Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Vauxhall Society, DATA and the politics of of NLE | The ...

The Vauxhall Society works hand in hand with DATA, a TVS offshoot and now associate body that brings together individuals and community groups with an interest in transport matters as they affect Vauxhall, in particular the Northern Line Extension.

We at TVS want to be and be seen to be apolitical and weren?t clear where DATA stood in aligning itself with Lambeth Liberal Democrats? recent NLE petition.

We don?t want opposition to the NLE to be presented as a party-political issue, because it isn?t, but it makes it easier for NLE?s boosters to shrug off criticism if it can be dismissed as political partisanship.
It won?t do for opposition to NLE to be seen as the same thing as supporting Lambeth?s Lib Dems or any other party.

By the way, is there a Tory party out there, or are Lambeth Conservatives at one with Labour in a sort of ?NLE Coalition??

Do please report any sightings of Tories who take any interest in Vauxhall to
Here?s what DATA says about relations with the Lib Dems:

DATA took a considered position regarding the petition and made it clear that opposition to the NLE is not a Liberal Party exclusive preserve. One can be in opposition to the NLE and not be a Liberal Party supporter. Signing the Liberlas? petition does not infer support for the Liberals.

DATA adds:

This is an important moment for Lambeth residents. Lambeth Council is considering whether to support TfL?s plans to extend the Northern Line from Kennington to Battersea Power Station via Nine Elms.
The catch is that Lambeth residents will end up paying most of the costs and facing much of the disruption, not just of building the tunnels but also of operating the trains.
Noise and vibration is likely to disturb residents above new and existing tunnels. TfL can?t say how much their project will cost, or whether it will bring any benefits at all to Lambeth.
It is clear, however, from what little information TfL has provided that costs, which have already doubled once and now stand at a little over ?1 billion, are likely to double again before construction starts.
Business rates, money that should be spent on local amenities and other transport upgrades will pay the price, probably for more than the next 30 years.
A local pressure group, the Vauxhall Nine Elms and Battersea Development and Transport Action Group (DATA) which was born out of the The Vauxhall Society?s 2011 AGM, has taken TfL and Lambeth to task on our behalf.

Read more under the DATA TVS tab and in DATA?s Public Pages


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