Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tips for writing a bullet proof professional resume

A resume is the most important element in an interview. If your resume isn?t eye catching, you may not even receive the interview call!

Here are a few tips to make your resume bullet-proof and impressive:

  • You must have a cover letter. Sending out a resume without a good cover letter is pointless. This is basic business etiquette. Your cover letter must be personalized according to the position you are applying for. Don?t send out the same cover letter for different positions. If possible, address the letter directly to a person. If you do not know the hiring manager?s name, use ?Hiring Manager.?
  • An attractive layout. Do not use down loadable templates. They are dull and boring. Be innovative but don?t be crazy. Highlight key points and you may even use a little touch of colour.
  • Font is also very important. Don?t go into something very stylish or fancy. Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana are some of the best fonts for a r?sum?. Now is not the time to experiment. Do not use cutesy graphics such as candy canes or teddy bears if you want to be taken seriously. It is NOT appropriate for business correspondence
  • Use justified text. This makes your resume easy to be followed because people are used to justified text.
  • Speak in third person and avoid usage of ?I?. Use powerful verbs that leave a strong impact like ? ?Implemented production bonus incentives and ?best practices? matrix for all divisions, raising overall productivity by as much as 40 percent.?
  • Always list the year you got a degree. If you list dates of attendance, many scanning systems will not recognize that you obtained a degree.
  • Use the same format throughout. Same goes for software. If you list one date as 9/22/2005 and then the other as 1/2005, you won?t be making a good resume! Also, for software, MS Word and Microsoft Excel are both correct, but not consistent when used together.
  • Make sure punctuation and capitalization is correct in your document.
  • Revise your resume. Make sure there are absolutely no spelling or grammar errors!
  • Remove all hyperlinks from your resume and cover letter. This basically means deactivating all e-mail links and Web addresses. To do this you highlight the link with your mouse, right click on it, and scroll down to ?remove link? to deactivate the link.

Source: http://www.bestsampleresumes.net/tips-for-writing-a-bullet-proof-professional-resume.html

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