Thursday, July 28, 2011

Food & Drink | Chilli cakes, chocolates to burn off calories :: By ...

Ever imagined losing weight through chocolates and cakes? Well, mouth-watering desserts to help people shed flab is soon going to become a reality.

Ajinomoto, a Japanese food company, has announced plans to introduce food stuffs that will lead to weight loss.

The manufacturers claim that they have found an extract of chilli which when added to desserts and pudding can burn off calories.

"Most weight management aids focus on caloric intake. Capsinoids are unique in targeting the other side of the equation, the caloric output. DHC is not positioned as a 'magic bullet,' rather, it should be used as one piece of the overall weight management equation.?--Ajinomoto spokeswoman Naoko Obara

About the 'miracle' extract
The ?miracle? chemical known as dihydrocapsiate (DHC) is one of the many chemical compounds called capsinoids found in chilli called CH-19 sweet.

The chemical which is tasteless and odorless speeds up body metabolism, thus helping in burning off calories.

The best part about the chemical extract is that it does not lead to burning sensation usually reported by people consuming chilli.

DHC to target calorie output
The chemical is already sold in the form of diet pills in the United States and Japan, but for the first time the ingredient will be added to food products like drinks, desserts, and confectionery.

The company says that just three milligrams of the extract is enough to produce the desired effect.

"Most weight management aids focus on caloric intake. Capsinoids are unique in targeting the other side of the equation, the caloric output. DHC is not positioned as a 'magic bullet,' rather, it should be used as one piece of the overall weight management equation," stated Naoko Obara, Ajinomoto spokeswoman.

Approval pending
The extract has already been declared safe by the by Britain's Food Standards Agency (FSA), as research has shown that DHC can boost body metabolism and lead to weight loss.

The approval is pending from European Commission, which will soon let the company know if the chemical can be used in food products to help burn body fat.

If Ajinomoto gets the Commission's nod, the company will be manufacturing the extract synthetically, as DHC is available in limited quantity.

Will DHC food products have desired effect?
The news about the DHC food stuffs has given rise to concerns whether these products will be successful in burning calories.

National Obesity Forum spokesperson Tam Fry said that the idea seems to interesting. "But as ever, the proof is in the pudding."

He added that some dietitian have expressed concern that eating such foods will not have the desired effect as the weight loss will not be significant ?Their caution is correct.?

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Article Added on Tuesday, July 26, 2011


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