Thursday, June 23, 2011

US brings charges in German airport shooting (AP)

NEW YORK ? Federal prosecutors in New York City have brought charges against a man already held in Germany in the slaying of two U.S. airmen.

A criminal complaint filed Tuesday charges Arid Uka (AH'-reed OO'-kah) with murder, attempted murder and firearms counts.

The complaint alleges Uka approached a bus on March 2 at a Frankfort airport and asked in English if it was carrying Americans. It says he then fatally shot 25-year-old Senior Airman Nicholas J. Alden of South Carolina and 21-year-old Airman 1st Class Zachary R. Cuddeback of Virginia. He also wounded two others.

The 21-year-old Kosovo Albanian was quickly captured and is facing murder and attempted murder charges in Germany. Authorities there have said he told police he wanted to kill Americans "as revenge for the American mission in Afghanistan."


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Obama extends deployment to keep National Guard on US-Mexico border at least 3 more months

Posted on by mexicoinstitute

Photo by Flickr user degreeszero

The Associated Press, 6/17/2011

The Obama Administration is keeping the National Guard on the U.S.-Mexico border for at least another three months where the soldiers support the Border Patrol by watching for people sneaking across the border.

The soldiers act ?as a critical bridge? while the administration brings new funding and personnel to the area, said Department of Homeland Security spokesman Matthew Chandler.

Last year the administration deployed 1,200 soldiers in the four border states ? California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas ? to assist with border security. The Defense Department has now agreed to spend $35 million to extend that deployment, set to expire June 30, through the end of September.

Andrew Selee, director of the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, said extending the deployment might make political sense amid criticism from some that the Obama Administration is neglecting border security. But the money could probably be better spent reinforcing other, more effective strategies to address the threat of organized crime in the border region, he said.

?Short-term deployments do little to enhance long-term security concerns,? Selee said.

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NY GOP tables gay marriage; showdown looms (AP)

ALBANY, N.Y. ? After a day of more closed-door negotiations, New York's Senate left unsettled a bill to legalize gay marriage, setting up a pivotal showdown Wednesday as lawmakers look to end the legislative session and national groups look for a sign of things to come on the divisive issue.

The vote in the New York legislature is seen as a critical moment in the national debate over same-sex marriage.

The Assembly has already passed Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's bill, and the issue appears to be one vote shy from approval in the Senate, if the Republican caucus which mostly opposes gay marriage allows the measure to the floor for a vote.

The effort to legalize same-sex marriage largely stalled two years ago when the state Senate voted it down. Since then, the movement has failed in Maryland, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Advocates hope a "yes" vote in New York will jumpstart the effort.

Susan Lerner, a good government advocate from the group Common Cause, said this year's debate has attracted more attention than any social issue since the abortion fights of the 1970s.

In 2008, gay marriage advocates gave a major financial hand to Democrats who won the state Senate, the first time Republicans were out of control in 50 years. Democrats promised to legalize gay marriage but failed in 2009, then lost the majority in 2010.

"Even though the gay marriage issue today is probably most analogous to the abortion debate, it is very different even from that," said Steven Greenberg, a former Assembly staffer who now works for the Siena College poll that tracks state issues.

Greenberg said the abortion debate didn't come with the legions of lobbyists and large cash infusions like today's gay marriage debate.

On Tuesday, Albany's backroom dealing cleared the way for a possible vote.

After an expected marathon session to pass a mega deal involving tax, tuition and other issues, the Republican-led Senate now will be able to focus on whether to release a gay marriage bill to the floor for a vote.

"I believe the people are entitled to a vote and let the elected officials stand up and say `yea' or `nay,'" Cuomo said. "I believe that's how democracy works ... I believe there will be a vote and I am cautiously optimistic that it will pass."

Two Republicans clearly undecided are Sen. Stephen Saland of the Hudson Valley, one of the Senate's most veteran and respected members; and Sen. Mark Grisanti of Buffalo, a freshman who is part of the GOP youth movement voted into office in the 2010 Republican tide nationwide.

Negotiations continue over additional religious protections that some undecided Republicans have sought, and progress appears to have been made in closed-door talks.

"We're open to doing amendments that guarantee religious freedom in this state," said Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, indicating a key movement on his part.

Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, a Long Island Republican opposed to gay marriage, said language regarding religious protection has not been finalized.

"That is still being reviewed," he said.

Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa and the District of Columbia allow gay marriage. Of them, all but Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., allow at least limited religious exemptions.

New York's legislative session had been scheduled to end Monday.


Associated Press writer Michael Virtanen contributed to this report.


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Gates: Obama is within law in Libyan operation (AP)

WASHINGTON ? For legal reasons, President Barack Obama rejects the word "hostilities" to describe U.S. involvement in Libya's civil war. Along the same lines, Defense Secretary Robert Gates calls American actions there "a limited kinetic operation."

Definitions are part of the debate over whether Obama is violating the War Powers Resolution by failing to obtain congressional approval for U.S. participation in the NATO-led air strikes against Moammar Gadhafi's government.

The international coalition assisting Libyan rebels in their efforts to oust Gadhafi from power is in its fourth month. Before dawn on Sunday, NATO airstrikes began pounding targets in Tripoli as part of a stepped-up campaign.

The U.S. led airstrikes before turning over the mission to NATO forces. While no American troops are on the ground in Libya, the U.S. provides support with intelligence, reconnaissance and aerial refueling of warplanes. The Obama administration estimates the U.S. will spend more than $1 billion on the mission by early September.

Under the War Powers Resolution, passed by Congress in 1973, the president must seek lawmakers' approval to continue to engage in hostilities after 60 days and a 30-day extension.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" if the U.S. was engaged in hostilities in Libya, Gates said: "The way I like to put it is, from our standpoint at the Pentagon, we're involved in a limited kinetic operation. If I'm in Gadhafi's palace, I suspect I think I'm at war."

The Obama administration argued in a report issued last week that the actions of the U.S. military in the NATO mission didn't rise to the level of hostilities as viewed under the law. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, was among the lawmakers who scoffed at that idea, saying it didn't pass the "straight-face test."

That Gates would support his commander in chief's view was not surprising. But the defense secretary apparently also wasn't backing the legal opinion of the Pentagon's own general counsel.

The New York Times has reported that top lawyers for the department of Defense and Justice told the administration that the resolution did apply to the mission in Libya. Instead, Obama accepted a different point of view, which was offered by his own White House counsel as well as other members of his legal team.

Gates, who is stepping down as defense secretary at the end of the month, said he would defer to Obama for legal definitions. But, he added, "I'm confident that he would not make judgment along these lines if he were not confident that he was acting in a constitutional manner."


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Monday, June 6, 2011

Self Hypnosis ? How To start Using It | Articles Study

Self hypnosis is a highly-effective method one are able to work with to work with having an influence on yourself. The selection of that influence is really great, and can go from ?installing? new, productive values and frame of mind (like ?I like myself?) through developing your body general performance (for example in sports), to eliminating pain. It?s in some cases even put to use to make people not feel pain when operated by dental consultants, so the effectiveness of self-hypnosis is really strong. Everyday people take advantage of it to take away troubles with sleeping, become more self-assured in particular situations, boost their drive, change emotional typical reactions, reduce anxieties (for example public speaking anxiety), and some even use it for reducing weight.

What self-hypnosis in fact is? It is a alternative than ordinary state of brain. In that condition you are able to really concentrate on any given thing way more as compared with when you?re in the every single day mindset. This may mean you?ll not detect any other elements that the only one you?re concentrating on.

How to do this? The step one is to calm your body and make your brain peaceful and concentrated. Once you?ll accomplish that, you are able to incorporate a lot of techniques I talk about down the page. Lets stick with standard relaxation for now. The recommended formula is to relax your groups of muscles individually. Get started in with your head and drive down to your foot. Become mindful of your muscle when you inhale, and relieve stress it when you breath out. Give yourself some time, don?t rush. You may already be in state of shallow state of hypnosis.

So when you?re basically finished utilizing this you can make your relaxation more intense by saying suggestions to yourself. Do you know what the signs of dropping off to sleep are? You?ll be suggesting yourself the same symptoms ? sensation of heaviness, and warmth. This is starting point of the state of true self hypnosis. Suggest yourself you experience your left arm is heavy. Say it feels pleasant. Yet again, don?t rush. Repeat it two to three times. Then perform the very same for right hand, and for remaining parts of the body. At this level you would rather not make any suggestions about your head ? you don?t want to make it heavy. When this is completed, you should undoubtedly be in state of self hypnosis, and your state of thoughts should be different from routine awareness. At this point perform repeatedly the procedure with suggestion that your left hand is warm, and it feels nice. Repeatedly, don?t speak whatever regarding head.

While this position is on, you really are in the state of self hypnosis. Right away you can make use of that state to try to make developments in the way your imagination and body do the job. One can easily work with techniques including affirmations, visualisations, or guided meditation. For a start, if you?re focusing on enthusiasm, you may point out suggestions to yourself:

?I?m full of vitality to gain my dreams. ?I feel enthusiastic about what I do?

You could also add visualization to this system. Just simply imagine yourself performing activities with passion, see yourself completely full of power. See how you walk, how you converse when you?re driven. This technique can work like a charm, but please be informed that in nearly all cases frequent practice is critical if you want to attain long-run outcomes.

The author is a fan of self-development methods, and especially in meditation techniques and hypnosis techniques


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