Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Free Music Downloads: Legal Problems And Gray Areas ...

People all over the world today are vying for free music downloads. Sometimes it is for entertainment and fun. At other times it is for learning. For yet others it is for the purpose of storing for future uses. However in either case there could be legal hassles and barriers depending on the nature of music you download and related laws of the land. While there is absence of any uniform international legal patterns, laws vary widely according to geographical divergences and you have to be careful not to violate them including the much talked about copyright provisions.

Fact remains that while everybody likes free music nobody likes to face litigations. People who are seeking to find free music downloads online could get simply the desired music from some friendly website but that could also bring up the letter from a lawyer that might not be as friendly. However there are also experts online who can advice you suitably on downloads that could be made without facing legal hurdles. These experts have long professional backgrounds and they can really show you the way. Line between the legal and illegal is always murky. Some of the experts will advice you for paying the licensing fees to the artists concerned. However in the rapidly changing legal scenario that might not be sufficient.

Problem lies in the fact that law seems to be lagging behind the advancement of technologies all along. Despite all these advances there are certain gray areas where the so called free music downloads are neither clearly legal nor clearly illegal. Sometimes people can take advantages of it with little fear of lawsuits. However it will be necessary to be abreast of the legal developments all the time since what was legal a few days back might already have turned otherwise with the legal developments coming up. It will never be the nicest of the experience to remain on the wrong side of the law.

Shifting law of the land has caused problems for many downloading people in the past. Basically the legal concept revolves round the principles of fair use. Ethically nothing could be fair without the permission of the copyright holder. Yet people can legally transfer CDs to their iPods after the judgment delivered in Sony Corporation of America versus Universal City Studios. The ruling allows copying of even copyrighted materials for sheer entertainment and noncommercial uses. So when one downloads with the aim of using it in a family party, he or she cannot be sued for violation of copyright with such free music downloads.

Some tricky legal questions will always crop up in the process. For instance if you have paid and bought the right to hear, will it be material whether you have transferred the music from your vinyl record or free music downloads online sites to your iPod? Downloading from online sources could be a violation while fact remains that you have also paid for the record. Once again this is gray area and has never ever been covered by judicial pronouncements.

Whether it is vinyl records or free music downloads from online sources, you will have a comprehensive overview of the legal aspects when you visit bearshare.com. The website has a comprehensive database of legal experts and agencies and online advice and consultation on free music downloads are available on the site.

Source: http://roundscripts.com/?p=33

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