Thursday, February 28, 2013

Back to BlackBerry: international travels

Back to BlackBerry week 3

Dropping a smartphone is an absolutely horrifying experience. And on my first day in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress, it happened to me with my BlackBerry Z10.

As much as I hate to admit, it was a dumb move on my part. Unfortunately, tragedy can strike with as simple an act as brushing one's elbow across the table, and that's all it took for me to knock my smartphone right onto a hard surface -- facedown in a perfectly horizontal position (the worst imaginable angle). If you've ever been through such an accident, you know the few seconds it takes to pick up the phone and survey the damage can be incredibly nerve-wracking and one of the most suspenseful moments of your life.

I'm happy to say that this particular story has a positive ending, as I turned the phone over to see if I would need to call BlackBerry HQ in a panic. To my shock, it was completely fine. There wasn't a single scratch or ding, and the touchscreen was just as responsive as ever. It would've been a different story had it fallen onto a concrete floor, but this still significantly increased my opinion of the Z10's durability.

Had my Z10 come face to face with concrete, I would've been in a nasty predicament. Not only would I have had to pause or put the kibosh my 30-day trial run with the BlackBerry Z10, but I'm also on the other side of the world in a foreign country. While getting a new phone isn't impossible, it's expensive, time-consuming and frustrating. Yep, this was how my 10-day international adventure began, but how well has it gone for me since?

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Higher indoor humidity inactivates flu virus particles

Feb. 27, 2013 ? Higher humidity levels indoors can significantly reduce the infectivity of influenza virus particles released by coughing, according to research published February 27 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by John Noti and colleagues from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The researchers tested the effect of relative humidity on the capacity of flu virus released in a simulated 'cough' to re-infect cells.

They found that an hour after being released in a room at a relative humidity of 23% or less, 70-77% of viral particles retained their infectious capacity, but when humidity was increased to about 43%, only 14% of the virus particles were capable of infecting cells.

Most of this inactivation occurred within the first fifteen minutes of the viral particles being released in the high-humidity condition. The study concludes that maintaining indoor relative humidity at levels greater than 40% can significantly reduce the infectious capacity of aerosolized flu virus.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science.

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Journal Reference:

  1. John D. Noti, Francoise M. Blachere, Cynthia M. McMillen, William G. Lindsley, Michael L. Kashon, Denzil R. Slaughter, Donald H. Beezhold. High Humidity Leads to Loss of Infectious Influenza Virus from Simulated Coughs. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (2): e57485 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057485

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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NASA's Aquarius sees salty shifts

Feb. 27, 2013 ? Colorful new images chronicle the seasonal stirrings of our salty world: Pulses of freshwater gush from the Amazon River's mouth; an invisible seam divides the salty Arabian Sea from the fresher waters of the Bay of Bengal; a large patch of freshwater appears in the eastern tropical Pacific in the winter. These and other changes in ocean salinity patterns are revealed by the first full year of surface salinity data captured by NASA's Aquarius instrument.

"With a bit more than a year of data, we are seeing some surprising patterns, especially in the tropics," said Aquarius Principal Investigator Gary Lagerloef, of Earth & Space Research in Seattle. "We see features evolve rapidly over time."

Launched June 10, 2011, aboard the Argentine spacecraft Aquarius/Sat?lite de Aplicaciones Cient?ficas (SAC)-D, Aquarius is NASA's first satellite instrument specifically built to study the salt content of ocean surface waters. Salinity variations, one of the main drivers of ocean circulation, are closely connected with the cycling of freshwater around the planet and provide scientists with valuable information on how the changing global climate is altering global rainfall patterns.

The salinity sensor detects the microwave emissivity of the top 1 to 2 centimeters (about an inch) of ocean water -- a physical property that varies depending on temperature and saltiness. The instrument collects data in 386 kilometer-wide (240-mile) swaths in an orbit designed to obtain a complete survey of global salinity of ice-free oceans every seven days.

The Changing Ocean

The animated version of Aquarius' first year of data unveils a world of varying salinity patterns. The Arabian Sea, nestled up against the dry Middle East, appears much saltier than the neighboring Bay of Bengal, which gets showered by intense monsoon rains and receives freshwater discharges from the Ganges and other large rivers. Another mighty river, the Amazon, releases a large freshwater plume that heads east toward Africa or bends up north to the Caribbean, depending on the prevailing seasonal currents. Pools of freshwater carried by ocean currents from the central Pacific Ocean's regions of heavy rainfall pile up next to Panama's coast, while the Mediterranean Sea sticks out in the Aquarius maps as a very salty sea.

One of the features that stand out most clearly is a large patch of highly saline water across the North Atlantic. This area, the saltiest anywhere in the open ocean, is analogous to deserts on land, where little rainfall and a lot of evaporation occur. A NASA-funded expedition, the Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS), traveled to the North Atlantic's saltiest spot last fall to analyze the causes behind this high salt concentration and to validate Aquarius measurements.

"My conclusion after five weeks out at sea and analyzing five weekly maps of salinity from Aquarius while we were there was that indeed, the patterns of salinity variation seen from Aquarius and by the ship were similar," said Eric Lindstrom, NASA's physical oceanography program scientist, of NASA Headquarters, Washington, and a participant of the SPURS research cruise.

Future goals

"The Aquarius prime mission is scheduled to run for three years but there is no reason to think that the instrument could not be able to provide valuable data for much longer than that," said Gene Carl Feldman, Aquarius project manager at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "The instrument has been performing flawlessly and our colleagues in Argentina are doing a fantastic job running the spacecraft, providing us a nice, stable ride."

In future years, one of the main goals of the Aquarius team is to figure out ways to fine-tune the readings and retrieve data closer to the coasts and the poles. Land and ice emit very bright microwave emissions that swamp the signal read by the satellite. At the poles, there's the added complication that cold polar waters require very large changes in their salt concentration to modify their microwave signal.

Still, the Aquarius team was surprised by how close to the coast the instrument is already able to collect salinity measurements.

"The fact that we're getting areas, particularly around islands in the Pacific, that are not obviously badly contaminated is pretty remarkable. It says that our ability to screen out land contamination seems to be working quite well," Feldman said.

Another factor that affects salinity readings is intense rainfall. Heavy rain can affect salinity readings by attenuating the microwave signal Aquarius reads off the ocean surface as it travels through the soaked atmosphere. Rainfall can also create roughness and shallow pools of fresh water on the ocean surface. In the future, the Aquarius team wants to use another instrument aboard Aquarius/SAC-D, the Argentine-built Microwave Radiometer, to gauge the presence of intense rain simultaneously to salinity readings, so that scientists can flag data collected during heavy rainfall.

An ultimate goal is combining the Aquarius measurements to those of its European counterpart, the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite (SMOS) to produce more accurate and finer maps of ocean salinity. In addition, the Aquarius team, in collaboration with researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is about to release its first global soil moisture dataset, which will complement SMOS' soil moisture measurements.

"The first year of the Aquarius mission has mostly been about understanding how the instruments and algorithms are performing," Feldman said. "Now that we have overcome the major hurdles, we can really begin to focus on understanding what the data are telling us about how the ocean works, how it affects weather and climate, and what new insights we can gain by having these remarkable salinity measurements."

Aquarius was built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Goddard. JPL managed Aquarius through its commissioning phase and is archiving mission data. Goddard now manages Aquarius mission operations and processes science data. Argentina's space agency, Comisi?n Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), provided the SAC-D spacecraft, optical camera, thermal camera with Canada, microwave radiometer, sensors from various Argentine institutions and the mission operations center. France and Italy also contributed instruments.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Hands-free Fruit Ninja: NUIA makes it easier to code PC apps with eye control (hands-on)

Hands-free Fruit Ninja: NUIA makes it easier to code PC apps with eye control (hands-on)

We know what you think this hands-on is about. That laptop you see up there has a Tobii eye-tracking sensor affixed to it, and you're probably wondering why we're still dwelling on it after getting hands-on twice at CES 2012 and once more at CES 2013. But that's not what we're here to show you today. While wandering the halls of Mobile World Congress, we came across NUIA (Natural User Inter Action), a German company whose software is designed to make it easier for developers to code apps that make use of eye tracking sensors, such as Tobii's. In particular, devs will only have to write one extension, even if they're making use of multiple sensing devices (e.g., eye control and gesture recognition).

That comes in handy for a game like Fruit Ninja, as the required gestures extend beyond the bounds of what Tobii can do by itself. (Tobii lets you do things like zoom in, select objects and scroll, but not swipe flying fruit.) If you venture past the break, you'll see yours truly trying (and occasionally succeeding) at Fruit Ninja, though obviously this game is just one use case (albeit, a very fun one). There's nothing stopping developers from applying this to creative, productivity or even enterprise apps, too. As for availability, well, it's pretty clear the hardware will have to come before the software -- a NUIA spokesperson told us she doesn't expect its kit will be commercially available until sensing devices like Tobii become integrated into Windows 8 PCs. And if Tobii is any indication, that might not happen until next year at the earliest.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

S.Africa's rand softens ahead of budget

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's rand softened against the dollar on Wednesday ahead of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan's budget speech, which is likely to outline plans for cutting the government's spending deficit amid anaemic economic growth.

The rand was at 8.8428 against the dollar at 0643 GMT, 0.28 percent weaker than New York's Tuesday close at 8.82.

"Clearly the gap between revenues and expenditures needs to be closed, and today's budget will be about how quickly that might be done and by which means," Barclays Capital said in a note.

Rising borrowing costs for Italy due to a political stalemate following its recent election also weighed on the euro, putting pressure on the rand.

Domestic GDP statistics released on Tuesday showed surprisingly strong economic growth of 2.1 percent for the fourth quarter of 2012 from 1.2 percent in the third quarter, due to a boost from the manufacturing and farm sectors.

Gordhan is due to present his budget to parliament at 1200 GMT.

The yield on the three-year bond lost 1.5 basis points to 5.235 percent and that on the longer-dated paper due in 2026 edged up half a basis point to 7.245 percent.


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Balloon crash deepens pall on tourism-dry Luxor

LUXOR, Egypt (AP) ? The fiery crash of a sightseeing balloon that killed 19 tourists has cast a further pall over this city of ancient temples and tombs, already perhaps the hardest hit by Egypt's two-year drop in tourism, which has left hotels here empty and residents desperate for income.

Some connected to the tourist trade in Luxor, a city utterly dependent on foreign visitors to survive, were seething with anger Wednesday at the country's Islamist president for his silence over the crash.

Mohammed Morsi has yet to publicly speak about the tragedy ? and some here took that not just as insensitivity to the victims' families but as indifference to the vital tourism trade.

"Morsi should have taken a plane and come here," Salah Zaky, one of the owners of the five-star Steigenberger Hotel in Luxor , 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo . "The whole world is watching and he is asleep. It's as if there is no government."

Morsi spoke by telephone to Luxor's governor to discuss the balloon disaster, according to state media. Hours after the crash, he spoke live on TV at a meeting with political leaders ? but only about upcoming parliamentary elections, without mentioning the crash.

"They don't care if this hotel closes. They only care about the ballot box," Zaky said, referring to the Muslim Brotherhood, the fundamentalist group from which Morsi hails and which has dominated all elections held since Mubarak's ouster.

Nine of those who died in Tuesday's crash were in a tour group from Hong Kong that was staying at the Steigenberger. The husband of one of the victims had chosen not to go on the balloon ride and watched from the ground as it burst into flame and plummeted to the earth, with his wife, daughter, sister and brother-in-law on board, hotel staffers said. The man flew out of the country Tuesday evening.

Investigators were still gathering evidence about the cause of the crash, the head of the probe Walid el-Moqadem told The Associated Press, refusing to give details. He said investigators had not yet questioned the balloon's pilot, who survived the crash with severe burns.

"He could barely open his eyes," el-Moqadem said.

The hot air balloon was carrying 20 tourists from Hong Kong, Japan, Britain, Belgium and France on a sunrise flight over Luxor's dramatic pharaonic sites and desert landscape.

The disaster occurred when it was trying to land, just after 7 a.m. Tuesday. Initial investigations suggested that the fire broke out when a landing cable tore one of the balloon's fuel tubes, used to fire the burner that heats the air in the balloon. Investigators said it appeared the pilot jumped out of the balloon's gondola when the fire first broke out, still relatively close to the ground. The investigators spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe was not complete.

The balloon then rose back up, to some 300 meters (1,000 feet), the fire spread to the balloon itself, which burst. Amateur video taken from another balloon flying nearby shows it crashing it back to the earth like a fireball.

The only other survivor was a tourist from Britain, who may have gotten out at the same time as the pilot. He and the pilot were being treated in military hospitals in Cairo, as families of some of the victims arrived in the country to identify their loved ones.

For residents of Luxor, the main city in a province of around 1 million people, the tragedy only further added to their worries over the tourism trade on which they rely. Tourism is the main employer in the area ? and practically the only industry besides farming and a sole sugar factory processing the region's sugar cane crops.

Nearly everyone relies in some way on the visitors who come to visit the monumental ancient temples in Luxor and the Valley of the Kings, the desert valley where many of ancient Egypt's pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, were buried.

With little else to keep it going, the city has been hit hard with many foreign visitors staying away from Egypt amid the turmoil, protests and instability that have plagued the country since the fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.

The number of tourists coming to Egypt fell to 9.8 million in 2011 from 14.7 million the year before, and revenues plunged 30 percent to $8.8 billion. Last year, the numbers climbed up to just over 10 million, but most tourists go to the beach resorts of the Red Sea, staying away from Nile Valley sites like Luxor.

In Luxor, "when tourism stalls, it affects the tour agents, the drivers, the boat owners, vegetable and fruit sellers, the groceries, the butchers and everybody else who are part of the cycle of life of tourism," said tour agent Medhat Ramadan, who nervously checked his IPad for the latest news on the crash.

"Even farmers who plant the food for horses that drive tourists in carriages are affected. It's all one cycle," he said.

Along with the depressed tourism, Egypt's economy in general has suffered amid the political turmoil. Constant protests, often turning into riots or clashes, along with political uncertainty, have dried up foreign investment. Foreign reserves, a key indicator for the economy's health, have shrunk by two thirds since Mubarak's ouster in February 2011.

The crash had one immediate effect with the suspension of all balloon rides in the area.

"This was one of the pillars of tourism here in Luxor. Now it is gone," said Ramadan. With tour companies forced to offer cheaper and cheaper packages to draw visitors to the city, offering balloon rides ? which draw a higher price ? was one way to pull in extra money for the companies, he said.

For months, hotels here have been reporting occupancy rates below 30 percent ? often well below, even in the winter high season, when normally they are nearly full.

Zaky said the Steinberger has averaged only 25 percent occupancy and has had to cut a quarter of its 400-member staff. At the same time, his gas bill has doubled and electricity costs rose 20 percent in recent months because of price hikes by a government trying to close rampant deficits.

Hesham Youssef, who runs a sailboat offering trips for tourists on the Nile River, said he sometimes goes for three days without a client.

He said Morsi is good ? "a man of the poor, he always mentions God's name." But, Youssef said, "he needs to come out and say something about what happened to those tourists. It is not his fault because what happened was something from God, but he must say something."

Tharwat Agamy, from Luxor's Tourism Chamber, said there was no immediate word on cancellation as a result of the balloon crash, but he feared they would soon happen.

"The whole world is talking about this right now. We are doing our best to push tourism forward but this will take us back many steps back,' he said.


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Indexes rise on retail gains, home sale surge

NEW YORK (AP) ? More evidence that the housing market is recovering boosted stocks on Wall Street Wednesday. Gains for discount retailers also pushed indexes higher after Dollar Tree posted strong earnings.

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 130 points, or 0.9 percent, to 14,031 as of 12:30 p.m. EST. The Standard and Poor's 500 index gained 17 points, or 1.1 percent, to 1,514. The Nasdaq composite rose 40 points, or 1.3 percent, to 3,169.

Dollar Tree jumped $5 to $46.09 after the discount retailer reported a 22 percent profit increase as consumers spent more at its stores. Dollar General followed suit, gaining $2.12 to $47.07, and Family Dollar Stores rose $1.55 to $57.83.

The number of Americans who signed contracts to buy homes rose in January from December to the highest level in almost three years. The National Association of Realtors' index for pending home sales rose 4.5 percent to the highest point since April 2010.

The news sent home builder stocks higher for the second day in a row. PulteGroup rose 48 cents to $19.53, a day after rising 5.7 percent on news that sales of new homes jumped 16 percent last month to the highest level since July 2008.

Stocks have mostly recouped their losses for the week following a sell-off on Monday. The Dow and the S&P 500 logged their biggest losses in more than three months at the start of the week after elections in Italy left the country in political gridlock.

"The market psychology has clearly shifted. It's no longer sell the rally, it's buy the dips," said Dan Veru, chief investment officer of Palisade Capital Management. "The economic data continues to be strong."

The Dow is up 6.9 percent since the start of the year, and is about 1 percent from its record close of 14,164 reached in October 2007. The S&P 500 is 5.9 percent higher for the year, and is about 3 percent short of its record close of 1,565.

In addition to the housing recovery, rising company earnings and an improving the job market have also given investors a reason to buy stocks.

Wall Street analysts predict that earnings for S&P 500 companies will climb 7.8 percent in the fourth quarter, the third straight quarter of growth.

Investors are also following Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's testimony to Congress Wednesday.

Bernanke is giving the second of two days of semiannual testimony to Congress about the Fed's interest rate policies, this time to the House Financial Services Committee. On Tuesday, Bernanke told a Senate committee that he thinks the Fed's low-interest-rate policies are giving crucial support to an economy still burdened by high unemployment.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was little changed at 1.88 percent.

Among other stocks making big moves;

? rose $21.43 to $699 after it said late Tuesday that its net income jumped in the fourth quarter as bookings grew.

? First Solar plunged $4.89 to $26.49 after the company posted disappointing sales for the fourth quarter and gave a weak early outlook for the year.

? Target fell 67 cents to $63.37 after the No. 2 discount chain's quarterly income fell 2 percent as it dealt with intense competition during the holiday shopping season.

? DreamWorks Animation fell 56 cents to $16.03 after it posted a loss of $82.7 million. The company booked a write-off on its November release "Rise of the Guardians" and on an upcoming movie that needs to be reworked.


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Why Pluto can't have a moon named Mickey

NBC News' Alan Boyle joins the SETI Institute's Mark Showalter and Franck Marchis in a Google+ Hangout marking the end of the "Pluto Rocks" moon-naming contest.

By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News

Vulcan and Cerberus (or Kerberos) emerged as the people's choices for naming Pluto's tiniest moons in the SETI Institute's "Pluto Rocks" contest, which ended on Monday. But in the course of running the contest, the organizers fielded 30,000 write-in suggestions ? and you may well see some of those suggestions surface in the future.

"I've been delighted by the response," said Mark Showalter, a planetary scientist at the SETI Institute who played a leading role in the discovery of Pluto's fourth and fifth moons. Showalter was the point person for the moon-naming contest, which drew more than 450,000 online votes over the past two weeks.

More than 20 names were on the ballot, including Vulcan (the Roman god of fire) and Cerberus (the watchdog of the underworld). Vulcan was added to the list after the contest started, at the urging of "Star Trek" actor William Shatner, and grabbed the lion's share of the votes. But there were scads of other suggestions that weren't used, mostly because they weren't in line with the International Astronomical Union's tradition that the moons of Pluto should be named after figures from Greek or Roman mythology with some sort of connection to the underworld. Pluto was himself the mythological god of the underworld.

It's the IAU that has the final say over the names for the moons, which were discovered over the past couple of years and are now known merely as P4 and P5. Now that the crowdsourcing contest is over, Showalter willl be meeting with his colleagues on the discovery team and discussing whether to go with Vulcan and Cerberus or some other names. The names selected by the discoverers will then be considered by IAU committee members for adoption or reconsideration.

"It could take one to two months for the final names of P4 and P5 to be selected and approved," Showalter said on the "Pluto Rocks" website. "Stay tuned."

M. Buie / SwRI / NASA / ESA

These two pictures of Pluto represent the Hubble Space Telescope's most detailed view of the dwarf planet, but pictures from NASA's New Horizons probe should provide better resolution.


({{numVotes}} votes)


During a Google+ Hangout, Showalter mentioned the two most frequently suggested names that were left off the ballot. No surprise there: Considering that Pluto is a Disney cartoon character as well as a dwarf planet, you'd expect that Mickey and Minnie (as in Walt Disney's talking mice) would be the favorites.

"Yes, I am a big fan of Disney myself, but no, they are not compliant names," Showalter said. Although Mickey and Minnie make a cuter couple than Orpheus and Eurydice, they're not Greek or Roman mythological characters connected with the underworld.

Some of the other names, however, may come up again. When NASA's New Horizons probe sails past Pluto in 2015, still more mini-moons might be spotted. P6, P7 and so on would provide additional opportunities for the "compliant names" on Showalter's newly expanded list. And that's not all: New Horizons' camera could to snap pictures of previously unseen features on Pluto and its moons, That opens up a new frontier for names.

The names of planetary features don't have to follow the rules about Greek or Roman mythology: On Mercury, for example, craters are named after famous writers and artists. The hydrocarbon lakes detected on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, are named after the earthly lakes they resemble. Titan's mountains are named after the fictional mountains from "The Lord of the Rings" and other works by J.R.R. Tolkien, while the Saturnian moon's dark plains are named after planets from the "Dune" science-fiction series.

For Pluto and its moons, "we have all kinds of options," Showalter said. He noted that the naming suggestions followed some potentially appealing trends ? specifically, Norse mythological figures as well as characters and locations from the "Star Wars" movie series and H.P. Lovecraft's fantasy and horror tales. Might we hear about Mount Loki, the Hoth ice sheet or Cthulhu Crater in the years to come? Will some scientist pick up on the Vulcan connection and start naming the hills of a Plutonian moon after Worf, Quark, Chakotay and T'Pol? To paraphrase another character from the "Star Trek" saga: "Make it so!"

More about planetary names:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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NYC woman: Husband, a cop, wanted to kill, eat me

NEW YORK (AP) ? The estranged wife of a New York City police officer struggled to keep her composure Monday as she testified about discovering shocking emails and other evidence on his computer showing he had discussed abducting, torturing and eating her and other women.

"I was going to be tied up by my feet and my throat slit and they were going to watch the blood drain out of me," Kathleen Mangan-Valle told a Manhattan jury.

Mangan-Valle, 27, also read about plans to put one friend in a suitcase, wheel her out of her building and murder her. Two other women were "going to be raped in front of each other to heighten their fears," while another was going to be roasted alive over an open fire, she said.

"The suffering was for his enjoyment and he wanted to make it last as long as possible," she said.

Mangan-Valle broke down in tears several times, but the emotional peak of the day came when a defense attorney showed her pictures of Officer Gilberto Valle in uniform feeding their newborn daughter, prompting both she and Valle to openly weep as the judge sent the jury away for an afternoon break.

The drama came on the first day of testimony at the closely watched trial of the 28-year-old Valle, a baby-faced defendant dubbed the "Cannibal Cop" by city tabloids.

Valle is accused of conspiring to kidnap a woman and unauthorized use of a law enforcement database that prosecutors say he used to help build a list of potential targets. A conviction on the kidnapping count carries a possible life sentence.

The officer has claimed his online discussions of cannibalism were harmless fetish fantasies. But in opening statements on Monday, a prosecutor said "very real women" were put in jeopardy.

"Make no mistake," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Randall Jackson. "Gilbert Valle was very serious about these plans."

Defense attorney Julia Gatto argued that her client "never intended to kidnap anyone." She added: "You can't convict people for their thoughts, even if they're sick."

A college graduate and New York Police Department patrolman, Valle appeared to be leading a normal life before "things got bad," his wife said. "Weird stuff started happening."

Mangan-Valle testified her husband began asking questions about where she liked to jog, what the lighting was like and whether other people were around. Using spyware on his computer, she said she uncovered gruesome photos and the names, heights, weights of women.

She also found that he had visited a fetish website that featured images of dead women.

"I was scared. ... I'd never seen that before," she said.

Once Mangan-Valle fled her home and reported his strange behavior to the FBI last year, agents uncovered "a heinous plot to kidnap, rape, murder and cannibalize a number of very real women," Jackson said.

The officer had attempted to contact potential victims, including a New York City elementary school teacher, to learn more about their jobs and residences, the prosecutor said. His Internet research also included the best rope to tie someone up with, recipes, human flesh, white slavery and chemicals that can knock someone out, Jackson said.

Gatto countered in her opening statement that there was "no proof of a crime here. The charges are pure fiction."

Valle, she said, had always been aroused by "unusual things" including the thought of a woman boiled down on a platter with an apple in her mouth, his lawyer said. He found a home at a fetish website with 38,000 registered members, where regulars discuss "suffocating women, cooking and eating them," she said.

The defense has denied that Mangan-Valle was a potential victim. Valle had made clear that his wife "was unavailable for any kidnapping fantasy," the defense has said in court papers.

On cross-examination, Gatto asked Mangan-Valle if she declined to meet with the defense before the trial began.

"You're representing the man who wants to kill me," she responded. "No I don't want to talk to you."

Valle is expected to take the stand to make the case that it was all role-playing fantasy. The defense also is planning to call experts to explain the fetish subculture and to show jurors the videotaped testimony of the fetish website's co-founder Sergey Merenkov.

Merenkov called the site "a clone of Facebook, but it is oriented to people with fetishes that are not considered standard." Asked about the most popular fetishes, he responded, "All sorts of asphyxiation" and "peril cannibalism."

Tiger Howard Devore, a psychologist and certified sex therapist who specializes in dealing with sexual dysfunction and fetishes, said the cannibalism fetish known as voreaphilia isn't common.

"For most laymen, they're going to think about it as cannibalism," Devore told The Associated Press on Monday. "But what it really is, is an obsession about consuming the flesh of the other, and this can have a whole range of expressions. ... It is mostly played out in fantasy, mostly played out in role-playing."

There are well-known criminal extremes like Jeffrey Dahmer, who saved pieces of his victims' body parts and ate the flesh, Devore said, though "the instances of this kind of violence are extremely rare."


Associated Press writer Eileen AJ Connelly contributed to this report.


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Jacob Sullum Debates Mandatory Liability Insurance for Gun ...

Yesterday on on?HuffPost?Live,?I discussed proposals for requiring gun owners to buy liability insurance with Don Taylor, an associate professor of public policy at Duke University, and Michael Barry, vice president of media relations at the Insurance Information Institute. As with the HuffPost?Live debate about universal background checks a few weeks ago, none of the guests was all that enthusiastic about this gun control policy, which is basically a tax in disguise. Even the host, Josh Zepps, who did his best to play devil's advocate, ended up saying it did not seem like a good idea to him. You can watch the exchange here or below.


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Sean Penn calls progress in Haiti 'extraordinary'

Actor-director Sean Penn gestures as he speaks, while the former prime minister of Haiti, Michele Pierre-Louis, listens while they participate in a discussion at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 regarding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake three years ago. Penn is the co-founder of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Actor-director Sean Penn gestures as he speaks, while the former prime minister of Haiti, Michele Pierre-Louis, listens while they participate in a discussion at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 regarding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake three years ago. Penn is the co-founder of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Actor-director Sean Penn listens as he participates in a discussion at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 regarding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake three years ago. Penn is the co-founder of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Actor-director Sean Penn gestures as he participates in a discussion at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 regarding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake three years ago. Penn is the co-founder of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Actor-director Sean Penn gestures as he participates in a discussion at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 regarding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake three years ago. Penn is the co-founder of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Actor-director Sean Penn gestures as he participates in a discussion at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 regarding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake three years ago. Penn is the co-founder of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

(AP) ? Sean Penn remembers smelling dead bodies when he arrived in Haiti after the earthquake.

But now there's music in those same streets even as the country faces many years of rebuilding, the Academy Award-winning actor said Tuesday.

Penn said "extraordinary" changes have happened since the Jan. 12, 2010, natural disaster killed more than 300,000 people and left about 1.5 million homeless.

He also called the Haitian people resilient in his remarks in a forum at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

The actor is an ambassador-at-large for Haiti's president and CEO of aid group J/P Haitian Relief Organization, which started with a goal of bringing painkillers to earthquake victims. It became an agency that manages a camp for displaced people and works to resettle them. It also does other aid work such as clearing rubble, repairing damaged homes and running a community center and clinics.

Former Haitian Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis and Ken Keen, the Army lieutenant general who commanded the U.S. military relief effort in Haiti, joined Penn as panelists to discuss the progress in Haiti since the earthquake.

Pierre-Louis spoke of the strength of the Haitian people but also of promises, including from the government, that haven't been kept.

"Today there is reason for hope, but at the same time, there is a lot to be done," she said.

The former prime minister also spoke about the need for the international intervention when it comes to helping middle-class Haitians who lost homes get loans so they can rebuild.

Keen said stabilizing security will be a major factor in the country's recovery, with everything else becoming more difficult without effective policing.

Penn said investment in manufacturing and jobs in Haiti would help solve the challenges because displaced people need work. He also said relief organizations can make a difference by helping with education initiatives because the first thing parents ask before resettlement is where their children will be going to school.

The actor dressed casually in cowboy boots and jeans, his dark straight hair combed back and falling below his collar. He also wore a scowl for some of the evening and criticized some media coverage he said misrepresented what was happening in Haiti.

In particular, Penn took issue with some reporting on his organization's work to demolish the National Palace, the presidential home in Port-au-Prince that became a symbol of the scale of devastation and government inertia following the natural disaster.

He said that it wasn't him and a bunch of "white guys" with "jackhammers" who did the demo and that nearly all his agency's workers are Haitians.

But the actor grinned after answering an audience question about how to bring visibility to Haiti's reconstruction effort. He said the country wouldn't triumph over its problems next year, but it would happen.

"It's coming in 15 years," Penn said, "and I hope I see you there."

Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Michigan Man Suspected Of Dismembering Girlfriend Kaitlin Hehir Expected To Face Charges

BERKLEY, Mich. ? A man suspected of strangling and dismembering his girlfriend and hiding her body parts in their suburban Detroit home has been arraigned on a first-degree murder charge.

Farmington police say 28-year-old William Dhondt (DAHNT) was arraigned Tuesday afternoon in Berkley District Court in the death of 29-year-old Kaitlin Hehir (HEHR). The judge ordered Dhondt jailed without bond.

Police say Dhondt reported Hehir missing Saturday night. Police took him into custody after they discovered Hehir's remains Sunday at their Farmington home.

Investigators say that Dhondt told them he and Hehir had argued and that the dispute turned physical.

Another court hearing is scheduled in March. First-degree murder carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole in Michigan.

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Installers laid down rubber pellets as the base for the new artificial turf at Count Basie Fields in January. (Click to enlarge)


With the first day of spring less than a month away, Memone Crystian, director of Red Bank?s Parks and Recreation department, knows the throes of winter will soon be replaced by? other types of throws.

Her department has crafted a packed schedule of recreational sports for kids in Kindergarten through 8th grade to enjoy on brand new turf in coming months at Count Basie Fields. And in addition to the traditional baseball, softball and soccer offerings, lacrosse will be on the agenda.

The facility, which Crystian calls ?one of the premier athletic fields in the county, if not the whole state,? boasts a full-sized soccer/lacrosse field, as well as full-sized baseball and softball fields. Replacing the natural turf cost about $2.1 million, with a? portion of the cost donated by Major League Baseball, which chose Red Bank for its Baseball Community Outreach program and will be hosting a Baseball Day ribbon-cutting ceremony on April 6, according to Crystian.

Baseball and softball season will begin that day. Participation fees range from $35 to $50 per child, based on age, for residents, and $50 to $65 for out-of-towners. Crystian said that she expects a large turnout for baseball and softball this year.

?They will get a chance to play on one of the best fields in the area,? she said. ?Registration is going to be on a limited first-come first-serve basis.?

?I recommend parents register their child as soon as possible,? she said. ?Spots are limited, and we don?t want to see any children disappointed.?

Crystian also said that the borough will provide children with equipment, including cleats and gloves if needed. Teams will square off against rec squads from nearby towns, including Fair Haven, Rumson and Little Silver.

For those who prefer a rectangular field to the diamond, Red Bank has teamed up with United Lacrosse, a Little Silver-based training operation, to bring local families cutting edge but affordable lacrosse training, according to Crystian.

?We brought in some of the area?s best professionals to affordably teach the kids the fundamentals of lacrosse, the fastest growing sport in America but a sport that?s very expensive,? she said. ?We think the kids can be successful in this sport, but they will need to be taught how to play the proper way first.?

The lacrosse program will feature a camp-like atmosphere, Crystian said, with regular practices, instructional sessions, and also scrimmages and games.

?We?ll provide every child with equipment if needed,? she added, ?and each child who signs up will be on a team. There are no other opportunities like this at these prices around, so we really encourage local families to take advantage of it.?

The lacrosse season will run from March 23 to May 18, and will cost Red Bank residents $35 to $45, and those from other towns $200. Crystian also assured that those who want to play both baseball/softball and lacrosse can do so.

?We designed the programs so that participation in both at the same time was possible,? she said. ?We didn?t want anybody to have to pick one sport and miss out on the other,? she said.

The borough will also have a track and field team, starting in late May, that will participate in practices and several inter-league meets against other towns. Registration costs $40 for one child, $75 for two and $30 a child for three or more. The track and field runs at the track surrounding the football field at Count Basie and will end in July.

For those looking register, visit the parks and recreation department website, or by visiting its office at 90 Monmouth Street.

Cystian also expressed the need for coaches and assistant coaches at every level, no matter the level of experience.

? All our coaches are volunteers, and their participation is so vital to these programs, we always need help all across the board,? she said. ?Even if you don?t have a child participating this year, it?s a great chance to help out the community.?


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Monday, February 25, 2013

ClockworkMod SuperUser released in beta, free and open-sourced

Android Central

Koushik Dutta of ClockworkMod, ROM Manager and Carbon (Backup) fame continues his long standing contributions to the Android community with his latest creation, ClockworkMod SuperUser. Currently in beta, eventually there will be an installation process in the APK itself, but for now it must be flashed either via ROM Manager or manually via recovery. 

There's a few headline features to speak of, the first of which is that unlike the Chainfire SuperUser offerings, this one is open-sourced with the full code available for download from Koush's Github. Also on board is support for the multi-user option found in Android 4.2. Impressive. Equally impressive is that this one version is compatible with both ARM and x86, with Koush claiming "magic" in getting it working. 

The impressive full feature set reads as follows:

  • Multiuser support
  • Open source
  • Free
  • Leverages Android's permission model
  • Logging (and per app logging)
  • Pretty UI
  • PIN Protection
  • Request Timeout
  • Customize notifications
  • x86 and ARM support
  • Handle concurrent su requests properly
  • NDK clean

Follow the source link below or head on into ROM Manager on your rooted device to flash a copy and take a look for yourselves. Click on further past the break for a demo video of ClockworkMod SuperUser in action. 

Source: +Koushik Dutta

read more


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Iceland's plan to ban Internet porn sparks uproar

(AP) ? In the age of instant information, globe-spanning viral videos and the World Wide Web, can a thoroughly wired country become a porn-free zone? Authorities in Iceland want to find out.

The government of the tiny North Atlantic nation is drafting plans to ban pornography, in print and online, in an attempt to protect children from a tide of violent sexual imagery.

The proposal by Interior Minister Ogmundur Jonasson has caused an uproar. Opponents say the move will censor the Web, encourage authoritarian regimes and undermine Iceland's reputation as a Scandinavian bastion of free speech.

Advocates say it is a sensible measure that will shelter children from serious harm.

"When a 12-year-old types 'porn' into Google, he or she is not going to find photos of naked women out on a country field, but very hardcore and brutal violence," said Halla Gunnarsdottir, political adviser to the interior minister.

"There are laws in our society. Why should they not apply to the Internet?"

Gunnarsdottir says the proposals currently being drawn up by a committee of experts will not introduce new restrictions, but simply uphold an existing if vaguely worded law.

Pornography is already banned in Iceland, and has been for decades ? but the term is not defined, so the law is not enforced. Magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse are on sale in book stores, and more hardcore material can be bought from a handful of sex shops. "Adult" channels form part of digital TV packages.

Iceland's left-of-center government insists it is not setting out to sweep away racy magazines or censor sex. The ban would define pornography as material with violent or degrading content.

Gunnarsdottir said the committee is still exploring the details of how a porn ban could be enforced. One possibility would be to make it illegal to pay for porn with Icelandic credit cards. Another, more controversial, route would be a national Internet filter or a list of website addresses to be blocked.

That idea has Internet-freedom advocates alarmed.

"This kind of thing does not work. It is technically impossible to do in a way that has the intended effect," said Smari McCarthy of free-speech group the International Modern Media Institute. "And it has negative side effects ? everything from slowing down the Internet to blocking content that is not meant to be blocked to just generally opening up a whole can of worms regarding human rights issues, access to information and freedom of expression."

Despite its often chaotic appearance, the Internet is not a wholly lawless place. It is regulated, to varying degrees, around the world. Police monitor the net for child pornography and other illegal material, and service providers in many countries block offending sites.

Some governments also censor the Internet at a national level ? though the likes of authoritarian Iran, North Korea and China are not countries liberal Iceland wants to emulate.

European countries including Britain, Sweden and Denmark ask Internet service providers to block child pornography websites, measures that have met with only limited opposition.

But broader filtering has mostly been resisted. A few years ago, Australia announced it would introduce an Internet filtering system to block websites containing material including child pornography, bestiality, sexual violence and terrorist content. After an outcry, the government abandoned the plan last year.

Critics say such filters are flawed and often scoop up innocent sites in their net ? as when Denmark's child pornography filter briefly blocked access to Google and Facebook last year because of a glitch.

On the streets of Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, there was some support for a porn ban, but also skepticism about how it would work.

"I think this is a good idea, but I think it might be problematic to implement this," said shop assistant Ragnheidur Arnarsdottir. "It is difficult to fight technology."

Iceland's moves are being closely watched. It may be a tiny country of only 320,000 people, but its economic and social experiments ? like its active volcanos ? often have international impact.

For centuries economically dependent on fishing, Iceland transformed itself in the early 21st century into a pioneer of aggressive credit-driven banking. Then in 2008, the country's debt-burdened banks all collapsed, making Iceland the first and most dramatic casualty of the global financial crisis, and leaving a string of failed businesses around the world.

The economy is now bouncing back, aided by Iceland's status as one of the world's best connected countries, with one of the highest levels of Internet use on the planet. Recent initiatives to boost growth include plans to make Iceland a global center of media and technology freedom ? a status that advocates like McCarthy fear could be threatened by an online porn ban.

Anti-porn activists, however, are hailing Iceland as a pioneer. It is certainly not afraid to go its own way. Although the country has largely liberal Scandinavian values, it broke with most of Europe in 2010 by banning strip clubs.

"This is a country with courage," said Gail Dines, a professor of sociology and women's studies at Wheelock College in Boston and author of the book "Pornland."

"Iceland is going to be the first country with the guts to stand up to these predatory bullies from L.A. (in the porn industry)," she said. "It is going to take one country to show that this is possible."

But opponents say the project is both misguided and doomed.

"I can say with absolute certainty that this will not happen, this state filter," said Icelandic parliamentarian Birgitta Jonsdottir, a prominent advocate of online freedom.

She is confident those drafting the anti-porn measures will see the error of their ways. They may also run out of time ? Iceland is due to hold parliamentary elections in April, and the unpopular coalition government could be thrown out.

Jonsdottir said the key to protecting children and others from hardcore harm is for citizens to better inform themselves about the Internet and how it works.

"People just have to make themselves a bit more knowledgeable about what their kids are up to, and face reality," she said.

Gunnarsdottir, the political adviser backing the ban, just hopes the emotional debate around the issue will cool down.

"I think we should be able to discuss the Internet with more depth, without just shouting censorship on the one hand and laissez-faire on the other hand," she said.

"Is it freedom of speech to be able to reach children with very hardcore, brutal material? Is that the freedom of speech we want to protect?"


Lawless reported from London. Jill Lawless can be reached at

Associated Press


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Obesity Reduces Quality of Life in Boys | Psych Central News

By Traci Pedersen Associate News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on February 23, 2013

Obesity Reduces Quality of Life in BoysFor boys, being overweight or obese significantly lowers their quality of life compared to healthy weight peers.? Interestingly, these results were not found in girls.

The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, also showed that quality of life (QOL) scores improved for children of either sex whose weight status changed from overweight/obese to normal.

The research involved more than 2,000 Australian school children who were about 12 years old at the start of the study in 2004-2005. The researchers followed up with the children after five years.?

The participants then answered a questionnaire designed to measure whether being obese (also known as? adiposity) influenced their quality of life at age 17 or 18.

?Adiposity in boys was associated with poorer quality of life during adolescence. This association was not observed among girls.

?In both boys and girls, though, persistent overweight or obesity was related to poorer physical functioning after the five years. In contrast, weight loss was associated with improved quality of life during adolescence,? said Bamini Gopinath, Ph.D., senior research fellow at the University of Sydney in Australia.

The questionnaire measured the children?s physical and psychosocial health.?It also calculated a combined total quality of life score. The psychosocial health summary score reflected how well the teens were functioning emotionally and socially.

The study revealed that both males and females who were obese at the start of the study and who later reduced to a normal weight had far better physical functioning scores than those who remained obese after five years. These physical functioning scores measured one aspect of the overall quality of life score.

?The findings suggest that an unhealthy weight status and excess body fat could negatively impact the mental and physical wellbeing of adolescents, particularly boys,? said Gopinath.

He noted that the study highlights the value of looking at the quality of life among obese teens in both clinical practice and in research studies.?

He also added that ?obesity prevention and treatment efforts [ought] to address the broad spectrum of psychosocial implications of being obese as a teenager.?

Lawrence J. Cheskin, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center, noted that the differences in quality of life and physical functioning between obese and normal weight teens has not been carefully done before.

?The fact that QOL improved with improvement in weight over time is also important,? said Cheskin. He added that parents, health care providers and teenagers need to understand the far-reaching effects that being overweight can have on a teen?s enjoyment of life.

Source:? Center for Advancing Health


Obese boy on scale photo by shutterstock.

APA Reference
Pedersen, T. (2013). Obesity Reduces Quality of Life in Boys. Psych Central. Retrieved on February 25, 2013, from



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Sony brings Cyber-shot HX300, WX300 and TX30 to the US with fast autofocus

Sony brings Cybershot HX300, WX300 and TX30 to the US with fast autofocus

Sony refreshed many of its mainstream Cyber-shot cameras at CES. Now that we're on the cusp of spring, the company is giving equal love to a trio of more specialized shooters arriving in the US. The 20.4-megapixel Cyber-shot HX300 superzoom easily bests its HX200V ancestor in the optics department with a 50X, 24-1,200mm equivalent lens that sports better stabilization, but the real allure is its autofocus speed: it can lock in twice as quickly at telephoto distances, giving us more reason to use all that extra reach. The WX300 compact zoom isn't quite as alluring on paper with its 18.2-megapixel sensor and 20X (25-50mm equivalent) lens, although it carries autofocus about 3.6 times speedier than the old HX30 while stuffing in WiFi for simpler photo sharing.

These two are joined by the TX30, an all-around improvement for last year's waterproof TX20 camera. While there isn't quite a revolution on the outside, the TX30 can survive twice the depth at 33 feet, carries a longer-zoomed 5X (26-130mm) lens and bumps the resolution to 18.2 megapixels. Both the TX30 and the HX300 will come first, hitting American shops in March at respective $350 and $500 prices. The WX300 will miss March break with its April release, but it will be the cheapest of the pack at $330.

Filed under: ,


Source: Sony


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On Feb. 19, Jamie-Lynn Sigler spent time at her fave store Calypso St. Barth in Los Angeles stocking up on maternity essentials.


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In the early 2000?s, the music industry, in particular the communities of hiphop and rnb, observed the appearance of what we call the ?super music producers?, accounting for frontrunners: Dr. Dre, Timbaland, Rodney Jerkins or even The Neptunes.

What is a ?super producer?? the most reliable interpretation of their distinction with a ?simple? producer will certainly take the illustration of what we call a ?supermodel? in fashion, for instance Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer or Naomi Campbell. You know these legendary super-models as well as anyone else and you can see all of them on all of the catwalks. To be brief: safe values.

This was the very same thing in the music business: there had been ?big? producers, risk free, that directed all of the the projects and also were looked for by the best known singers and also rappers. This is always less hazardous for record label to utilize a well known music producer rather than a beginner. The well recognized producer delivered a several of award winning singles, in theory. Considering back then commonly big names sold cd.

But, the music industry, after the start of the decade totally changed. First, consumers don?t actually pay for disk anymore.

For that reason the record labels give minimum money for a project. And apparently, record companies are not wishing to spend money between $ 100 000 to $ 300 000 for just one single beat, as was the case during the period of the golden years of music producers. The disks tend to not sell and the internet grows. To deal with not legal downloading of their artists, record companies create or connect with statutory download systems and want to impose their visibility in this online world, which has been escaping their control for a long time.

But the rise up of the internet in addition has allowed the expansion of numerous not known producers as good as, if not a lot better than, ?Super Producers?.

All these producers have paying attention to the growth of the Internet, which has helped those to sell their beats online. Which allows them to contact and also work with singer on a local scale as well as a world wide one. A producer from Nyc can even promote beats to an artist in Japan. It is really more simple for them to obtain a pretty good reputation to get a career. For the artists, this makes an important difference! They can buy beats online in their house for their album, EP or mixtape for affordable prices; definitely not those applied by the ?super producers?.

Record companies pay a specific attention to this modern sector. They buy beats online as well. And right now we could notice that a few internet based producers receive hired by majors.

The great time of super producers such as the epoch of super models goes away bit by bit, offering option to this modern market led by producers who, generally, have not a single thing to envy to the ?super producers?.

You can buy beats online too, I strongly recommend this one. Professional , you can buy beats (leasing and exclusive) and get free beats in all different style from hiphop, pop to dance.

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