case Is Hilarious [Asus]

Last year it was announced that Hasbro was going to sue Asus over the branding of the Transformer Prime; apparently, people all over the planet were confusing a tablet with shape-shifting robots. Now the case has been settled—Hasbro lost—but the court ruling is quite hilarious. More »


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AT&T, Verizon agree to stop 'cramming' phone bills

By Bob Sullivan

Verizon and AT&T have agreed to stop ?cramming? consumers' telephone bills with unauthorized third-party charges, Sen. Jay Rockefeller announced Wednesday. The move comes after a Senate investigation revealed last year that consumers were hit with $10 billion in fraudulent charges due to the practice over the past five years.

A TODAY show/ investigation in July ?revealed how extensive and frustrating cramming is, with maddening, mysterious $10 or $20 charges appearing every month on millions of Americans' phone bills.

The investigation relied on a report commissioned by Rockefeller that found that three telecom firms - -- Verizon, AT&T and CenturyLink/Quest -- earned $650 million as their cut of cramming charges levied by third-parties since 2006.

"AT&T made the right decision to end cramming by August," the West Virginia Democrat?s office said in a statement on Wednesday.? "Something had to be done.? And while the decisions of AT&T and Verizon are a step in the right direction, I still believe we need to pass a bill that bans this abusive practice once and for all.?

?AT&T?has decided to discontinue most third-party billing on our customers? landline?accounts,??Michael Balmoris, an AT&T spokesman, said in a statement to "We currently receive cramming complaints for only about one out of every thousand bills that contain third-party charges. ?However, due to continued concern over the possibility of unauthorized charges, we have decided to take this additional step and eliminate third-party billing for most types of services.?

Verizon spokesman Bill Kula also confirmed the change, saying in an email:??On March 19, Verizon?s wireline business?began?notifying its billing aggregators (or ?clearinghouses?) and carriers that it is going to cease providing third-party billing services for so-called 'miscellaneous' or 'enhanced' services.?All billing of those services will be phased out by the end of 2012.? ? Verizon wireline will continue to provide billing services for third party charges that generally relate to telecommunications or information services that use our network.?

Separately, Verizon earlier this month agreed to settle aclass-action lawsuit related to cramming, and agreed to refund 100 percent of victims' money for any unauthorized third-party charges consumers suffered from April 27, 2005, through Feb. 28, 2012.

Cramming has vexed consumers and generated mountains of complaints since 1995, when land line providers began making it easy for third-party firms to sell add-on services like voice mail through local phone bills.?

The problem is it's too easy for third parties to attach unwanted items to consumers' bills:? Previous investigations have found firms frequently trick consumers into signing up using sweepstakes entries or cashing small checks that also serve as authorization forms. In other cases, the third-party firms simply lie about getting authorization, a scam called ?phantom billing.? Last year, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan testified that usage rates for the unwanted services could be as low as 1 percent.

"Committee staff has found hundreds of egregious examples of cramming," the Rockefeller report found. "Third-party vendors have enrolled deceased persons in their so-called services and charged family members' telephone bills for it. They have charged telephone lines dedicated to fire alarms, security systems, bank vaults, elevators and 911 systems. Senior citizens' telephones have been enrolled in web-hosting services, even though they have never used. A children?s hospital was charged for a celebrity tracker e-mail service that provided daily celebrity news feeds, photo, and videos. A national bank?s telephone lines were charged for credit protection plans."

Perhaps nothing illustrates how out of control cramming had become as well as AT&T's own victimization.

"Committee staff confirmed that third-party vendors associated with one hub company crammed at least 80 of AT&T?s own telephone lines with charges for services such as voicemail, sometimes for periods as long as 18 months," the report said.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Vitamins doing gymnastics: Scientists capture first full image of vitamin B12 in action

Vitamins doing gymnastics: Scientists capture first full image of vitamin B12 in action

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You see it listed on the side of your cereal box and your multivitamin bottle. It's vitamin B12, part of a nutritious diet like all those other vitamins and minerals.

But when it gets inside your body, new research suggests, B12 turns into a gymnast.

In a paper published recently in the journal Nature, scientists from the University of Michigan Health System and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology report they have created the first full 3-D images of B12 and its partner molecules twisting and contorting as part of a crucial reaction called methyltransfer.

That reaction is vital both in the cells of the human body and, in a slightly different way, in the cells of bacteria that consume carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. That includes bacteria that live in the guts of humans, cows and other animals, and help with digestion. The new research was done using B12 complexes from another type of carbon dioxide-munching bacteria found in the murky bottoms of ponds.

The 3-D images produced by the team show for the first time the intricate molecular juggling needed for B12 to serve its biologically essential function. They reveal a multi-stage process involving what the researchers call an elaborate protein framework ? a surprisingly complicated mechanism for such a critical reaction.

U-M Medical School professor and co-author Stephen Ragsdale, Ph.D., notes that this transfer reaction is important to understand because of its importance to human health. It also has potential implications for the development of new fuels that might become alternative renewable energy sources.

"Without this transfer of single carbon units involving B12, and its partner B9 (otherwise known as folic acid), heart disease and birth defects might be far more common," explains Ragsdale, a professor of biological chemistry. "Similarly, the bacteria that rely on this reaction would be unable to consume carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide to stay alive ? and to remove gas from our guts or our atmosphere. So it's important on many levels."

In such bacteria, called anaerobes, the reaction is part of a larger process called the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway. It's what enables the organisms to live off of carbon monoxide, a gas that is toxic to other living things, and carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas directly linked to climate change. Ragsdale notes that industry is currently looking at harnessing the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway to help generate liquid fuels and chemicals.

In addition to his Medical School post, Ragsdale is a member of the faculty of the U-M Energy Institute.

In the images created by the team, the scientists show how the complex of molecules contorts into multiple conformations -- first to activate, then to protect, and then to perform catalysis on the B12 molecule. They had isolated the complex from Moorella thermoacetica bacteria, which are used as models for studying this type of reaction.

The images were produced by aiming intense beams of X-rays at crystallized forms of the protein complex and painstakingly determining the position of every atom inside.

"This paper provides an understanding of the remarkable conformational movements that occur during one of the key steps in this microbial process, the step that involves the generation of the first in a series of organometallic intermediates that lead to the production of the key metabolic intermediate, acetyl-CoA," the authors note.

Senior author Catherine L. Drennan from MIT and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, who received her Ph.D. at the U-M Medical School, adds, "We expected that this methyl-handoff between B vitamins must involve some type of conformational change, but the dramatic rearrangements that we have observed surprised even us."


University of Michigan Health System:

Thanks to University of Michigan Health System for this article.

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This press release has been viewed 17 time(s).


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Details: Wedding Food & Drink | Mary's wedding blog A Merry Wife

by Mary on March 27, 2012

I failed majorly in my role as a blogger because I didn?t get a single decent photo of the food from our wedding. I don?t know what happened but for some reason it wasn?t photographed. As a sometimes food blogger that makes me super sad. But at the very least I can share our menu and photos of some food related photographs!

wedding food and drink

Everyone enjoyed the meal even if there is no photo evidence of what they ate!

The Menu

The majority of our menu came from Central BBQ and the rest was whipped up by friends from food we bought the day before.

  • Pulled pork BBQ
  • Pulled chicken BBQ
  • Ribs
  • BBQ sauces
  • Buns
  • Coleslaw
  • Spicy baked beans
  • Potato salad
  • Chex Mix and chips
  • Fruit salad
  • Salads and dressings

Basically it wasn?t anything fancy! Just delicious food and side items that you would expect at a casual event with a bunch of friends. Central has my favorite BBQ in Memphis so they were my first choice. And as soon as I told some people they were catering and there were ribs? they smiled and settled down to enjoy a good meal instead of leaving early. That made me so happy!

If you are planning a wedding now yourself I would encourage you to look beyond a standard wedding plan offered by a hall. There are so many awesome ways to feed your wedding guests ? from bbq to food trucks to a taco bar. Casual food is often the best because it takes a lot of pressure off and still tastes amazing. So don?t limit your options! Just a thought! ;)

The Extras

Beyond just the meal we had a lot of other food items. For favors we had bags of candy!

wedding food and drink candy

It was near Halloween so there was tons of candy for sale and since we both like candy it felt like a fun thing to have. I know the couple of kids who attended enjoyed it if nothing else.

For drinks we tried to have a variety of things both alcoholic and non. We had containers filled with lemonade, water, sweet tea, sweet tea with vodka, and sangria.

wedding food and drink

The sangria was a huge hit! Everyone loved it (myself included) so I?m glad I put that on the menu. Since the wedding several people asked for the recipe and have made it for their own events. Everyone loves some sangria!

We also had beer at the wedding. It wasn?t a huge selection, in fact we only had one kind ? Yengling.

wedding food and drink

That worked out fine with the other drink options. There was also a bottle of Jack Daniels that made the rounds.

wedding food and drink

We finished the food part of the evening with wedding cake and cupcakes.

wedding food and drink

I have to say, this was one of the best meals I?ve ever had. My favorite foods with my favorite people? What?s better than that?


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Engineers set their sights on asteroid deflection

ScienceDaily (Mar. 27, 2012) ? Pioneering engineers at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow are developing an innovative technique based on lasers that could radically change asteroid deflection technology.

The research has unearthed the possibility of using a swarm of relatively small satellites flying in formation and cooperatively firing solar-powered lasers onto an asteroid -- this would overcome the difficulties associated with current methods that are focused on large unwieldy spacecraft.

Dr Massimiliano Vasile, of Strathclyde's Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, is leading the research. He said: "The approach we are developing would involve sending small satellites, capable of flying in formation with the asteroid and firing their lasers targeting the asteroid at close range.

"The use of high power lasers in space for civil and commercial applications is in its infancy and one of the main challenges is to have high power, high efficiency and high beam quality all at the same time.

"The additional problem with asteroid deflection is that when the laser begins to break down the surface of the object, the plume of gas and debris impinges the spacecraft and contaminates the laser. However, our laboratory tests have proven that the level of contamination is less than expected and the laser could continue to function for longer than anticipated."

Just over 100 years ago a 2000-kilometer area of vegetation was destroyed when an object believed to be 30-50 metres in diameter exploded in the skies above Tunguska, Siberia. While the likelihood of an immediate threat from a similar asteroid strike remains low, it is widely recognised that researching preventative measures is of significant importance.

Dr Vasile added: "The Tunguska class of events are expected to occur within a period of a few centuries. Smaller asteroids collide with Earth more frequently and generally burn in the atmosphere although some of them reach the ground or explode at low altitude potentially causing damage to buildings and people.

"We could reduce the threat posed by the potential collision with small to medium size objects using a flotilla of small agile spacecraft each equipped with a highly efficient laser which is much more feasible than a single large spacecraft carrying a multi mega watt. Our system is scalable, a larger asteroid would require adding one or more spacecraft to the flotilla, and intrinsically redundant -- if one spacecraft fails the others can continue."

Dr Vasile is now investigating the use of the same concept to remove space debris. The number of objects in orbit classified as debris is ever-increasing and with no widely accepted solution for their removal. Researchers at the University of Strathclyde believe the space-borne lasers could be used to lower the original orbit of the space debris and reduce the congestion.

Dr Vasile said: "The amount of debris in orbit is such that we might experience a so called Kessler syndrome -- this is when the density becomes so high that collisions between objects could cause an exponentially increasing cascade of other collisions.

"While there is significant monitoring in place to keep track of these objects, there is no specific system in place to remove them and our research could be a possible solution.

"A major advantage of using our technique is that the laser does not have to be fired from the ground. Obviously there are severe restrictions with that process as it has to travel through the atmosphere, has a constrained range of action and can hit the debris only for short arcs."

The research was carried out in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde's Institute of Photonics and was presented to the Planetary Society at the end of February. ?

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Strathclyde.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Engadget Mobile Podcast 131 - 03.25.2012

This week, the Engadget Mobile Podcast is freer than free 4G and now features 1000% more Sascha Segan. So what are you waiting for, really?

Hosts: Myriam Joire (tnkgrl), Brad Molen, Joseph Volpe
Guest: Sascha Segan
Producer: Trent Wolbe
Music: Tycho - Coastal Brake (Ghostly International)

00:01:40 - The iPad Wins Because Android Tablet Apps Suck: An Illustrated Guide
00:10:23 - Android Lacks Focus, and It's a Problem
00:29:42 - New iPad's Screen Hogs Battery Power
00:45:10 - AT&T rolls out Android 4.0 to HTC Vivid, other devices getting ICS in the 'coming months'
00:56:53 - FreedomPop rumored to introduce iPhone case with free WiMAX service
00:58:30 - NetZero launches '4G' wireless service, we go hands-on
01:04:10 - Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 review (Verizon Wireless LTE)
01:15:30 - Verizon updates Revolution with Remote Diagnostics, HTC turns to LogMeIn
01:25:30 - HTC and Sprint ready to show off a new 'collaboration' April 4th, might be the One X
01:32:05 - Nokia to Apple: don't cha wish your nano-SIM was hot like ours?
01:43:00 - Apple's nano-SIM proposal draws fire from Motorola, Nokia, RIM
01:44:50 - Galaxy Note ICS upgrade pushed back to Q2, adds exclusive set of stylus-ready apps (video)
01:49:00 - FCC weighs Dish 4G network and 700MHz interoperability (updated)

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Engadget Mobile Podcast 131 - 03.25.2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 25 Mar 2012 22:13:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

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[ [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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French standoff ends with suspect shot in the head

TOULOUSE, France (AP) ? Inspired by radical Islam and trained in Afghanistan, the gunman methodically killed French schoolchildren, a rabbi and paratroopers and faced down hundreds of police for 32 hours. Then he leapt out a window as he rained down gunfire and was fatally shot in the head.

France will not be the same after Mohamed Merah, whose deeds and death Thursday could change how authorities track terrorists, determine whether French Muslims face new stigmas and even influence who becomes the next French president.

The top priority for investigators now is determining whether Merah, who claimed allegiance to al-Qaida, was the kind of lone-wolf terrorist that intelligence agencies find particularly hard to trace, or part of a network of homegrown militants operating quietly in French housing projects, unbeknownst to police.

Either way, French authorities are facing difficult questions after acknowledging that Merah, a 23-year-old Frenchman of Algerian descent, had been under surveillance for years and that his travels to Afghanistan and Pakistan were known to French intelligence ? yet he wasn't stopped before he started his killing spree on March 11. Merah had been on a U.S. no-fly list since 2010.

"One can ask the question whether there was a failure or not," French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Europe 1 radio. "We need to bring some clarity to this."

Three Jewish schoolchildren, a rabbi and three paratroopers died in France's worst Islamist terrorist violence since a wave of attacks in the 1990s by Algerian extremists.

Merah filmed all three attacks, Prosecutor Francois Molins said Thursday, and claimed to have posted them online.

"You killed my brother; I kill you," he said in the video of the first attack, in which one French paratrooper died, Molins said. "Allah Akbar," (God is Great), he declared during the second, when two more soldiers were killed.

The prosecutor said Merah told police he wanted to "bring France to its knees."

"While the facts concerning the three killings have been clearly elucidated, and Mohamed Merah carries full responsibility, the investigations are not finished," he said.

Authorities are trying to determine whether Merah's 29-year-old brother, Abdelkader, was involved, and are searching for accomplices who might have encouraged Merah to kill or furnished the means to do so, Molins said.

Merah espoused a radical form of Islam and had been to Afghanistan and the Pakistani militant stronghold of Waziristan, where he claimed to have received training from al-Qaida. He also had a long record of petty crimes in France for which he served time in prison, and prosecutors said he started to radicalize behind bars.

Merah told negotiators he killed to avenge the deaths of Palestinian children and to protest the French army's involvement in Afghanistan as well as France' law against the Islamic face veil.

Police detained his mother and brother and surrounded Merah's building soon after 3 a.m. Wednesday. They tried to detain Merah but were rebuffed by a volley of gunfire from his second-floor apartment in a calm residential area of Toulouse.

For the next day and a half, the police, the neighborhood and the nation waited.

Barricaded inside with no water, electricity or gas, Merah at first promised to surrender, but kept postponing the move. Finally, he declared he would not go without a fight, the prosecutor said. Police were determined to take him alive, and tried to wait him out.

Near midnight Wednesday, the detonations began, as police set off blasts to pressure him to emerge and blew the shutters off a window. Through the night they continued.

Merah stopped talking to negotiators, Interior Minister Claude Gueant said, and suspicions surfaced that the gunman could have committed suicide.

Then around 11:30 a.m., police commandoes moved in, entering through the door and windows, Gueant said. Merah was in the last room they checked: the bathroom.

He burst through the door firing a Colt .45, then jumped out a window "with a weapon in his hand, continuing to shoot," Gueant said.

In the gunfight, he was shot in the head, Molins said. He said the police acted in self-defense after some 30 bullets had been fired. An autopsy was conducted Thursday but the results weren't immediately released.

Three members of the elite squad were wounded Thursday, bringing the total of injured officers throughout the standoff to five.

Merah, lying on the ground after his death, was wearing a flak jacket and black djellabah robe.

The SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Internet messages, reported Thursday that a little-known jihadist group had claimed responsibility for the attacks in France. Jund al-Khilafah issued a statement saying "Yusuf of France" led an attack Monday, the day of the Jewish school shootings, it said. There was no independent confirmation of the claim.

A top French counterterrorism official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of office protocol, said the claim of responsibility could be "opportunistic" but authorities were looking into it.

Merah's mother's computer was a critical link in tracking Merah down. His brother had already been linked to Iraqi Islamist networks.

Merah told investigators where to find a bag with the videos of the killings, as well as a car with a stash of arms, including an automatic Sten pistol, a revolver, a pump-action rifle and an Uzi submachine gun. Ingredients for Molotov cocktails were stashed on the apartment balcony. Inside the apartment were three empty ammunition clips, a pot packed with pieces of ammunition and a Colt .45 with a near-empty clip.

More than 200 special investigators had worked to track him down.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking in Paris, announced tough new measures to combat terrorism. He said anyone who regularly visits websites that "support terrorism or call for hate or violence will be punished by the law." He also promised a crackdown on anyone who goes abroad "for the purposes of indoctrination in terrorist ideology."

Sarkozy appealed to citizens not to equate the violent acts of extremists with France's estimated 5 million Muslims. Muslim leaders urged against any backlash against believers.

"Our Muslim compatriots had nothing to do with the crazy motive of a terrorist," Sarkozy said, noting that Muslim paratroopers were among those killed.

Sarkozy had alienated some Muslims with his push to ban Islamic face veils and by fanning debate about halal meat, and his strict immigration policies.

Now, he may see his political fortunes improve due to this week's dramatic events.

He has made tough security measures a hallmark of his politics, reminding supporters at a campaign rally Thursday that he wants a "regime of authority and firmness."

Socialist Francois Hollande has long been the pollster's favorite to unseat the conservative Sarkozy, but Hollande has little in the way of security credentials.

Algerian media expressed concern that the attacks would set off a new wave of anti-Islamic and anti-Algerian sentiment in France and rushed to disavow any connections between Merah's actions and his origins and religion.

Cathy Fontaine, 43, who runs a beauty salon near the building where the standoff unfolded, said, "When these sorts of things happen, you don't say, 'how did this happen in my neighborhood?' You say, 'how did this happen in my city, in France, anywhere?'"

She said around 4 a.m., she got up, put on makeup and decided she would open her shop, despite the unfolding drama nearby.

Recalling Merah's threat to bring France's to its knees, she said: "He didn't bring France to its knees. France has to get up and get to work."


Angela Charlton, Jamey Keaten, Elaine Ganley, Thomas Adamson, Cecile Brisson and Sylvie Corbet contributed to this report.


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