Tuesday, January 31, 2012

#SciAmBlogs Monday - MIN awards, Quantum Entanglement, Neglected Tropical Diseases, living dirty, mimic spiders, coffee and more...

Welcome back. As it is Monday, we have the new Image of the Week ? it is just one of a series, so make sure to click through to the original blog post where that one came from.

I don?t know much about all those media awards (I am much more aware of the good old Kaufax Awards, ResearchBlogging Awards, 3 Quarks Daily Awards and such), but it seems this one is big as everyone is so excited about it. Scientific American is a finalist in four categories:

Blog: ?A Blog Around the Clock?
Editorial Excellence ? Special Section: Education channel on www.ScientificAmerican.com
Integration with Print: ?Cities: Better, Greener, Smarter?
Tablet App ? Paid app ? Interactive: Journey to the Exoplanets App for iPad

I am not sure who does the judging and how (does not seem to be a community/online effort) and it is unfortunate there are no links to any of the finalists so you have to google them. I may even be in NYC on the day of the awards and can try to sneak in? And does this means I need to post more often on ?A Blog Around the Clock? now, along with all these other blogs I write or edit? But hey, it?s nice to be in the run against Weigel ;-)

And now back to our regular programing:

- S.E. Gould ? On selfish genes and human behaviour


- Rob Dunn ? Eating off the floor: How clean living is bad for you


- Vlatko Vedral ? The Joys of Quantum Entanglement


- George Musser ? George and John?s Excellent Adventures in Quantum Entanglement [Video]


- Gozde Zorlu ? Uniting against Neglected Tropical Diseases


- Glendon Mellow ? Science-Art Scumble #29


- Daniela Hernandez ? Musings on #Diversity at #Scio12, Guest Post by Daniela Hernandez


- DNLee ? Diversity in Science Carnival #12: Broadening Participation in Science online and on the ground, a #scio12 #diversity summary


- Melissa C. Lott ? North America Losing Its Oil Edge


- David Wogan ? State of the Union 2012: energy use and the military


- Krystal D?Costa ? There?s More to That Red Plastic Cup Than You Thought


- Scicurious ? Feeling Stimulated by your Coffee? Look to the Basal Ganglia of your brain


- Kate Clancy ? From the Field: ?Hazed? Tells Her Story of Harassment


- Alex Wild ? An Enemy in the Ranks


- John Horgan ? Non-Sissy Uncertainty: Why I Inflict Nassim ?Black Swan? Taleb on My Students


- Darren Naish ? The more you know about colubrid snakes, the better a person you are


- David Biello ? Climate Change Has Helped Bring Down Cultures


- Jason G. Goldman ? Art+Photowalk at the NCSU Arboretum (#scio12)



Conversations on our articles and blog posts often continue on our Facebook page ? ?Like? it and join in the discussion. You can also put our official Google Plus page in your circles.

You should follow the Blog Network on Twitter ? the official account is @sciamblogs and the List of all the bloggers is @sciamblogs/sciambloggers.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=6cc92377d84400088f735fc957528854

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