Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bob Mansfield, Apple's iPad Engineering Genius ... - Business Insider



Apple is losing one of its engineering big wigs. The company just announced that Bob Mansfield will retire.

Mansfield has been with Apple since 1999 and led hardware engineering for the iPhone, iPod, and the Mac. But his biggest accomplishment was probably the iPad. It was his baby since inception. The iPad has been called an engineering marvel.

Dan Riccio, Apple?s vice president of iPad Hardware Engineering, will take?Mansfield's place. Apple will probably be in pretty good hands. Riccio has been known as Mansfield's right-hand man and he's had just as long a history with the company. He joined Apple in 1998.

With the exit of Mansfield we can't help noting that the post-Steve-Jobs era of Apple is upon us.

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