Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Green homes get green light from Planning Commission ...

At its special meeting on May 29, the Philadelphia City Planning Commission voted to approve the plan of development for Four Forty Four North Front Associates? proposed townhome development at 412 N. Front St.

Vacant lot proposed for Front Street townhome development

A previously unknown ghost street has altered developers' plans for green townhomes on this North Front Street lot. The City Planning Commission has given the revised project its blessing.

This project, which we caught wind of last month, has been modified a bit from its original design, a changed forced on the developers when their subsurface surveys found an eight-foot box culvert storm sewer running under the property in a 40-foot right of way for a street not marked on city plans.

As a result, the development will have only 32 townhomes, down from the 35 originally proposed. The ghost street will become the access point for the interior homes? garages and surface parking for the units facing Front Street.

The development?s noteworthy green features remain in place, including green roofs, extensive stormwater management features, a landscaped interior courtyard and street plantings that will also hide utility meters on Front Street.

As the project sits on a historically certified street paved in Belgian block, the developers pledged to replace any blocks damaged during construction. One commission member, however, noted that the street was already in not that great shape. On the whole, though, the commission praised the project for reflecting the goals of the city?s Central Delaware Waterfront Master Plan.

More details and architects? renderings to follow ? we?ll keep you posted.

-By Sandy Smith for

Photo by the author

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