Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Music Video: Ph.Diddy Hits the Conference Circuit

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Ph.Diddy, everyone?s favorite novice grad student from Life Technologies, has returned in the third of a series of videos (first, second (about PhDiva)) celebrating the life of a researcher, and this time, he heads to his first conference!

Who can forget posters, presentations, crowded talks and networking? All works out for Ph.Diddy as he ends up with a collaboration opportunity he didn?t expect! Take a look!

From the video description:

?Arnold Young (aka the Ph.Diddy) is a biotech Ph.D candidate. Arnold has adjusted to the ups and downs of life in the lab. With his poster ready, he?s now headed for his first ever scientific conference. Travelling! Out of the lab! Conference Yeah! Arnold is nervous and excited. He can?t wait to meet and mingle with others who share his fascination for science, and maybe grab some freebees at the exhibition booths. April Brite (aka the Ph.Diva) and the PI are also there. Arnold notices the girl at ?the poster next door?, does she notice him??

Joanne ManasterAbout the Author: Joanne Manaster is a university level cell and molecular biology lecturer with an insatiable passion for science outreach to all ages. Enjoy her quirky videos at, on twitter @sciencegoddess and on her Facebook page at JoanneLovesScience Follow on Twitter @sciencegoddess.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.


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