Monday, December 17, 2012

The Fort - Teen Fantasy RPG

Welcome to The Fort

We hope you had a safe journey, but you'd better check yourself over to make sure you aren't injured. It happens sometimes. Anyways, you should follow The Trail, which is in front of you, to get to The Fort. Don't worry, there aren't any scary animals or demons in this part of the woods. You will receive a greeting and further information and instructions at the end of this Trail. Good luck!

You have just woken up on the ground, with this peculiar piece of paper on your chest. Having hardly any memories of what came before your confusing predicament, you pick up the message and read it, deciding to follow it's directions. What could wait for you on the end of The Trail?


1. Follow all of the site rules.
2. Don't overstay your welcome in the limelight.
3. Refrain from using swear words excessively.
4. Descriptive violence and romance is frowned upon.
5. Treat other with respect in and out of character.
6. Keep up with your characters.
7. Include 'Northern' somewhere in your application.
8. Have tons of fun! :)


Name (first and last):
Appearance (be descriptive):
Clothes (be descriptive):
History (anything your character remembers?):
Special Talents:
Other Comments/Notes:

My Application:

Name (first and last): Ashton Nicholson
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance (be descriptive): Ashton stands at about 5'6", and her hair is a light dirty-blonde that is usually up in ponytail. If it isn't, it reaches down to about the bottom of her shoulder blades. She wears light, natural looking makeup that makes her blue eyes look very bright, and her skin is only slightly tanned. Across her cheeks and nose is a thin, light line of freckles. Her whole build is mostly made for running, and her arms show the slightest lumps of muscle.
Clothes (be descriptive): Usually seen wearing a v-neck, short sleeved tee shirt and skinny jeans. Her usual footwear is some worn out, light brown, leather boots that look like they've seen better days, but never seem to get worse with time.
Personality: Ashton is very outgoing and social, but sometimes she just needs her quiet time. On some days she gets a bit moody for no apparent reason, but most of the time Ashton is cheery. As the leader of The Fort, she knows just about everyone, and her leading qualities show up most when someone is having tough time making friends.
History (anything your character remembers?): Ashton doesn't remember anything about her life before The Fort, but strives to help others remember for their sake. Sometimes this causes her to get emotional and anti-social for a couple of days.
Special Talents: Shooting the bow and arrow, singing
Other Comments/Notes: Ashton is the leader of The Fort.



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