Friday, November 11, 2011

Today on New Scientist: 9th November 2011

How the cold, dead moon stayed magnetic

Apollo moon rocks show the moon had a magnetic field millions of years after its core was thought to have stopped churning - two new studies suggest what kept the core stirred up

Single-molecule nanocar takes its first spin

The vehicle, which has four wheels that all rotate in the same direction when zapped with a beam of electrons, may help reveal why nature's tiny motors are so efficient

Lab-grown hormone factory put to work

A fully-functioning pituitary gland has been grown out of embryonic stem cells and successfully transplanted into mice

Warm water lured landlubber animals back to sea

Vertebrates moved out of the sea and onto land once, 365 million years ago, but many animals later went back - only when the water was warm, though

Cotton transistors weave comfort into electronics

The next generation of wearable electronics could be a lot more comfy, thanks to transistors made from cotton fibres

The origin of sex was interaction, not reproduction

Sex is a pretty primitive business, but it has so many downsides that its success is still a big evolutionary puzzle. Time for a rethink, says Thierry Lod?

Contact offers hope for stalled Mars moon probe

Scientist behind previous failed Mars probe says there's still hope for the Russian craft targeting the Martian moon Phobos

Mars 500 crew share thoughts on their mission

An all-male international crew of six has emerged from 520 days' confinement on a mock mission to Mars. The crew tell New Scientist about life inside

The underhand ape: Why corruption is normal

If you think you're incorruptible, think again. Understanding why so many right-thinking people behave deviously could help clean up business and politics

Oil-sucking inflatable scoops up X Prize

Watch an award-winning device clean up a large-scale oil spill

Superconductor flying saucer stunts

Watch a levitating disc jump obstacles and coast over a partner along a magnetised track

Fizzy drink ban has little effect on students

Banning sugary drinks in US schools has not stopped students from getting their fizzy fix

A tour through our self-delusions

In You Are Not So Smart, David McRaney lays out in entertaining detail four dozen of the ways we trick ourselves every day

'Nudge' policies are another name for coercion

From organ donation to buying a pension, indirect attempts to sway behaviour undermine the core of democracy, say Henry Farrell and Cosma Shalizi

Zoologger: The only cross-dressing bird of prey

Some male marsh harriers spend their adult lives mimicking females, apparently to avoid being attacked by other males

Mind control key to improving Parkinson's symptoms

Neurofeedback allows people with Parkinson's to train their brain to improve movement problems associated with the condition

Skyscraper-sized asteroid set to buzz Earth

A space rock about the size of the Empire State Building is set to come closer to Earth than any other asteroid of its size in 35 years


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